Dance Partner Part Two

Love Happens ♡

You looked up in surprise at your dance partner. It wasn't who you had wanted it to be! Even though he was only starting to take off his mask, you already knew who it was by the look of his hair. Hot pink hair was not something that you saw everyday or something that everyone had. What you were afraid of had been fully played out in front of you as he took his mask off. It really was Pinkhead!

"Hey," he smiled at you. You couldn't utter a word. Too shocked by his appearance, you couldn't even think straight. This guy was your dance partner; the person you thought you could probably start a relationship with was someone who constantly teased you the day he met you!

You didn't realize it, but you were slowly backing away from him. His smile faded and he reached out for you. You panicked and turned around to run away. Once you got outside, you took a few deep breaths to calm your heart down. Oddly, your heart wasn't beating because you had just ran. It was because of another reason: Pinkhead. Suddenly you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around your shoulder from behind. The familiar voice softly mumbled, "You look gorgeous tonight." You pushed him away and looked at him. You couldn't say a word, but you knew that his words and smiles were trespassing into an unwelcomed area: your heart.

He smiled friendlily, "I thought you said I could stay in your heart forever?" You took a step back and hadn't realized that you were stepping on the edge of the pool. Pinkhead reached out for you, but it was too late. You closed your eyes as you splashed into the deep end. Screw yourself for never learning how to swim.

You struggled to stay on the surface and gasp for air. L.Joe took off his jacket and jumped in after you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and swam to the edge. He helped you onto the grassy area and lifted himself next to you. He took deep breaths and laid on his back. You coughed out some water and sneezed as a breeze passed by. L.Joe got up and picked up his tuxedo jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. You looked up at him as he sat down next to you again. When he turned to look at you, you just looked down and pulled the jacket closer to you.

You heard him sigh and let out a small chuckle. You turned to him, "Why are you laughing? Is it that funny that I almost drowned?" He shook his head, "It's funny that a tough girl like you can't swim." You stood up to walk away, but he grabbed your hand. You looked down at him and he just gave you a sincere smile, "Stay." You didn't want to, but that was the least you could do since he just saved your life. You sneezed again and let out a cough. He looked at you and let out another laugh, "How can a girl like you sneeze like a guy?" You turned and glared at him. You lifted your hand to punch him, but he was quicker. Somehow, he had pinned you on the ground and was now looking at you with the same amusement in his eyes from the first day he met you.

You tried to get him off of you, but he just wouldn't budge. "Yah!" you yelled. "Get off! Isn't it enough that you get to humiliate me?!" He suddenly grew confused, "Humiliate you? How?" You didn't want to say that he had played with your feelings and then crushed them by making fun of you. "You just said I sneezed like a man!" you blurted randomly. He grew serious, "In that case, you humiliated me even worse." You gave him a confused look, "What?" He smirked, "Earlier, inside when I revealed myself to you, you ran away, leaving me alone with everyone staring at me like an idiot. Now you act like you didn't just say yes to me when I asked to be in your heart."

You thought about it, and then looked up at him. He looked hurt and amused. You took this chance to push him off and stand up. You tried to walk away, but he wrapped his hands around you waist to stop you. You stiffened, and it wasn't from the cold. He softly mumbled, "One last thing. You're humiliating me the most right now because you're playing with my feelings."

You couldn't respond to his actions, words, or emotions at all. He couldn't say anything either. He just wanted you to say that you liked him too. You unwrapped his arms and turned to look at him. With a small smile, you apologized and ran back into the party. L.Joe chuckled and sat on the grass as his heart broke little by little.


Awww! Someone help L.Joe!! TT_TT
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Chapter 30: Lee Byunghun died---- for me ;;;;;;;;;;;;; </3 why whyy
Chapter 30: Aaaah. I found it !!!
This was one of my all time favorites.
Huhu the ending was aaaah so touching
Chapter 30: Awwww so cute but so sad. :(((
chloeaulani #4
Chapter 30: Romeo and Juliet <3 I love it ~
Congrats :)
huehuehue #7
congrats!! ^^
Congratulations !!