chapter 6, she is gone

오랜만이야 (Long Time No See)

-------------- c h a p t e r 6 - she is gone

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"Soojin-ah, please calm down..." Sehun told me. I was getting really nervous for the ball. Being nervous was an awful feeling to me. I was walking circles in the living room of Sehun's house, waiting for a friend of Luhan to help me dress up and put my make up on. Most of the time, I did not like someone touching my face, but I was too nervous to think about that right now. "Soojin!" Sehun exclaimed which made me stop walking.

"What did you say?" I asked and tilted my head. Sehun sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Soojin, I know you're nervous, but please calm down!" Sehun said again, "It's going to be alright, Soojin. If you do it well, nothing will happen to anyone," Sehun smiled at me. Then the doorbell rang, that must be Luhan's friend. I walked towards the front door and opened it. A smiling girl stood at the door and I definitely recognized her as one of Luhan's friends.

"Hello!" she happily exclaimed, "You must be Soojin, right? My name is Yoona, and I am here to help you!" Yoona said. For some reason, my nervousness faded when she smiled at me. I nodded and stepped aside to let Yoona enter, "It has been a long time since I helped someone dress up for a party!" she said. I looked at her pink bag, which must contain all her make up.

"So, when do we start?" I asked. Yoona looked on her watch.

"When is the party?" she asked me. I thought for a moment.

"21 PM," I replied. Yoona gasped a bit and dragged me to the couch. She forcely made me sit down while she grabbed a few of her make up stuff.

"We should hurry up, it's almost 20 PM!" she said and sat in front of me. I gulped when I saw all the stuff she was going to put on my face, "Don't worry, Soojin-sshi! You'll look pretty!" she giggled and started putting the make up on my face.

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"So, are you going to the party?" Luhan asked me. I shrugged. I was not really into parties, but for some reason, I really wanted to go.

"I don't know, I don't even have a mask or something," I replied back. Luhan smiled and stood up from his chair and left the living room. A few minutes later he came with a cream colored suit and a mask. I looked at him weirdly, "You planned it?" I asked and looked back at the suit. Luhan chuckled and nodded.

"I knew you would think about going to the party, so I ordered a suit and mask just in case you would go," Luhan said and handed me the suit and mask. Luhan looked at the clock, "I think you should get dressed up, the party starts in a half hour," he said and pushed me to the stairs. I sighed and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I took all of my clothes and put the suit on. It suited well with my rather dark skin, which made me look even more handsome. I chuckled at that and fixed my hair in the mirror. I put on shoes that fitted with the clothes and ran back to the living room.

When I entered the living room, I saw Luhan quickly putting his phone back in his pocket, as if he was almost caught doing something. I looked at him weirdly again, "What were you doing?" I asked. Luhan shook his head. 

"Nothing!" Luhan said with his innocent smile, "You look handsome, Kai! And with that mask, you will look even more handsome and especially mysterious!" he said and looked again at the clock. "We should go now, the party starts over fifteen minutes!" Luhan gasped and pushed me out his house. He unlocked his car and entered it, waiting for me to sit in as well. I got in the car, and he drove me to a big mansion.

"You're not coming?" I asked when I stepped out of the car. Luhan shook his head and smiled again.

"No, I have some important things to do, call me when I need to pick you up, okay?" he said, "Also, have fun..." Luhan said with a rather sad tone. You never really hear Luhan sad. That was really strange. First his phone, then his tone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked before Luhan drove off. Luhan spaced off for a while before turning his face to me.

"Nope, nothing wrong! Just thinking... about something," his voice wandered off. He waved his hand to me before he drove away, leaving me all alone. I sighed and slowly walked to the entrance of the mansion. It looked very big and expensive, not really my taste actually.

"Remember, be careful, okay?" I heard a boy whisper. I turned my head to see a brown-haired guy standing in front of a really beautiful girl. For some reason, the guy looked like Sehun from behind. But, I couldn't leave my eyes off of the girl. She had a cream colored dress and almost the same mask as me. I saw her eyes slowly meeting mine. I noticed from her expression, she looked quite nervous. She whispered something in the guy's ears and he looked quite shocked too. What was going on? "I will be going now, okay?" the guy said and hugged the girl tightly, as if he would never see her again. I saw a small tear rolling over the girl's left cheek.

"I'll miss you," she whispered softly and the guy's cheek, "I'll never forget you," she said before hugging him. The guy hugged her back before leaving. After a few minutes, the girl was still standing on the same place she was. Something made me walk towards her. I grasped the girl's shoulder from behind. She gasped and turned around.

"What's wrong?" I asked. The girl shook her head and stayed silent, "Why won't you tell me? I can help!" I reassured her. She shook her head again, making me feel dissapointed. I sighed, "Can you at least tell me your name?" I tried. She opened but it looked like she hesitated.

"Jinsoo," she replied quietly.

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I just couldn't tell my name to him. If Kai knew who I was, he would ignore me for the rest of the party. I wanted to spend my last day in Seoul with him. I quickly made up the name Jinsoo. Even though Luhan told me he would force Kai to go the party, I didn't expect that he would actually go. How did I recognize him? Luhan ordered couple masks together with D.O. Both a bit golden with music note pattern on it so I would recognize him immediately.

"My name is Kai," he said and held out his hand. I shaked his hand and looked down, afraid that he might recognize me. I let my hand fall beside me, feeling nervous. Then, a sort of classical music started playing which meant that everyone should be paired up to dance. Kai held out his hand again and bowed a bit with a smile on his face, "May I have this dance?" he asked. I smiled at his gentlemanly-ness. I held his hands as he led me to the dancing hall. He put his left hand on my waist softly while holding my right hand. We slowly started dancing according to the classical music. After fiteen minutes of dancing, my head felt tired. I unconsciously laid my head on his chest. Kai slowed down his movements, but kept dancing.

I wanted to stay like this forever, but I couldn't. Life is unfair. A tear rolled down my cheek again while savoring this moment. Kai then leaned his face to my ear. I felt him smile against my skin. "You look beautiful," he whispered. He then leaned into my face slowly, preparing to kiss me, "I could stare at you forever," he said and then kissed me. We stopped dancing. He put both of his hands on my waist and I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

Just at that moment, the door burst open. That didn't stop me from kissing Kai though, but I knew what that meant. Two big guys made their way through the crowd, looking for that one person. Me. I stopped the kiss and Kai's cheek. "I'm sorry," I whispered and turned around. I took off my mask and gave it to him in a way he couldn't see my face. I picked up the front side of my dress and walked fast away, hearing a few footsteps behind me.

"Get her!" one of the guys yelled.

"W-Wait! Jinsoo!" I heard Kai yell behind me. I smiled again before I ran out of Minseok's mansion. I looked around and saw D.O's car in front of the gates. I ran as fast as I could to the car. D.O quickly opened the back door so I easily could get in. He stepped into the drivers seat and drove away. Before the gates where out of sight, I could see Kai looking at me. He still had the mask in his hand. On a side note, a black car was following us. It were the big guys from before.

"D.O, go faster!" I yelled, getting more nervous each second. D.O drove into a small corridor and stepped out. I opened the door and stepped out as well, running up the stairs with him. He opened the front door of Luhan's house and quickly closed the door behind him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked and panted slightly. I nodded and sat down on the couch. Luhan then entered the living room with some black clothes for me.

"Here, wear this. It will help you to get away unnoticed," he said and handed me the clothes. I walked to the bathroom and wore the clothes, taking off my make up and anything else. I kicked my heels off and changed them into comfortable black sneakers. I walked out of the bathroom, holding my dress. It looked like Luhan and D.O changed into something more comfortable as well. They both wore black like me.

"So, what's the plan again?" I asked. Luhan nodded and picked up a map, explaining me how to get away. 

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"W-What happened?" asked many people. I sat down on a chair, not believing what just happened. Jinsoo... she was running away from those guys, but why? I dialed Luhan's number. When he answered, he sounded quite shocked.

"K-Kai!" he exclaimed.

"Luhan, pick me up, now," I demanded. Luhan thought for a while.

"I-I'm sorry, Kai. I can't pick you up, I will send Sehun, o-okay?" Luhan said and then hung up. For some reason, I think it all had to do with Jinsoo suddenly running away. A few minutes later, I got a text from Sehun saying that he was in front of the mansion. I walked out of the house, still holding the mask Jinsoo left. I got into Sehun's car, noticing that he looked quite nervous too.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head and put on his seatbelt. I did the same as he started driving away. "Something happened there," I said, breaking the silence.

"What happened?" he asked. I sighed and looked at the mask in my hands.

"There was this girl, who was crying. I asked her to dance with me, since she seemed lonely. We danced for almost an hour before suddenly a few guys burst into the dancing hall. They pushed a few people away to catch Jinsoo, when she was kissing me..." I said and touched my lips, "She then took of her mask without me seeing her face. She gave the mask to me and ran away from the guys," I told Sehun. Sehun did not reply though. We reached my house quickly after that. I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to get out, but Sehun grabbed my wrist.

"Open that box I gave you right after you get it," Sehun said with a serious look. I felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous, but I nodded. I got out and watched Sehun drive away. I sighed and entered my house and put down my mask and Jinsoo's mask beside each other. I looked everywhere for the box, and eventually found it under my bed. I laid on my stomach and opened the box slowly. I gasped immediately when I saw Soojin's happy face with Luhan, Sehun, Lay and me. That was an old photo from a few weeks ago. Soojin's arms were tightly around my neck while Luhan held her legs. Sehun was between us and made a peace-sign while Lay was beside me as he took a photo of us five. The four of them were laughing while I was looking grouchily and angry at the photo, definitely not liking it. For some reason, I smiled and put it on my nightstand. When I looked back at the box, I saw a diary written by Soojin and a letter also written by her. I decided to read the letter first.  

You are probably thinking, 'why in the world will she send this to me?'. I'm wondering it myself too. Why am I sending you a letter? I just got really bored... Even though I don't know you for a very long time, I know that you're right walking over to the trashcan to throw away this letter, and I tell you; please don't. I want you to read this whole letter, I beg you. I have a feeling something is going to happen, and it involves you, Kai.

What Soojin said in the letter was true, I was ready to leave to the trashcan but as soon as I read the last few lines, I stopped. What involvs me?

Remember the first day? I was looking at Taemin, and you asked me if I liked him. I swore to myself that I was going to punch you, but guess what? I never did. I never punched you, because... Never mind. We were never on good terms, right? We always fought over little things, and argued with each other about the most stupid topics. The most stupid one was the one about the soda, wasn't it?

I chuckled. Those fights always made my day for some reason. One day, we were argueing about the taste of a certain soda. Soojin said it was strawberry taste while I said it tasted like cherries. We broke into a fight because over a little soda can.

When I had a fight with Haneul, I asked you to sit with you. And for some reason, you agreed. I felt really comfortable with you at that time... Sitting with you at the bus stop, wet because of the rain, leaning on your shoulder... I wish I could turn back time to stay forever in that position with you. It made me feel so... safe. What am I talking about? Heh. But, what hit me so much, is what you told me after you brought me home; tomorrow, you'll be good friends again with Haneul and you'll hate me again.

I felt like it was my task to comfort Soojin at those times. She looked so fragile and broken when she fought with someone. We would sometimes sit on the roof of the school or in a small bus stop. Just sitting there, and do nothing. Not even talk. I really said that and I was sad that moment. Everytime we would sit there, I felt like we became closer each moment. I really wanted to be friends with her, but after that she would just go back to school and be mean to me.

I never hated you, Kai. I never did and I would never. I can't hate someone that easily. For some reason, I felt like you were a good friend of mine. I regret that I called you all those things.

She's... sorry? Soojin's never really sorry about something, she just keeps it inside her. I... I never hated you too.

Let me ask you a favor, when you are done reading this letter, please keep it. Just in case. I'm sure I will once get back for this letter, and you better keep it!

Oddly enough, you didn't seem to hate me too, did you? You just had a very big dislike too me... I understand, I was never really liked by people except for Sehun, Luhan and Lay. Funny, isn't it? Even my parents never had time for me. They were too busy thinking about their work and my little siblings.

So, it was true. Soojin really was alone most of the time. If I never spend time with her at those times, she would be broken right now.

a Very important person, you were actually to me. Don't take this wrong, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. Unlike any other boy I met in my life, you were somewhat important to me. If I didn't act mean to you, do you think we could've been friends?

I chuckled. Silly girl, we could've been more than friends.

Every time I had a fight with Haneul, you were the first one to comfort me. Even though you had Hyomi as your girlfriend. You would ditch her, and meet me at the roof of school. I may have taken this to the next level, but I liked it. I liked it that you would ditch Hyomi for me. Just because I was sad, you took the responsbility to take care of me at those moments.

You don't know how much time I took just to write this letter... I began at 7 AM in the morning, and it's now 14 PM... Heh, silly me... Spending my time on such a useless letter that you are reading right now... But it's worth it, isn't it?

Pabo, why are you writing such a stupid letter for me? You should still be asleep at that time... yet you woke up to write that just for me.

Our time has been fun, right? We never really did fun things a lot, didn't we? I remember that time when you wanted me to draw a moustache on your finger, and you kept saying it tickled. It... was so funny. I hadn't laughed a lot with you in a while at that time. Or, when you forced me to draw Spongebob characters? I'm going to miss that.

What's happening? Why did she write that? Is she alright?

Unfair. It's unfair that I have to leave you with such a letter, right? You're probably thinking, 'what's this girl talking about?'. I just discovered it, what is happening right now. I am going to ask Sehun to give you this letter when I'm gone. I... I don't want to leave yet... Please, if you sense something strange, get away as soon as possible. I tried to not involve you into it, but it seems like I failed, heh... I'm sorry, if you get hurt.

Knowing you, you're really confused, huh? I'm sorry for that. You can throw away this letter, but it won't be the best choice. Inside this package, is one of my most treasured stuff I've kept over for a year. Open it, when you think the time is right.

What is that pabo talking about?! She is alright, isn't she? Soojin always knows how to get out of the trouble easily, right? Or, is there something right now that I should know of?

Also, before I finish this letter, I want to say one thing more. Kai, you've been a good friend of me. All the fights and arguements made our friendship stronger. I'm going to miss you, kkamjong.

I give this letter to you, Kai. Only for you.

Love, Soojin.

(ps: there is a hint in this letter for you, please look throroughly, Kai)

I put down the letter and stared in front of me. Has this to do with Jinsoo? I sighed and put on some comfortable clothes. I then walked back to the living room, staring at Jinsoo's mask. Wait, Jinsoo? Soojin? I gasped and put down the mask. Soojin! It was Soojin all along! I dialed Sehun's number quickly.

"H-Hyung?" he answered. "What's wrong?"

"Sehun, give me Soojin's number right now!" I exclaimed and grabbed a paper and pen. "No buts, or whatever! Give me her number!" it was for a moment silent.

"... I-I can't, hyung..." Sehun said soflty. I widened my eyes and kicked a something that was on the floor out of frustration.

"Why the hell not?!" I yelled and ran my hand through my hair.

"I-I can't tell you yet..." Sehun said and hung up. I threw my phone on the ground not caring about it. I put on my jacket and shoes and ran out of the house. Running as fast as I could to Soojin's house. When I reached for her doorbell, I waited for her to open it. When I knew she didn't hear it, I started knocking loudly on her door.

"Soojin!" I yelled. Then I started banging on her door, "Soojin!" I yelled louder. Then I knew she wasn't here anymore. No... no! She can't leave me! She can't leave all of us here! I fell to the ground and stared down. She was gone. She is gone.

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 memorychains lonely corner -------------

So... how was it? Soojin's officialy gone! /celebrates. Just kidding! c: But, she's gone now. Oh, noes! What will happen now? :o This was actually quite a long chapter, don't you think? c: Do you understand it all now? And for the people who didn't read my Story Feed, some hints are now in the foreword! Those are minor hints though.. c:

Tell me what you think about it! c: Bye~

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long time no see ┇ having authors block again.. ._.


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omg!!!!! please update soon please please i'm begging lol
New reader love your story .. Update soon
Aishhh... why did u leave ur Kkamjong?!
update soon pls :D
this is great! keep it up!
oh my god! pleaseeeeeee, dun make me curious to death, Author-nim.. >< where did she go? ;;~~;;