Smile for me?

Whats your name?


I noticed, as we ran the empty back streets of Rekord passing boarded up buildings and houses practically falling apart, this place was nothing like the bustling beautiful busy part of the city.

With its magic and floating things.

Like the train and most impressive, the giant central library. 

After accidentally stumbling upon Kuro~ pups past it got me thinking about my own.

The lies I’ve told, the mask I’ve worn this whole journey.

I began to question my whole existence.

How my only goal joining this rag tag team of the lost was to run away, but now.

Now I want to see the kid smile and I want to see the princess get better.

Also even though it might not happen I want Kuro~poo to open up to me maybe even smile, but that may be too much to ask from just a traveling companion.


A terrible thought ran through my head if the kid wasn’t supposed to see Kuros’ past why was the ninja so careless as to let me?

His memories, as sad as they are do not match mine.

I looked back just in time to see his large shoulders caped in black run ahead of me after Syaoran.

I turned my body around running backwards and motioned for Sakura to try to catch up.

She nodded and ran past Mokona picking him up in one fail swoop. 

Authors note:~~~~

So ill be posting the rest of the story as soon as I can. You see I wrote this story about two years ago and when I found it again I decided to post it but I was not a very good writer back then so as I type it out Im revising the story and adding more detail to keep it consistant. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day ^^
P.S. Constructive criticsm is greatly appreciated how else can you get better? ^^


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/just read all 4 chapters.

It definitly improved ( A LOT ) after each chapter!
There some grammar mistakes like comma placement and akward sentences...
I still think this did pretty well.
/cute sly-Kuro-poo gettin' Fai all mad! xD

You should write more! Like if you have another draft laying or a present idea you think is cool! ^^
Well... I'm not entirely sure how this fandom is, but it is very short. Each chapter that it. You could always use a little more descriptive words. How does the atmosphere feel? What are the main characters thoughts? What color is the skies, grass, buildings? Gloomy or bright and nice? You should work on the grammar a little bit more.

Grammar, being descriptive and the length of each chapter.
That's all I think.

ouo; Other then that it's good!