Baby Don't Cry



Luhan kept standing there, motionless staring at them. Even after the figure of the younger boy whom embraced the woman’s waist had gone from his sight, he remained silent. As if unable to speak. Tears couldn’t stop falling down from his brown eyes.

Sehun... How can?

Luhan felt like shouting, frustrating. If only he had the courage, maybe he'd approached them, scolding Sehun, perhaps even slapped him and said, "We're breaking up" right in front of his ing face. But that only happens in drama or film. In reality is not that easy. At least not for Xi Luhan. No, he couldn’t do it.


The knock on the glass box disturbed his mind. An ahjussi impatiently grumbled to him, "You're off the phone or not?"

The pretty boy gasped. "Ah, mianhamnida."

He quickly walked out of the public phone. When his feet were touching the snowy streets, suddenly he felt his view became blurred. Trembling, he felt his little feet became weak, unable to sustain his own weight. He tried to keep going, but it felt heavier and heavier as he walked. He clenched his hands tightly.

I must be strong. Please, I can’t collapse here!


Trying to gain the strength, Luhan continued to run despite stumbling. Several times he had crashed into people whom passing by. Some grumbling and scolding that aimed at him several times can be heard. But he didn’t care. All he wanted now just arrived safely at his cozy flat.



Kai Kim sighed, ruffling his hair with irritation. This math task started to drain his brain. It has been two hours and he could only answer five questions. Take note, five of the fifty questions! Well, actually he’s not the kind of diligent or smart student. Not usually too he spent his time, especially during holiday, for doing homework. He did it just to kill time.


Yes, killing time while waiting for his flat mate back. Waiting is boring. Moreover, waiting for someone you love came home from a date with another boy. The sight of his friend walked together while holding hands, watching a movie, having romantic dinner at the restaurant, hugging, and even kissing his boyfriend made him sad. But what could he do? For him, if his friend could keep smiling and become happy, though not for him, it was already more than enough.



The bell was rung again and again, as who was ringing it couldn’t hold his patience to go in. Kai got up and walked to the door in surprise. Who at this time of night?

"Yes, hold on," said him as he reached for the door, opening it. "Nuguse..."


Before Kai could continue his words, he felt the body of a beautiful boy had collapsed into his arms. The brown and smooth hair... The brown eyes which were closed. Perfectly sharp nose combined with soft and thin lips. The small and fragile-looked arms that were resting at his waist now. Small and slender body which was slowly shaking...

Xi Luhan.


"Lu .. Luhan hyung?" Kai felt his cheeks heat up, the pink streaks began creeping down his cheeks. What is this? Why Luhan hugs me? What might be…


Kai's hand moved slowly toward the little boy’s face, and immediately he gasped. "Gosh hyung, your face like a frozen cold, but your forehead is boiling!"


Luhan just mumbled incoherently when the younger boy led him into the flat. He didn’t say anything when Kai replaced his wet clothes with dry and warm one. Also didn’t comment when Kai quickly enveloped his body by a thick pile of blankets.

Closing his eyes, he felt his head became very heavy. Now what he was thinking about was only Sehun Sehun and Sehun, and it made his head hurt more. He pressed his forehead roughly, as if it could stop the pain.

"Stop it,” his eyes opened, staring at Kai who was looking at him with worried face. "I think you’ve got a fever. I'll get you medicine, okay? "

Without waiting for an answer, Kai had gone and back again with compress and thermometer in hand.

"39 degrees," he sighed as he read the numbers on the thermometer. "Obviously fever. Why can this happen, hyung?"

"Waiting for two hours in the snow. Maybe that's why, " Luhan answered softly while the other one was compressing the burning forehead.

Kai raised his eyebrows, surprised. "What's wrong with Sehun? Why did you go home early? It's not even midnight. "


There was no answer other than silence. The pretty boy looked away, avoiding his gaze.

Kai sighed again. He knew something bad must have happened and perhaps his hyung didn’t want to talk about that today, especially when he was sick. Well, he didn’t want to force.

"Never mind if you don’t want to tell me now. Just call me if you need me, arraseo?” he got out of bed, planning to leave the room when suddenly a tiny hand slowly pulled his shirt.

"He's having an affair with a woman..." his voice looked so soft, hoarse and tired.


Kai turned around and found the pretty boy’s cheeks have been wet with tears.

"He always hurts me, but this is the worst. This is even more painful than his shot in my ribs last week..."

He moved his hand, putting it to where the injury located. Then he smiled bitterly.
"People like me... Who can’t do anything nor handsome. Sure don’t deserve to accompany the perfect one like Oh Sehun."

Kai could do nothing beside put his hands on the older’s smooth cheeks, caressing them. Erasing the tears that couldn’t seem to stop flowing. He kissed both the swollen eyes gently.  Luhan’s shoulders began to shaking, so he pulled the little body into his embrace.


Luhan was still crying, grabbing the other shirt tightly. Shed all his anger, sadness, disappointment, everything! When Kai gently his hair, whispering sweet words in his ear, saying "all will be fine,”  "hyung can deal with it ," “he would regret his actions," “there must be a reason behind all of this," and others.

He didn’t know how long he had cried in his flat mate’s arm. Possibly for hours. What can he remembered was just when his eyes growing heavy, and suddenly everything became dark.




Kai couldn’t take his eyes away from a boy which was now fast asleep in front of him. His hand was still the hair slowly. Hours and hours passed by but he still awoke. No, I won’t sleep. I’ll keep my eyes to Luhan hyung.

Anger started filling his heart. He had no idea how his flat mate had been tormented by his own boyfriend so far! Luhan was an introvert which never told nor cried in front Kai before, so how would the younger one know all the grief and suffering that he had been gone through?


Kai thought everything was fine. He thought Luhan was happy with his boyfriend. He therefore always contained his feelings, kept supporting their relationship although it hurt like hell, it was all because he wanted to see the one he loves smiling and become happy! But what?

Kai cursed himself. Cursing his dumbness that couldn’t guess what Luhan felt. Cursing his insensitivity toward problems that Luhan had. He felt very guilty when he thought the little boy had to bear all his suffering alone so far, without anyone help.

"Hyung ..." he whispered, softly tears were running down from his eyes. He rubbed his hyung’s cheek softly, and then leaned closer. A bit of his tears fell into Luhan’s lips, so quickly he erased it with his own lips, kissing the older boy very gently as didn’t want to make him awoke.

"Sehun-ah ..." the tiny lips were moving quietly voiced that name. Kai paused, hand clenched hard to bear the pain that tore his heart.

I’m not Sehun. If I had you, I wouldn’t hurt you like he did. Because you're too good to be hurt. And you deserve to be loved.





Thanks for all comments and subscription,

Baekhyun will appear in the next chap (but still without Chanyeol),

and sorry for making Sehun as a jerk here -_-


Thank you all! *deep bow

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LuhansK1 #1
Chapter 4: Eusiwlqos i love your fiction i hope it will have an update soon ! ( srry for my bad english :/)
Chapter 4: Update soon!
doyoungieNct #3
Chapter 2: kailu Omg! i love it!!! :)
13 streak #4
KaiLu ♥ ~~~
Chapter 4: Kailu* haha.. ^^"
Chapter 4: I definitely support kailu here. Please author-nim. Let the ending of the story be kaili!! ^^ this is awesome! Poor Luhan.. T-T
Chapter 4: KAI and LUHAN FTW!
Chapter 4: KaiLu! KaiHan! KaiLu! KaiHan!! update soon please!! xD