The birthday party

Kiki vs Super Junior

Ryeowook smiled as Rin left for her teaching job at the English village leaving Super Junior with Kiki.

“Ok, does everyone know what to do?” Ryeowook suddenly asked the group of men who were standing behind him.

“Ne,” the chorused.

“Good, then let’s begin,” Ryeowook smiled as the group quickly began decorating.

“Appa, what’s going on?” Kiki asked curiously.

“Today is umma’s birthday, she turns twenty five today,” Ryeowook explained.

“Umma is old,” Kiki deadpanned before following after Sungmin who had entered the kitchen.

“Appa is twenty eight does that make him old?” Ryeowook asked as he ran after his daughter.

“Appa is old too,” Kiki stated making both Yesung and Sungmin laugh.

“Kiki, go find Kyu-Kyu,” Sungmin smiled as the girl quickly nodded and ran away. Kiki’s stomping feet disappeared leaving both Sungmin and Ryeowook alone in the kitchen.

“Your daughter speaks full sentences when she wants to but forgets how to say full sentences when she wants to be cute.” Sungmin laughed.

“Ne, I blame you hyung,” Ryeowook teased as he gathered the ingredients to make the cake. They joked for a while longer as they prepared the cake to be placed in the oven. Soon the other oppa’s entered from decorating and joined the cooks at the table.

“So Ryeowook can you tell us some secrets about Rin?” Kyuhyun asked as Kiki at sat in his lap eating raw carrots.

“Well, you’ve all seen Rin walk on tip toes?” Ryeowook asked as the others nodded.

“The reason behind that, is because when she was Kiki’s age her father woke early and because she had a history with nightmares and sleep walking very badly, she would have to sneak around the house at night because she was scared to sleep. So she walked on her tip toes to decrease the chances of waking her parents.” Ryeowook explained. “She never grew out of it either.” He finished. The others awed at the cuteness of it.

“Anything else?” Heechul asked eagerly.

“Nope all I was revealing today,” Ryeowook laughed as he received pouts from his friends.

“Appa,” Kiki called earning her father’s attention.

“Ne ahgi,” he asked.

“Umma no sleep at night,” Kiki supplied.

“Ne, umma has a sleeping problem,” Ryeowook said as he glanced at the cake it was almost ready.


Rin smiled as she neared the end of her classes. Today was her birthday and Ryeowook had promised a memorial birthday. Her students were filing out of the classroom in droves as she gathered her things. She had received many gifts from her students and friends at the school, but she wanted her family with her the most.

“Goodbye Mrs. Lee,” the final student called before exiting the room. Rin beamed at the now empty place before dashing from the room herself. She was eager to return home and relax with her family. The boys were usually busy around this time leaving her and Kiki alone, but today Ryeowook had taken off to be with her.

“Aish, so long to return home,” she whispered in English as she boarded the bus that would take her to the Super Junior dorms where she lived.


Ryeowook and the members quickly made the finishing arrangements before hiding and waiting for Rin to enter the dorms.

“Appa shh,” Kiki whispered as she imitated the gesture Sungmin had just used on Heechul. Ryeowook nodded as they heard Rin enter the dorms.

“Oi, I’m home!” Rin called in English knowing it annoyed the Leeteuk, Kangin, and Heechul.

“SURPRISE!” the group yelled as they dashed from their hiding places. Rin smiled at the sight before Ryeowook kissed her and Kiki lunged for her arms.

“Omo so cool,” Rin praised ignoring the small lecture the three annoyed oppa’s were giving her.

“We worked hard umma,” Kiki beamed.

“You mean oppa’s worked hard, all you did was eat carrots.” Kyuhyun tattled.

“Uncle no tattle,” Kiki said before sticking out her tongue.

“I love it boys Thank you,” Rin smiled kissing each oppa’s cheek and kissing the lips of her daughter and husband.

“Appa said your old,” Kiki laughed as Ryeowook froze mid kiss.

“Ahgi don’t lie, you said that, she called me old too,” he pouted. Rin smiled, to her they were all old.

“Kiki, who’s the oldest in this room?” Rin asked with a smile.

“Kyu oppa,” Kiki stated without hesitation making the room laugh and Kyu to sputter he was younger than Ryeowook!

“Good girl,” Rin laughed.

“Hey don’t teach her to lie!” Kyuhyun panicked.

“Why not, you and Heechul oppa seemed to be doing a good job of it?” Rin smirked earning more laughs as she followed her husband to get food.

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turtlepanda22 #1
Chapter 9: That was TE BEST STORY TIME EVER XD lol I luv their acting gaining up on kyumin with paper balls lol I couldn't stop laughin from imagining that happen aww I want more stories to b acted out...after they read some fanfics that is >:D this was a awesome story so I'm off to read Kikis bf now :) hope the last 3 comments made up for not commenting before
turtlepanda22 #2
Chapter 8: Yaaaay HAPPY BDAY RIN XD lol that was so sweet but haha wookie nd rin are ooollllldddd! Nd Kyu is older XDDD haha that's hilarious since he's the maknae >.<
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 7: That was so adorable XD when they all gave Kiki a kiss XD awwwww nd she kept repeating appa!! Lol everyone luvs heekyu though^^
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 6: Awe I haven't been commenting a lot but I've been readin so ill make this extra long^^ this is like the cutest ff ever! First the comment:

OMIGAWD YESUNGS TURTLES TTWTT r they ok did Larry get in the freezer too O.O hahaha Kyu nd Heechul r just soo evil teaching Kiki stuff like that poor yesung :(

Anyways omo I just had this sudden idea! Cuz u have two kids (Kiki nd sarang) u could put them together in a ff like tryin to see who's eviler than the other since Kyu nd chul just teaches everyone bad stuff-.- lol just and idea^^
turtlepanda22 #5
awwww i luv kiki shes so cute XD haha kyu got told by a lil 5year old >.<
the story was really cute. i love how playful, sweet,and devil kiki was i got here to read yewook story, but it turned out to be different, but it doesn't matter because i really love this story. awwwwww wookie is a man now and i think he is a good father for kiki :D
wowoo fans knew about rin and wookie and they were okay with it????? that's kinda surprising <3
Cute ending.
Sad that it ended but love the story.
chocolat_hyuk #8
It's over???!!! NOOOOO!!
it's the end?
Anyway, it was a great story :))