Forever Your Friend?

Jinae's eyes started to opened slowly. She blinked a few times before she's fully adjusted to the bright sunlight. She groaned, which made Seulong fly to her bed and touch her forehead.

He sighed and sat down at the chair beside the bed. "Good. You don't have a fever anymore. What's wrong with you, huh?" He gently flicked her forehead, earning a moan from the girl. "Seulong oppa!" he smiled. "Get better soon Princess! Do you feel better now?"

She nodded and smiled weakly. But then she sat up when she realized she wasn't at home. Seulong looked at her confused. "I..i-i need to g-go now. Thanks Oppa.."

He stood up and pushed her gently back to bed. "No. You're not that well. Just... Don't you dare argue with me Yoon Jinae." she sighed.

"By the way, the only number saved on your contacts is mine. You don't have your uncle's number?" she shook her head. "He lost his phone and he doesn't want a new one." He nodded.

"Seulong-ah. Breakfast is ready. You come down too, Jinae-ah."

Seulong extended a hand to her and they went down together for some breakfast.

They talked a lot, which made Jinae feel completely better. Having Seulong and his father makes her forget about her misfortunes. They bring happiness to her.

After bidding goodbye, her heart starts to thump loudly. She knows what she'll get when she goes back home. A proper beating.


"I warn you, Ahn Sohee, don't get too close and comfortable with that . She holds Seulong oppa at the palm of her hands. See? He even left you and forgot about your date for that b****?"

Sohee sighed. "She was sick. And why are you talking to me anyway? Whatever you say won't affect my relationship with Seulong oppa and Jinae. Stop calling her a b****, b*****."

She stood up and went to the cafeteria to find Seulong. When she spotted her, she smiled. But she frowned a little when she saw Jinae having lunch with her boyfriend. She shook her head. They're friends. She has no friends but him. She has to understand Jinae's position. Right?

She smiled and went to the two. Aside from a few sentences, Seulong focused on Jinae more than Sohee. He would always ask her if she's alright or if she needs something. He is babying her. Sohee tried to understand. She must. She should.

But the next few days, she felt neglected. She felt like she was the third-wheeler. She tried to understand, but she thinks its too much.




as much as Jinae pushed Seulong away, he would always follow her like a puppy. "Oppa, will you stop doing that? i'm not a baby.."

Seulong grinned. "But you're my princess. I should take care of you."

"But i'm not a princess. and you have a girlfriend." she muttered. Seulong sighed. "But you're my bestfriend."

She pushed him away. When she saw Sohee, she smiled at her. Sohee tried to keep calm and smiled weakly back at her. "Sohee-ah!" Seulong ran to her and gave her a sweet kiss. "I've missed you. I'm really sorry for leaving you at the cinemas. It's.. just.." Sohee kissed him again. "It's okay. Jinae fainted. Her health is more important. We could go on a date again anytime." Seulong smiled. "You're the best. We'll go now Jinae-ah. Be. Careful." she nodded and they went on to their separate ways.




As time goes by, Jinwoon and Jinae got closer. She found a new friend. Jinwoon would always make her smile. He would always make her laugh. They would close the store together after a cup of coffee and a few laughs. They grew comfortable with each other. 

"So.. uh.. are you free this Saturday?" Jinwoon asked as they stopped in front of Jinae's building. "Uh. I think so. Why?"

"Do you want to go.. somewhere and hangout?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "I.. uh.."

Jinwoon waved his hands and smiled. "It's okay if you're not free. Maybe.. Uh.. Next time.. we can.."

"See you on saturday!" she smiled and waved.

"Oh. OKAY! SEE YOU THEN!" he grinned and waved. when Jinae was out of his sight, Jinwoon jumped and pumped his fist in the air. 

"This is the start. You can do it, Jung Jinwoon!" he said to himself.




i really don't want to delete this story. but i guess i won't be able to update again anytime soon.

i kind of lack inspiration for this story. it's like i've forgotten how i wanted the story to go. ugh. it's really frustrating.

when i have ideas, i promise to update. im really sorry. and thank you for staying. :)

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Chapter 6: I've been looking for a good seulong story, and I love this one! I hope you update soon!
Cool fic! Please update! :)