Sweet Love Sleepover

Extra Awkward Adventures (Additions)

The boys all sat around my dining table this time. Jongup had a performance not far my street, but in the opposite direction of their house. My parents had gone away for the weekend, it was their anniversary.

“Home cooked, like I promised.” I beamed at them. Most of what they ate at the dorm was take away or microwave food. I placed down bowls of ramen.

They started eating the second their bowl hit the table, shovelling noodles, chicken and sprouts into their mouths. I sat and ate slowly. As they finished off they held the lip of the bowl to their mouths and drank the soup. I sipped mine with a spoon, and ended up finishing nearly 20 minutes after they did. Afterwards Daehyun, Youngjae and Himchan left, eager for some sleep before they had to work in the morning.

As the rest of us sat on the couch, watching a movie, Yongguk shot me a sly smile and a raised a brow. “Sleepover?”

I giggled at his expression and deliberated, ending with a quick nod. Zelo cheered but quietened when Jongup lightly punched his arm, telling him to shush as he stared intently at the screen.

The movie finished close to 1am and Zelo was snoring through the credits. I directed Yongguk to the closet who placed a blanket over the boy who was on the floor. Yongguk positioned himself along the first couch and rested his eyes, ending with him sleeping through the next movie, the one he’d wanted to watch.

I left Jongup to keep watching and changed into my pjs, hello kitty shorts and old sweat shirt that had the sleeves ripped off. When I came back, the TV was off and Jongup was on his iPod.

He smiled when he saw my haphazard outfit but held out his hand. I took it and sat next to him, snuggling up to see what he was doing. He was playing angry birds and listening to music.

I took out one of his head phones and put in my ear. I saw his body freeze as the chorus of the song came up. Baby let’s get , just so we can make sweet love~…

I pursed my lips and looked over at Jongup who was blushing and fumbling with his iPod to change the song. He put on a slow song and my eyes started to droop. I laid my head on his shoulder and shuffled down the couch til I was comfy and Jongup wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Soon my breaths formed a rhythm and I fell asleep.

Jongup chuckled softly at how quickly I lost consciousness and continued to play with his iPod.

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Chapter 3: too cuteee fksjdka dont mind me dying here
Chapter 3: D_o whispering corridors sounds hella scary. ㅠㅠ I would have been like Jongup during the movie. Scary movies are scary.
omo Jong Up so cute~~~ >_<
merviin_kimchii #4
I love your stories omg . Super adorable ! You should write for the other members too ! ^^ if you can hahahahah ~
Jongup~~~ <3 <3 <3