Did you just /smirk/?

Whats your name?


I hadn’t noticed I was crying. Why was I crying?

I had no answers.

I had nothing at that moment, I felt myself falling.

I couldn’t do anything so I sat there silently hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

Kurogane wiped my tears patently until his sleeve had become too soaked and just rubbed the salty liquid around on my cheeks.

He tilted his head to the side which caught my attention.

When he saw I was looking he began again.

“I didn’t want it to end up like this.” He said letting his hand fall from my face. “I do want to know though.” He prodded.

The only thing I could think to do was shrug him off and go to my makeshift bed and sleep but the look in his eyes was pleading for an answer, well some type of answer.

“I know” I said softly. “But no one knows about Fai but me, you, and /him/”.

My emotions were all jumbled up and it was all I could do to hold back the tears threatening to stain my cheeks once more.  

“I don’t want to think about him anymore” I finally managed.

Kurogane gave one of his famous expressionless stares before speaking up once more.

“It’s fine I won’t talk about it anymore, but I want to know your name.” He said.

My eyes blinked furiously on their own, whether it had been the tears stinging my eyes or the dust I’ll never know. 

I had never expected him to ask anything like that.

So the question took quite a while to process.

I was debating telling him, but who knows what would happen to him if I did.

“Don’t concern yourself Kuro I’m fine” Is what I finally agreed on in my mind.

The less he knew about me the better.

I had to repeat this fact in my mind as his face grew more and more displeased with my attitude.

“It is my concern” he said sternly. “If I’m going to travel with you, you’re not going to lie to me. Now answer my question” He shot out angrily. “And while you’re at why don’t you stop lying to the kid.”

He said gave a side glance to Syaoran who was holding Sakura protectively as she slept.

Syaoran seemed asleep but knowing him he was probably listening in like a good ninjas’ apprentice.

I raised an eyebrow at the boy and turned my attention back to Kurogane with a scowl. “I don’t have to take this from you” I hissed back, and the second those words left my tongue I wished I could pull them back and destroy them deep within myself.

With that he stood up from in front of me his face unchanged and went to his spot across the room.

He kicked his foot through the dust on the floor displacing it before sitting down and sending me a frown before lowering his head so that his bright ruby eyes were hidden in the shadows.

I let a sigh escape my lips before raising my voice cutting through the darkness. “Yuui…” I said hesitantly, softly only wanting Kurogane to hear, but when I saw him lift an eyebrow and pull his hand up to his ear my anger got the best of me. 

“My names Yuui.”  I said louder, voice full of irritation until I saw a smirk pull its way across his face.

My exasperated face fell as I stared at the man across the room from me wearing that /irritating smirk I HATE/ more than anything.

He spoke up after a small chuckle. “I know” He said.

My face fell to a line and my shoulders fell forward.

“I hate you” I mumbled pulling my legs to my chest and shutting my eyes.

I heard a soft voice from across the room.

“No you don’t”. 

Authors note~~~~
Okay so thats the end sorry its so bad. Anyway I'm glad I was able to post this it had been bugging me for some time. Sorry about the sassy Yuui (Fai) at the end I was getting lazy and pissy so thats how he ended up. Anyone see the ending coming? No? me neaither ^^ Thats not the ending I had written down at all in 7th grade (because the one I wrote then was terrible) Anyway I like this snarky side of Kurogane its strangly suiting.  Okay anyway Criticism is highy appresiated. Dont forget to comment. Thank you so much for reading <3 



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/just read all 4 chapters.

It definitly improved ( A LOT ) after each chapter!
There some grammar mistakes like comma placement and akward sentences...
I still think this did pretty well.
/cute sly-Kuro-poo gettin' Fai all mad! xD

You should write more! Like if you have another draft laying or a present idea you think is cool! ^^
Well... I'm not entirely sure how this fandom is, but it is very short. Each chapter that it. You could always use a little more descriptive words. How does the atmosphere feel? What are the main characters thoughts? What color is the skies, grass, buildings? Gloomy or bright and nice? You should work on the grammar a little bit more.

Grammar, being descriptive and the length of each chapter.
That's all I think.

ouo; Other then that it's good!