
Whats your name?


After we found a place to hide out for the night, which was the last house on the last street in this whole stupid city, I stared blankly at the dark empty space.  

As you can imagine the dark musty room looked about as appealing from the inside as it did form the outside.

Dust pooled in corners only to be strewn over with cobwebs and moved by small rodents.

I looked grimly at the corner I had decided was the least dusty part of the house to sleep in.

I was attempting to sweep the cobwebs out of my corner with my coat tail when I was tapped on the shoulder.

I spun around to find Kuro~neh with a stern look on his face.

He began talking so I didn’t question him only listened and continued dusting out my spot.

“Your name.” He sated again.

I was getting pretty irritated by this point and it was late so my response was more cruel then even I expected.

“Yes it’s Fai. Is there a reason you came all the way over here?”.  I asked bluntly.

“Yes” He said using my same bluntness which sent me into an even more powerful dusting rage.

After the large puff of dust settled back to the ground he spoke again.

“Fai is dead”.

 I froze where I was, hunched over my corner with my coat tail bunched in my hand eyes wide.

I turned slowly meting his ruby eyes and blinked before standing up limply as my face fell into a flat line.

“No” I said mustering, to the best of my abilities, a cheery smile and a playful smack to Kuro~chan’s arm.

“I’m right here silly.” I stated even managing to convince myself. “Alive and well.”

Then I felt it, like a freight train something hit my heart and my words came out small and meek.

I could see his face fall a fraction of an inch before he sighed pulling his dark sleeve up to my eyes.

“I’m sorry” He said, his voice lacking the sarcasm I thought should have been there.

“I didn’t mean to.” He said his voice still calm and unchanged but if you looked closely you could see the small ting of pain flash behind his ruby orbs.

I guess he did know…. 



Authours note~~~~ So I finished this chapter as well and its even longer. Yah. Well I think theres going to be one more chapter but I dont want stop to short... Meh~ Comment because it makes my heart happy. Criticism is greatly appreciated. 

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/just read all 4 chapters.

It definitly improved ( A LOT ) after each chapter!
There some grammar mistakes like comma placement and akward sentences...
I still think this did pretty well.
/cute sly-Kuro-poo gettin' Fai all mad! xD

You should write more! Like if you have another draft laying or a present idea you think is cool! ^^
Well... I'm not entirely sure how this fandom is, but it is very short. Each chapter that it. You could always use a little more descriptive words. How does the atmosphere feel? What are the main characters thoughts? What color is the skies, grass, buildings? Gloomy or bright and nice? You should work on the grammar a little bit more.

Grammar, being descriptive and the length of each chapter.
That's all I think.

ouo; Other then that it's good!