What Did I Do?!

Blind to Love [HIATUS]
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To your surprise, out of nowhere, Chanyeol just suddenly kissed you. You didn't know what to think. Hell, you couldn't even think with him kissing you like that. All you could do was close your eyes and feel his lips lightly touch yours. The two of you remained like this for who know's how long, until you both finally pulled away at the same time.

"Chanyeol..." you uttered softly in confusion.

"Yoon Mi, I...I," Chanyeol stuttered, slowly stepping away from your doorstep. This was the first time since you two were kids that he's ever called you by your real name. "I'm really sorry..." He looked down at the snow; he didn't know what would happen if he looked into your eyes. "I should go now..." He ran away as fast as he could, not giving you any time to utter a word to him.

After standing in your doorway for a moment, you closed the door behind you. You leaned against the door and took a deep breath. "What just happened?!" you exclaimed. You brought your hands up to your face and felt your red-hot cheeks. "Am I blushing?" You then slapped your cheeks as if to try and stop yourself from blushing. "Aish...otteoke. Forget it, Yoon Mi. You have a date to go on tonight." You looked at the clock on the wall. "Aigoo, it's almost time to go." You proceeded to your room and got ready, but as you did, you found it hard not to think about Chanyeol and what had just happened.


Pabo. Chanyeol, you really are dumb. What were you thinking?

Chanyeol sat in Lay's car again and hit his head against the steering wheel numerous times. "Pabo, pabo, pabo..." he would mutter everytime he hit his head. Finally, after a while, Chanyeol started the engine and headed home. After driving half a block past your house, the engine of the car began to sputter.

"Oh no," Chanyeol mumbled. He pulled over onto the side of the road where Lay's engine finally died. Chanyeol lay back in his seat. "Well, this is just great," Chanyeol said sarcastically. He got out of the car and opened the hood. Smoke fogged up Chanyeol's vision, causing him to cough and fan it away. "Dumb car," Chanyeol muttered and kicked it. "Looks like I have to walk home..."


"Chanyeol! How'd it go with Yoon Mi?" Lay chimed as Chanyeol walked in through the front door.

"I kind of don't want to talk about it," Chanyeol muttered.

"Wae? What happened? Spill. You know you can tell me anything. I'm your big brother anyway," Lay said throwing an arm around Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol escaped from Lay's grip and threw himself down on the couch. He covered his face with his hands. "I kissed her," Chanyeol's voice muffled.

Lay smirked and jumped to where Chanyeol was. "You did what?"

Chanyeol sighed. "Yoon Mi. I kissed Yoon Mi."

Lay laughed and scruffed Chanyeol's hair, messing it up. "Yeeeeeah, that's what I'm talking about, Yeolie! So are you two together now?"

"No! I screwed everything up, Lay! Now things are going to be awkward between us and she's gonna hate me and...otteoke..." Chanyeol trailed off.

Lay's smile disappeared. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you. Well...maybe a little, but you know. She'll probably get over it..." Lay was never really good at consoling people.

"Nevermind. I'll be in my room." Chanyeol got up from the couch and walked away. Before he entered his room, he fished for something in his pocket. "Here," he said throwing Lay his car keys. "Your car broke down. It's down the street near Yoon Mi's house if you want to get it." He then went into his room and slammed the door.

Lay stood there clutching the keys in his hand. His eyes welled up a bit; he had sort of a puppy dog face on. "My baby..." Lay whimpered then ran out the door to find his precious, broken car.


You looked in the mirror with satisfaction. "Perfect," you said putting on your green wool coat. You stared at the mirror. You caught yourself thinking about Chanyeol again. "Aigoo, Yoon Mi.

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HI!! Sadly, I might not be able to update the next few days due to summer HW and procrastination T_T I'm really sorrry! thanks for your patience!!


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Chapter 6: I love this story omo. Yoonmi you pabo.;-;
I lied. I'm not going to be able to update today because I actually had a lot of stuff to do today ;________; I hope that if I don't have a lot of homework, I'll be able to update tomorrow but I can't really promise anything. :'( If not then you can expect it next weekend.So so so so so so sooooooooooooo sorry again! I hope everyone has a wonderful time at school and good luck with the year! Be studious!! :D Anyway, I'm very sorry again, and please understand~
Thanks so much!! :)
It looks like for the next few days I won't be able to update because I have to finish up my summer homework before school starts next week since I always love to procrastinate waeee ;____;
I'm terribly sorry and thank you for your patience!! I'll do my best to finish up so I can update again :D
@YoonSarang kekeke stay tuned to find out what happens!! ;)

@MszDomo <333 haha lol yeah I tend to make my characters in my stories smart but reaaallly slow lolol
I'll do my best to update as quickly as possible! ^^

Thank you all again for commenting, subbing, and reading!! I luv u for it keke~ <33 ^^
sorry for yelling i felt like screaming because for a smart person she's beginning to seem a little sloww
UPDATE SOONN *cough*Cough* Err umm I mean Update soon =_)
Awww! She doesn't noe that she likes chanyeol!
@MszDomo & @SHINingEXO
Lolol ^.^ stay tuned for the next chapters haha :) thanks for commenting :D <3
@KaiLee thank you for your understanding!! Haha :)
I'm really glad you like this fic! Thank you for reading and for leaving really sweet comments! :D And Don't worry, the next chapter shall be coming very soon^.^ haha~