
Blind to Love [HIATUS]
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"CHANYEOL!" you yelled into the phone as a groggy Chanyeol finally picked up on the other line.

"Yeoboseyo? Mimi, is that you?" Chanyeol asked, his voice hoarse.

"Are you still sleeping? It's already noon!" you said. Chanyeol pulled the phone away from his ear everytime you yelled from the other line.

"Yeah, yeah. I just woke up. Why? Is everything okay?" Chanyeol sat up from his bed and started to worry.

"No, everything isn't okay. I need you to come over to my house as soon as you can," you replied.

Chanyeol jolted out of his bed and immediately started to dress up. "Okay, hang on. I'll be there in ten."

"Hurry!" you yelled, then hung up the phone. Chanyeol hoped you were alright. He got ready as fast as he possibly could.

"Lay, where are your car keys?" Chanyeol asked, as he entered Lay's messy room.

"Why do you need my car?" Lay asked getting up from bed. He had just woken up too.

"It's an emergency. Yoon Mi says she's in trouble and she needs me to go to her house."

"Oh, you mean your girlfrieeeend?" Lay sing-songed. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and kept searching his room.

"Just give me your keys, Lay."

"Can't you just walk to her house?" Lay's words muffled as he placed his pillow over his head.

"In the snow? Hell no." Chanyeol finally found the keys near an empty chip bag on his desk. "Found it," Chanyeol said. He shook the keys in the air and ran out.

"Tell your girlfriend I said hi!" Lay yelled before Chanyeol left. Lay's car was just as gross and messy as his room. There was rubbish everywhere and the car was pretty much on the verge of dying. "How can he live like this? Even my room isn't nearly as messy as his," Chanyeol muttered. After driving five or six blocks, Chanyeol arrived at your house. The two of you lived in the same neighborhood ever since you were little, so he knew his way around. When Chanyeol rang the buzzer for your gate, he saw that his phone had eight missed calls. He started to worry again.

"Ah, finally!" you exclaimed as you ran to the gate. "Chanyeol, what took you so long?" you asked as you let Chanyeol in. When Chanyeol saw you, he couldn't help but awe at your natural beauty. Even in sweats, you looked amazing.

"I'm sorry. I got here as fast as I could. What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked.

"I'm in the middle of a crisis! I don't know what to wear for my date tonight!" you yelled in despair. Chanyeol's worried face sank into an "are you kidding me?" face.

"Is that your emergency? Is that why I had to rush over here? Because you don't know what dress to wear?" Chanyeol asked sounding a little annoyed. You quickly nodded your head. Chanyeol sighed. He was sort of upset that he had to rush over to your house for such a silly reason, but he was also distraught as he thought about you going on a date with that Hyung Seok guy. He couldn't be mad at you, though. Not after seeing that desperate look on your face. Gosh, he hated the way you looked at him with those puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. I 'll help you," Chanyeol said stepping into your house.

You cheered and hopped up and down. "Yay! This way." You grabbed Chanyeol's hand and led him to your room. He slightly melted as you held his hand. Wae must I be like this..., he thought

"Wow, your room is even messier than Lay's car," Chanyeol mumbled to himself. There lay piles of clothes on your bed and along the floor; your open

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HI!! Sadly, I might not be able to update the next few days due to summer HW and procrastination T_T I'm really sorrry! thanks for your patience!!


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Chapter 6: I love this story omo. Yoonmi you pabo.;-;
I lied. I'm not going to be able to update today because I actually had a lot of stuff to do today ;________; I hope that if I don't have a lot of homework, I'll be able to update tomorrow but I can't really promise anything. :'( If not then you can expect it next weekend.So so so so so so sooooooooooooo sorry again! I hope everyone has a wonderful time at school and good luck with the year! Be studious!! :D Anyway, I'm very sorry again, and please understand~
Thanks so much!! :)
It looks like for the next few days I won't be able to update because I have to finish up my summer homework before school starts next week since I always love to procrastinate waeee ;____;
I'm terribly sorry and thank you for your patience!! I'll do my best to finish up so I can update again :D
@YoonSarang kekeke stay tuned to find out what happens!! ;)

@MszDomo <333 haha lol yeah I tend to make my characters in my stories smart but reaaallly slow lolol
I'll do my best to update as quickly as possible! ^^

Thank you all again for commenting, subbing, and reading!! I luv u for it keke~ <33 ^^
sorry for yelling i felt like screaming because for a smart person she's beginning to seem a little sloww
UPDATE SOONN *cough*Cough* Err umm I mean Update soon =_)
Awww! She doesn't noe that she likes chanyeol!
@MszDomo & @SHINingEXO
Lolol ^.^ stay tuned for the next chapters haha :) thanks for commenting :D <3
@KaiLee thank you for your understanding!! Haha :)
I'm really glad you like this fic! Thank you for reading and for leaving really sweet comments! :D And Don't worry, the next chapter shall be coming very soon^.^ haha~