Chapter 4

The Bridge Between you and me is... A baby?

VocabularBox :

(All K)

Chinchayo? [Chin-cha-yo] - formal way of saying really? 

aegyo [egg-yo]- cute act

buing buing- a kind of aegyo




“Yah! Yah! Don't touch that” Lay pulled Baekhyun away from the expensive looking rocket in the museum, well it is in a museum so of course it would be expensive.


“But it looked so shiny..” Baekhyun pouted. “Focus Baekhyun, find the umma—ergirl, arasso?” Lay shook his head and started to look for traces of any hints that might lead them to their next destination. All of the members were separated into different groups, so that it would be much easier for them to find the hints in this big museum, full of tourists and locals.


Kring! Kring! Lay's Cellphone rang. Signaling that there was a text message. Lay flipped his phone open and read the contents of the message, it was from Kris.


FROM: Kris

TO: Lay

Did you find anything yet?



TO: Kris

Ani, we're still searching. How about you?


FROM: Kris

TO: Lay

Same here.


Lay frowned and continued on searching. He wanted so badly to find the girl, he was curious as to see what she looked like. Or whether she was an idol like Sistar or not. Was she beautiful and kind? A fan or not? Lay shook the thoughts away and continued on searching. Receiving suspicious glances from people when he crouched down to examine a piece of art.


“Look! I found something!” Baekhyun yelled from the other side of where he was standing. “Ah! Chinchayo?!” Lay ran to where Baekhyun is. “Deh! It's a shiny coin” he smiled innocently. Lay face palmed and rolled his eyes. He raised his right arm in a dramatic gesture, thus hitting a gold trophy of an important astronaut in the process. Lay widened his eyes and was about to catch the falling item but someone—a person in an astronaut costume did it first. The person placed the trophy back to its rightful place and bowed before starting to walk away again.


“Wait! Thank you--” he tried to say to the mysterious person, but he/she was already gone in a flash. “Weird...” He scratched his head, but he was secretly really thankful of that person, considering he/she saved him from paying an enormous amount of money for that gold trophy, if it broke. “Look, what I've found!” Baekhyun yelled again excitedly. But to Lay's annoyance, he growled and whipped his head to the side with a glare. Thinking that it was some kind of 'shiny' object yet again.


“I'm guessing it's-- HOLY KRISUS” Lay jumped in joy when Baekhyun grinned cheekily, holding up a hint card to the next destination. Baekyun flipped his hair. “I know, I'm a genius” He smiled widely, but to his avail, Lay ignored him and quickly called Kris and the others. “We'll be there in a second” They all said happily. Just as they said, they arrived in a second. All panting hard and exhausted from running, but still smiling like complete idiots, well except for the face Kris of course.


“Where's the hint card?” Lu Han voiced up first. “Right here” Baekhyun waved it in the air. He read the contents to it, before Lu Han or anyone could snatch it away from his grasp. “The first successful and soft landing of Luna 9 in February 3, 1996 What the fu--” (A/N: I've just got it of from the net, so correct me if I'm wrong!) before Baekhyun could finish his sentence Suho gave him a glare. He cleared his throat and began again. “What the freak?! How are we suppose to answer that? I knew I should've taken Science seriously, but I never liked Mr. Kim, so meh” Baekhyun shrugged.


“Is it Venus?” Sehun asked the camera crew. The camera crew shook their heads and the boys deflated their shoulders.






“Saturn” Everyone started naming every planet that came through their minds but only to be rejected each time.


“Planet Rubiks Cube?!” Lu Han butted in with a random answer. The others shook their heads as they rolled their eyes. “What? I was just joking...” he laughed sheepishly. “Haha, very funny.” Kris said, still contemplating on what Luna 9 could have landed on.


“I give up! Can you give us a hint? Pretty pleeeeassseee!” Baekhyun clasped his hands together while jumping up and down like a kid.


“I'll give you the next hint...” the boys lit their eyes in hope while staring at the PD-nim anxiously, waiting for him to finish his sentence. “...if Kris will do aegyo for us” he smiled, satisfied, at his own idea. Baekhyun, Suho, Sehun, Luhan and Lay glanced at the PD-nim then back at Kris with open jaws. Kris never did aegyo, NEVER. He really dislikes doing it, even though with the help of asking Tao and his biung biung power.


Kris raised an eyebrow at the PD-nim's idea. “N-” He looked to the side as the other boys were looking at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would do it.


“Please Kris! For the sake of finding the next destination!” Baekhyun did a cute puppy dog face. Kris stayed quiet for a while and everyone started fidgeting anxiously, waiting for the duizhang's answer. Kris sighed and nodded, mumbling a small “Okay”. They started cheering.


Kris glared at the cheering audience, that shut them up. He gulped and made a fist near his face. The cameras zoomed in. “bui--” Everyone started moving closer. “--ng...” Fan girls started crowding around him with cellphones and cameras. He nervously looked around “Just do it already!” Sehun said impatiently. “Aish-- this kid!!” He sighed again. “Buing Buing!” He covered his face in embarrassment after doing so. Fan girls started spazzing like crazy and the boys had smug faces on. “WE GOT IT IN CAMERA TOO~” Luhan snickered and hi-fived the others with Kris glaring behind them.



“You're indeed a courageous person Kris” The PD-nim chuckled. Kris sheepishly nodded in response. “And as I've promised, the hint to the next destination is...” The boys started doing imaginary drum rolls. “... The place is not a planet” He smiled. The boys looked at each other in confusion. “Hmm.... is it the Moon?” Sehun spoke up with a grin. The boys grinned back and nodded, agreeing with the answer. “That's my Sehunnie!” Luhan placed an arm around Sehun's shoulders and grinned.


“You could almost hear Chanyeol scream 'HunHan' behind the TV right now” Baekhyun randomly said. Everyone laughed as they imagined the derpy tall boy AKA 'The president of the HunHan club' doing it.


“Let's Go!” Suho smiled excitedly. The others nodded and headed to the big display of the moon that was located on the 3rd floor of the museum.



Kids were running over the place with balloons in their hands. Tons of people dressed in astronaut costumes were giving out different kinds of balloons. One that seemed to be a replica of a planet, an alien, spaceship and etc. Anything that were involved with the outerspace was in a shape of a balloon.


“Waaah~ Hyung! Can I get a balloon? Please? Please?” Sehun slightly pulled on Luhan's sleeve's. Luhan, who had a soft spot for the younger one, just nodded in response with a small smile.


“Come back soon, okay? We'll be just near that moon platform thing” Luhan smiled as Sehun nodded obediently. Luhan quickly dashed off, catching up with the others.


Sehun's P.O.V


“Can I have the green alien?” I asked the astronaut who was trying to give all the children their desired balloon design. After the children left, There was only one balloon left. And it was a pink alien. PINK. I don't like Pink, I like fuchsia better. And c'mon! Are there even any pink aliens? Well not like I've seen an alien.. but... URGH NOT PINK--


“Umm.. Sir, I'm sorry but there are no more green alien designed balloons” the person said. I could hear that the person behind that costume is a girl, judging from her soft silky voice.


I sighed. She spoke up again. “I'm really sorry...” she said guiltily. I smiled and nodded. “It's alright, I'll just take it” She gave me the balloon. But before I could walk away, she held onto my wrist. “Yes?” I raised an eyebrow. “Erm, here's something I would like to give you as a sorry for not giving you the desired balloon design that you wanted.” she released her grip on my wrist and placed a pink card on my palm. A card?? And it's pink?! Must it be always pink? I sighed and looked at her confusedly. “A-ani it's okay, you don't have to give me this.. card?” she chuckled. “Don't worry, I know you'll need it” she gave me a wink before dashing off.


Weird, she could have at least gave me something better, like bubble tea. I shrugged it off and made my way to my hyungs, twirling the piece of card in my hands while looking up to the pink balloon. I cringed at the sight.


End of Sehun's P.O.V


“Hey Sehun!” Luhan waved and smiled at the younger. “Hey” Sehun waved back with the pink balloon in his hand. “I see you've got the pink alien” Luhan snickered as Sehun scowled. “I thought you hated pink” Luhan said. “I do” Sehun answered.


“Then why--”


“There were no other balloons left” Sehun cut him off. Luhan nodded understandingly.


“I can't seem to find any hint cards!” Suho sighed. “Same here” the others chimed in.


“Hey Sehun what's that in your hand?” Kris pointed out. “A balloon” Sehun answered obviously. “No, the other hand!”

“Oh, a card” He said


“Where did you get it?” he asked again


“From a female astronaut, she said it was an apology for not giving me the right balloon” Kris nodded. “Can I see that?” Kris looked at the card suspiciously.


“Sure” Sehun gave the card to Kris. Kris opened the card. Curiously, the other members rounded around Kris. “It's a hint...” Kris smiled. Sending the cameras to zoom in, on his face. “It says, Catch me if you can


“That's more like a command than a hint to me..” Baekhyun chuckled.


“Didn't you just say that, the astronaut was a female?” Kris asked. Sehun nodded, getting where the whole thing was going.


“That means...” Luhan trailed off


“.. that's she might be the umma!” Baekhyun finished Luhan's sentence. “Right!” Luhan hi-fived him.


“Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! Sehun where did she left off?” Suho said.


“Follow me!” Sehun ran to the right, with the other members trailing behind him.



“There she is!” Sehun pointed to an astronaut.


All of the members were crazily running around the place, trying to catch the girl but, another astronaut would appear and when that astronaut was caught. It would be a guy under the costume or someone else.


“Gotcha!” Luhan caught the person's wrist. The person was struggling under Luhan's tight grip but soon gave up. Understanding that he was no match for his strength.


“I got one here too” Kris literally dragged the astronaut to where Luhan is. Everyone had captured an astronaut in their grasp but only one of them is the right one.


“Let's unmask them one by one” Baekhyun suggested. “Why can't we just unmask them all at once?” Lay raised an eyebrow.


“Because it wouldn't be more fun that way!” he smiled while Lay rolled his eyes. “Let's just get on with it!” Lay impatiently said.


“You go first” Luhan asked his victim. His victim unmasked itself but only to reveal another guy. Slowly, each one of the astronauts took their helmets off. Leaving only one astronaut left... Baekhyun's victim.


Everyone anxiously waited for the person to take off its helmet and once the person did. A wave of long and silky soft brown hair was seen.


“Yixing...?” the girl stared at Lay with a look of disbelief. 


(A/N:) How was the chapter? I hope it didn't bore you! >.< But hey, the next chapters are going to be fun! we have the umma now~ what's next is Xiao Le~ ;D kekeke, I'm so relieved to finally update this chapter! Oh! Btw I've changed the forward. Check it out pleaseeee? OuO And check out the cool trailer too!!! Please subscribe and comment! it would be much appreciated~ ^^

Thank you for those who Subscribed and Commented on this story! 



(Credits to my sis: kuroi-pearl)

Happy 100 days after debut EXO! Commemorating this day with all 24 EXO teasers that introduced us all to these 12 wonderful boys!

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thank u nurmuyassarah, multicolours, eynhaebabyyyy, dancingintherain, ErrICCA_sjh, nell_santos for upvoting! :)


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Chapter 7: I like the story so far! I bet the guy in the end is Beakhyun! I think :P
Well please update soon!
P.S. If you need help with any of the Korean just message me ;P
next stop happiness? the picture on the forward and the name of the baby?
Ilovekpopforever #3
Chapter 8: Update soon!
Chapter 7: omg was it baekhyun? or lay? o_O
Chapter 7: Is Yixing the one who was eavesdropping? o__o
Ilovekpopforever #6
Chapter 7: Omg that is got to be Kay at the door earsdropping!
Chapter 7: Who is it? Is it Baekhyun? or Yixing? or another member?
shinhaerin #8
Chapter 7: WHAT ;A; WAE HAD TO LIE D:
and who is the father rlly? yixing? ;o
nurmuyassarah #9
Chapter 7: Update soon! Love it!
Mrsjaybum #10
Chapter 7: YAYY but why can't she just tell them :(