
You look exactly like him

Taemin's POV

      "Yes I want to do it" I replied."Ok. Do you want to do it as soon as now?" the doctor said. Looking at hy hyuns i nodded."Can I have a couple minutes alone with my hyungs?" I asked him. He nodded and walked out then the room fell silent. " I can't belive your going to do it" Jonghyun hyun broke the silence. "Well im sorry but, im going to. Could you guys do me a favor?" i asked and they nodded." I want you guys to do the lucifer comeback for me. Ok?". They all joined for a group hug but, then the doctor came in. " Taemin are you ready?" he asked. I nodded. Two nurses came in and gave me a shot and i knew once i closed my eyes they would never open.

Key's POV

                                        -AT DORM 5 HOURS AFTER TAEMIN WAS GIVEN SHOT-

        They gave him the shot. A shot was all it took to kill him. The dorms been quiet since we came back. Our hyungs and noonas from SM, JYP, AND YG came to see us to say there sorry for our loss i've never noticed how much Taemin was loved.

         Im on the couch hugging Taemin's teddy bear, Minho is at the table looking through out photoalbum that is full of pictures since our debut, Jonghyun hyung is next to me staring blankley at the turned off t.v, and Onew hyung is in our room sleeping on Taemin's bed. I heard a knock on our door I got up to answer it as I opend it I saw Taemin. I hugged him tightly as if he were to dissapear if i didnt "Onew hyung, Minho, Jonghyun hyung come here its Taemin" I yelled. They all came we all joined for a group hug. "What are you guys talking about? Im Taesun".

Onew's POV

          We all looked at him confused but, he looked exactley like Taemin except for the shoulder length aurban hair.







After we stared at him out manager came in "So I see you met Taesun your new lead dancer" he said."What! We dont need a lead dancer' Key said. "Come on you guys give him a chance" our manager said. We all mutterd ok.

      I grabbed his bags and showed him to out room" Do you need anything?" I asked." Do you have any bannana milk?" He asked."Sorry we did but, we threw it away". He nodded. "Umm... so tell me about yourself" I said trying to make a conversation. ' Well i like dancing and i love bannana milk" He said with a smile that reminded me of Taemin's. I chukleled at his childness. He would probaly have a hard time getting excepted by the others but, I think he'll do great.

NOTE- sorry i know this chapter it is my first story it is hard up dating with school and all so dont give up on me. Suggestions are helpful=)  he reminded me so much of himhe ffffffffff

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Chapter 9: why did you leave the final with a cliffhanger??? *frustrated* please make a sequel!! thanks for the story though! it's short but i still like it. :)
LittleArmy #2
Chapter 9: Do the sequel please!!!
You made my heart beat fast due to the suspense chapters.. other than that, ur chapters were really interesting n short. i actually like to read short fanfics.. saves my time. XD
I don't care if your chapters are short!!It's a super story!!<br />
Except some mistakes I had a good time when I read it!
hello-nan-nie #5
this story's great and it took me like 2 hour? to finish it! :{ lol... :}
your story made me cry... I really can't stand the idea of Taemin dying. I'll read the sequel, though. I want to know what happens with Taesun!
yes minho tried to be nice to him. but when he was nice, he ga ask a question like that....what!!?? somethings rong with him...minho's not like that...<br />
when minho got the txt from key and ran home, and he saw his hyungs tied and gagged, and taesun was loading the gun... and then pointed it to onew's head...i quickly covered my mouth and eyes.... <br />
it actually took me a while to read on.. my heart went to racing.....<br />
omo just like taemin said u have to make a decision, and if u make the rong one...he wont like the results....<br />
was that the wrong choice he made..??? was that wat taemin ment...???<br />
but....whoo called the police????? <br />
wait...wat he's goin BACK!!!! woah....im just as shocked as all of you...<br />
omg omg he shot him.....i cant believe this...<br />
but all together...i really loved ur story...it was really unbelievable as u can see, i said that alot lol but i mean woah...and i was shocked.... fantastic....great story....<br />
but no really do a SEQUEL... ^-^hwaiting<3<3...
omo they gave him a nickname....u no i thought they wanned sunny from SNSD to go walking with minho when his hyungs mentioned it... i didnt get it until they were in the hospital and minho said "yes sunnie im ok" im like oooohhhhh.....their talking bout taesun...<br />
i dont know how or y but i just did...lol<br />
i really did just catch on very slowly that time....oh wow...<br />
ok i got carried away..<br />
countinuing on....
aniyo key.....he did not catch onew's sangtae...<br />
oooo yea he's good...<br />
neh. i see that now taeminnie.....that ur brother is messed up in the head...<br />
but if u said befriend him..i think ur best option minho is to become friends with him.... neh minho-ah fighting...<br />
ewww tae's finger is in his nose....
komawo key, u didnt know, but from pouring the drinks down the drain...<br />
BWOH!!!!! omfg no he did not just say that....better yet he did not just do that...<br />
just because u came in 2nd, u decided to take the money so you could be on top....what.....?????????<br />
what kind of a damn brother are you....<br />
minho i wish u would have never said that u were gona tell the others and just went to them and told....<br />
MINHO-AH......plz b ok....ooo i hope someone saw him get pushed...taesun,,u are goin down.....<br />
waaaa i dont want to go to the next chapter.....pouts