Aww love birds :)

Love is Complicated .

Hyorin's POV

" Anyway hyorin , don't worry , nothing is gonna happen to you :) " Minho smiled .

" You sure ? "

" I won't lie right ? " 

" Who knows ? =.=

" Nevermind , trust me or not its totally just your choice :) " 

" Well , when is k- " 


" As you were asking when he is gonna come , here he is " Minho gave me a smirk .

" Shes yours . " I can hear Minho whispered into Key's ear and went off . 

Wait.... Aren't he gonna harm anyone ? Nevermind , forget it . 

" Yeobo , You alright ? "

" Nae , Sorry that I made you worried . "

" Its okay as long as you are alright . "

He untied the ropes and sent me back home .

" Thanks yeobo , " I gave him a peck on his cheeks .

" Aigo, look at those 2 love birds .... "

" UMMA! " I saw my mother standing leaning on the door .

" Why don't you invite your boyfriend in ? "

I just pulled him in . hehe ....

" Take a seat Yeobo , I got get you a drink . "  

" Its okay ... "

I just bring him a cup of tea , Yeah , He likes tea :D

" Ahh .... Your boyfriend is so handsome . " My mum whispered . 

" Yah! UMMA Tell him yourself ! "

" Huh ? What ? " As he took a sip of tea .  

" Uh uh... I'm saying that you're handsome :) " My mum smiled .

" Oh .... Thanks ;) "

I'm tired ._. ....

Slowly I fell asleep . On key's shoulder :)

I felt warm arm hugged around me , and gone ....

" Pabo ..... Sleep when you are tired . " I heard a mumble from key

and he gave me a peck on my cheek .

The rest i didn't know ...  




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sujushineegg #1
what a handsome bro!!
hahhahaha Key!<br />
In the end they're just like whatever and leaving him there?!<br />
Ahh Jonghyun always the playboy/erted one funny he's funny in the story keel updating!!
nice storie~<br />
but when is Jonghyun going to come in the storie again? just curious ^^
nice! :D
ChubbiMilk #6
Intresting update soon:d