Anniversary Part Two

Love Happens ♡

After exchanging gifts, L.Joe took you on his motorcycle and drove off somewhere. He finally stopped in front of a small cafe. He waited for you to get off and then he hopped off. He led you inside and pulled out a chair for you. He sat across from you, but got up and moved next to you, "That was too far from you." You smiled and held up the menu, "What should we eat?"

He thought about and smiled, "Anything you want." You pouted, "We have to agree on it! What do you want L.Joe?" L.Joe took your hand and pointed to Item B as the waiter took your order. L.Joe smiled, "Satisfied?" You blushed and nodded.

After eating, L.Joe and you roamed the streets of Seoul. You two laughed and pointed at different things. You window-shopped and tried on different things. L.Joe placed a big hat on you that covered half your face and you laughed. But in his mind, bethought of something else. Before you could take the hat off, he placed his lips on yours and kissed you. He liked the feeling of kissing you.

You were surprised but didn't pull away. You took off the hat and placed it on his head while his eyes were still closed. He jumped in surprise and you pulled away laughing. You ran away from him cracking up with laughter as he chased you.

He finally caught you just as you were about to run into one of the food booths. He wrapped his arms around your waist from the back and mumbled, "Thought you could get away from me so easily?" You laughed as he tickled you endlessly. You surrendered and told him to stop. He finally did and walked with you back to his motorcycle.

He placed his leather jacket over your shoulders and hopped on the motorcycle. He rode off as soon as you got on. Finally you two got to your house. You got off and handed his helmet back to him. You smiled,"I had fun today L.Joe. Thanks!" He pouted, "Can't you thank me some other way?!" "Like wh—"

He pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply. When he pulled away, you were breathless. He smiled, "That's the kind of thanks I want from you." You blushed and pushed him, "Go home." He smiled and saluted. You laughed and watched him leave before going inside.

Inside, your parents were waiting for you. Your dad impatiently tapped his foot on the ground, "Why are you home so late young lady?" You looked at your mom, but she didn't say anything. You dad continued, "Answer me." You sighed, "I lost track of time. I'm sorry." Your dad suddenly smiled, "Let's see what he got you!" You stepped back in surprise, "Appa! Why did you change so fast?!" He laughed, "I'm just kidding." Your mom laughed and walked away. Your dad hugged you and said, "You look happy. Can I see what he got you?" You held out your hand to him with a smile, "He got me this ring." Your dad immediately frowned.

"What's wrong?" you asked curiously. Your dad pulled away, "It's the Lee's Company's product." You mouthed, 'Oh' and put your hand behind your back. You peeked a your dad's face and he was a little upset. But he smiled, "It's okay honey! It's just a small product. I'm just happy you had a good time with him. He is coming tomorrow right?" You nodded excitedly, "Yep!" Your dad smiled and ruffled your hair, "Great! On second thought, get his parents to come over too. We'll all gather together and meet each other." You nodded and headed upstairs to text L.Joe.

In your bedroom, you laid down in bed and pulled out your phone. You quickly texted L.Joe, 'L.Joe! My dad says that tomorrow, have your parents come over too! Yeah?' After a while, there was a reply, 'Hold up. Let me ask them.' After a few minutes another text came, 'Yeah. They said yeah. So tomorrow right? What time?' You thought about it, '7PM I guess. So see you tomorrow!' L.Joe texted back, 'Yeah. Night! Love you.' You smiled and texted back, 'Love you too! Night L.Joe!'

After that, you ran into the shower with giddiness. As you got in bed, you couldn't stop smiling to yourself. Tomorrow would be a memorable day.


Uh oh! I smell drama!
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Chapter 30: Lee Byunghun died---- for me ;;;;;;;;;;;;; </3 why whyy
Chapter 30: Aaaah. I found it !!!
This was one of my all time favorites.
Huhu the ending was aaaah so touching
Chapter 30: Awwww so cute but so sad. :(((
chloeaulani #4
Chapter 30: Romeo and Juliet <3 I love it ~
Congrats :)
huehuehue #7
congrats!! ^^
Congratulations !!