A Little Something

Extra Awkward Adventures (Additions)


It was a small cupcake placed in front of us on the coffee table with a '2' iced in blue ontop of the white butter cream that already covered the pastry. I was giggling because Himchan was being more celebratory than Jongup about our 2nd anniversary. We'd been dating for that long and he was still just his cute self that got deathly shy when it came to outward expressions of how he felt.
"Um thanks Himchan-hyung." Jongup blushed and fiddled with the cake, not really knowing if he should pick it up or not. Himchan just beamed before winking at me and leaving the room. We were at their dorm and Jongup and I sat on the couch. We sat close enough for our knees to touch and I could feel his warmth spread through my leg. I stared at the back of his head, his warm brown hair messy from his shower.
"Jongup?" He hummed as a response but turned to look at me, a pink flush still lingering on his cheeks. "Are we going to do anything?" He laughed sheepishly and stared at his shoes.
"I hadn't really planned much but-"
"We'll see you guys later alright? We're going out for dinner now so you two stay there." Himchan strolled from the bedroom with the four other boys tailing him, looking like they'd been interrupted and forced to go. Yongguk grumbled a goodbye but still managed a small smile towards Jongup while Youngjae waved enthusiastically and Zelo and Daehyun shared their indifference. The sun hadn't set long ago but the moonlight already shone brightly through the window behind the couch. Jongup turned to me again and his slightly frustrated look glowed in the light.
"I guess we're staying in then." He took a deep breath, turning back to his feet. My heart was beating quite steadily through the whole event but now we were alone it seemed to want to leave my chest and I was worried Jongup could hear its loud, almost violent beating. "Um, so...do you...want to just..." He was at a loss for ideas and I could see it in his eyes. I didn't think he realized but they could tell his life's story if he wasn't careful. They really were the windows to his soul and every emotion that flickered through him.
"How about we watch a movie?" He smiled at the floor and stood up, taking my hand and directing me to the box of DVD's under the TV. "Wow." Jongup chuckled as he watched me go through all the war movies before finally finding a group of horror-thriller films at the bottom. I beamed at Jongup and I watched his Adam's apple bob when he swallowed hard but he nodded nonetheless.
"I'll go get some snacks."
Jongup was gone for a few minutes as I chose which movie to watch first. He brought back the all famous popcorn, a bowl of marshmallows mixed with M&Ms and a knife. 
"Sorry, we don't have much, I think we need to go grocery shopping soon." He furrowed his brow as he placed the bowls on the table behind me?
"What's the knife for?" I looked at him curiously but he just placed it next the cupcake so I understood.
"Movie?" I smiled cheekily at his one word question.
"Whispering Corridors." He froze and I fell into a fit of giggles.
"Aish I hate that movie!" Jongup slumped onto the sofa, looking anywhere but me and the TV. He seemed grumpy but it just made me smile at his adorableness. I stood from where I was and moved over to the couch to sit right next to him. My heart beat fast the entire time. When I snuggled up my mum would have said I was a 'space invader' but Jongup put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. His cologne made my head spin with how good it was but I managed to settle in for the movie, pressing play when the menu came up. I felt Jongup tense even before the opening credits and I looked at him but he already had his eyes closed. "I really don't like this." I pecked his cheek for some sense of reassurance.
"You'll be alright Jonguppie. I promise to protect you." He glared at me softly but lost it when I noticed his blush.
The movie was exciting, horrofying and susupsenful. Everything I wanted from a good thriller. When the scariest part came up I noticed my arm had made its way around Jngup and he was cowering into the sway of my neck. His eyes were closed and I could feel him tense in my hold. I tried comforting him, feeling myself swoon as I traced his cheetos and biceps with my forefinger. The worst moment was when we both squealed but I had to cover eyeshadeand endure the suspense through squinted eyes.
"Please, please, please, please, please don't make me watch another! I'm already going to have nightmares." Jongup kneeled in front of my with his hands together and his eyes desperate. The movie was over and popcorn lay scattered on the floor where he threw it in fright.
"Of course," I kissed the top of his head and he eased a little, " but what are we going to watch instead?"  A smile flashed across lips and he seemed to have thought about this already when he pulled a DVD from God knows where. It was The Nightmare Before Christmas. We watched it all the way through and Jongup hummed and sung to the songs of the movies. It was a lot better than the horror movie and I could tell he'd quickly forgotten his very unmanly fright.
Just as it finished the others burst through the front door looking ragged and a little surprised that Jongup and I were still on the couch.
 "Oh, hey..guys? You're still up?" Youngjae stopped when he entered first and blocked the others's entry until they pushed him away.
I nodded sleepily and Himchan walked over to me, putting both his hands in mine and pulling me up into a hug. "Baby girl, why aren't you asleep yet?" He whispered to me before he let go, moving back before lifting Jongup off the couch as well. "It's 1.30 you two. You're meant to be a gentleman you." Himchan's voice was groggy as he poked Jongup's ribs who just groaned in response before the elder made his way with labored steps to his bedroom where the rest were already changing for bed.
"Thanks tonight. I really appreciate it." My words were the tiniest bit slurred but clearer than the others. Jongup nodded with a smile before slumping off to the bedroom as well. When he got to the door he turned just his torso, and keeping his hand at his thigh, motioned for me to follow. I smiled and walked over as he took my hand in his and we fell onto his bed. I heard from some corner corner of the room a grunt and a quiet 'get a room' then most of the room chuckled.
"Go to sleep now children, I don't want to be grumpy in the morning." Yongguk's deep voice was rough but he had a fatherly tone that forced the laughter out of us all minus a few giggles.
I was lying on my side next to Jongup, both of us still our clothes. He was blushing a bit from the proximity but I kissed the top of his nose before closing my eyes. I felt him kiss my fore head before he moved back. I half opened one lid to see him staring at me with care etched into his eyes.
"I love you Jongup."
"I love you too." I sighed deeply and closed my eyes again, letting both our heartbeats lull me into the depths of unconsciousness. I really did love Jongup, I knew it. He made my heart beat, he made my lips smile, he made my mind melt. Jongup made me, me.
Whispering Corridors is actually a movie and I really want to see it lol so I hope this update is okay. ^-^
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Chapter 3: too cuteee fksjdka dont mind me dying here
Chapter 3: D_o whispering corridors sounds hella scary. ㅠㅠ I would have been like Jongup during the movie. Scary movies are scary.
omo Jong Up so cute~~~ >_<
merviin_kimchii #4
I love your stories omg . Super adorable ! You should write for the other members too ! ^^ if you can hahahahah ~
Jongup~~~ <3 <3 <3