First day of school part 2

New School with Kpop Idols?

Apparently I had been thinking about it too long because the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I got up sad leaving the class not really sure where I was going till Changjo grabbed my hand. I turned to look at him and he looked at me confused and smiled. Changjo is really nice I remember his being my first bias in teen top actually but I them I watched a show of him and saw he wasn't the kind of guy I thought he was. Not that he was some kind of ert of something but I saw he was kind of a bad boy type and I had thought he was like Ricky. Still I while I didn't hate him or dislike him he was still not my number one bias. Now meeting him in person was really nice he is very caring towards me especially since I'm not an idol it made me feel special that he even chose to help me find my   class.      

"Hey didn't I say you would be hanging around me from now on?".  



I smiled and squeezed his hand.    



"Yes you did! I'm sorry I just got excited about seeing the school.".    



"You haven't gone around to see it yet?".                        



"Yeah you see I wasn't just lost I had came late to school apperently. I thought I was early...".



    "Wow you're a rebel and you don't even know it! So cool c'mon I'll show you around the school okay?"



"Okay!" I said and we started walking then he stopped and turned around and looked at our hands.(We are holding hands.)  



"Are you really okay with people seeing you with me like this you know holding hands?".



"I'm not doing anything bad right? If they think of something bad then it's their problem right?"



"Haha! I knew you were cool from the start yeah that's true let people believe what they want to believe we know the real truth.".  



"Oh...but if you're uncomfortable Changjo...".    



"Ah aniyo Jini you have soft hands by the way.".  



I felt myself blush for a second and smiled at him.    



"Thank you! And you have very nice manly hands!" I said trying not to laugh.



He looked at me smiling and it looked as if he blushed.          



"" he said he showed me where my next class would be and where the bathrooms where. We went to the lunch area and Changjo introduced me to his friends Niel and Chunji. I smiled and greeted them I felt really good to be meeting Niel and Chunji I really admire then as artists. We had talked for a while till Ricky passed by and tried talking to Changjo. Changjo looked angry at him.        



"Ricky go away no one likes you!!".  



"Aishh I didn't even do anything to you! Why are you so mean to me!".



"Go away Ricky I will never forget the time you left me to go watch another movie in the theatre.". Chunji said looking at him angry.  



 "B-but..." he stopped and looked at me.



"Ahh who is this Changjo? Is she new?" he said smiling. I wanted to say Hi my name is Jini! I'm a big fan! But I got too nervous and ended up hiding my face from him.    



"Awww you're shy! Are you a fan?" he said trying to uncover my face.  



"Aniyo she's my fan and my friend now go away and stop touching her you're making her uncomfortable!" he said trying not to lose his temper.                                              "I want to be her friend too! She looks cute! Me and you should hang out miss you would have more fun with me Changjo is kinda mean." he said and Changjo got up and gave Ricky a look that if he didn't leave he was going to beat up up.    




"Aishhh Changjo why are you like that!!!" Ricky said pouting.      



"Leave her alone and leave now."    



With that Ricky left which made me kind of sad because I wanted to get closer to Ricky but I didn't want to leave Changjo. Changjo is my friend and I wouldn't want to abandon him after all he's done for me. I looked at Changjo and he still looked at Ricky from afar angrily. He caught me looking at him and he smiled at me.



"Sorry...I just really don't like him."






"Why? Because he can get whatever he wants and when he sees hes not getting it he begs and begs and uses aegyo. Its so annoying."



"Really? Does he really think he can get whatever he wants?"



"Yes why do you think hes looked at as the cutie of Teen Top. Its so stupid why would you want too have that kind of image anyway?"



"Yeah..." I said thinking I'm not sure I'd want to be with someone who thinks they can get whatever they want by just acting cute...



"Yahhh hes not always like that though Jini he knows when to give up. Changjo just really dislikes aegyo." Chunji said.



The bell rang to go to our next class. I followed Changjo as usual and we sat in the back. The teacher came in and explained how the class was going to be in the next couple of days just as every other teacher had till a guy came running into the class looking for a seat. There were no more empty seats left except for the one by me when he hurried over and sat down I saw it was Hongki. Woooow Hongki is sitting by me. This guy has the voice of an angel is voice is so beautiful and unique its insane. He turned and look and me.



"Pssst hey..." he said waving at me Image and video hosting by TinyPic.






"Are you new?"



"Yes...oh but I'm not an idol..."



"But you are so cute!!!" he said smiling. Image and video hosting by TinyPic



"Thank you..." I said blushing. 



"Awwww you are so cute!!" he said poking my cheeks. Image and video hosting by TinyPic



"We have to hang out okay?"



"Okay!" I said shaking his hand.



Changjo saw me talking to Hongki and poked me again.



"Pay attention! Rebel."



"Rebel? No way shes too cute to be a rebel!"



"I know right..." Changjo said smiling then he seemed to have realized what he said and turned red.



"A-aniyo thats not what I meant..."



"Ahh whatever it doesn't matter. Don't worry Changjo it makes sense to call a cute girl cute okay? You're a grown man."



"Yah! I know what I am!"



"Hey Jini! We should all go out for ice cream later! It'll be so fun."



"Yeah! It sounds fun want to Changjo?"



"Of course I'll be there you can't go there alone with Hongki who knows what he'll do!"



I looked at Hongki and he was biting his nails looking nervous. 

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"YAH! I'm not like that! I just really like ice cream!" he said making a sad face.



I laughed and Hongki started poking me.



"Are you really real? You're so cute! "



"Yahhh leave her alone Hongki."



"Yeah leave her alone she is going to be my new friend. You really are cute Jini!" 

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Chapter 9: ehmmmm..... what just happend?
why is TOP so mean to Changjo...Hinki is as cute as ever =^^=

Update sooon^^
Chapter 8: Omg top is her brother :):):)
I'm soooooo excited Update soooooooon:)
Chapter 7: O.o bfdjnfdnvionsdiog;vsfvdnf This is sad and now I feel like jumping off a bridge! I want to know what's going to happen next
Liyanamyssha #5
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. TOP IS HER BROTHER????!!!!! ㅈㅁ됴ㅐ? Update soon..
Kinda cute :P