Luhan Is Not Gay!

Just Moments


Luhan Is Not Gay!


Luhan was your typical, ordinary, average teenage boy.

Scratch that…he wasn’t.

Luhan let out a shriek which was not so surprisingly high that morning. Considering he turned into a woman…again. Yes, again he turned into a female – you know, having a female body – as he always did every month.   

The now female and extremely beautiful Luhan groaned and jumped onto his bed. He buried his head into the pillow in silent protest. There was a knock on the door before he heard it opened.


“What??” Luhan angrily asked. His head snapped up to the intruder. It was his younger brother, Sehun staring him down and letting out a goofy snigger when he saw his beloved brother had turned into a very angry deer.  

“Get up, mama’s calling you,” Sehun said and walked back to the door, “and she told me to tell you to wear your bras.” Sehun immediately slammed the door closed when a pink paper puncher zoomed his way and hit the door with a loud thud. Sehun’s cheeky laugh echoed.

“I swear, if that old hag is still alive, I’ll make her suffer until she’s dead again!” Luhan grumbled.

He had not always been able to turn into a girl for 2 weeks every month. He was cursed…cursed by his own great-grandmother.

“Who told you to surprise the old woman when you know she spouts magical nonsense easily? Worse, she could’ve turned you into a toad FOREVER!” Sehun dramatically exaggerated at him once.

Yeah, he got turned into a freaking female when he greeted her in the middle of sweeping the yard. Apparently, she didn’t hear him (she WAS in her nineties) and Luhan’s hello was countered with an old spell. Well, let’s just say it was an old woman’s (thatwitch) first protective and defensive instinct. She lived alone, couldn’t really blame her. It was Luhan’s fault too. Who in their right mind would approach a great witch from behind? Certainly, someone with a death wish.

He turned into a girl instantly and stayed stuck in the cursed female form for 2 weeks before his great grandma turned him back BUT before he could jump for joy, obviously there was a proviso…

His curse will ultimately be rescinded if he could get someone to love him with all their heart – a person his soul is bonded to.

The curse was supposed to make him a woman forever. His gran could only alter the curse into a less horrifying one - that was his current state now. As she had always said, there was never a real antidote for powerful enchantments.

And so far, Luhan was failing in the love-finding department. All the girls he’d seen were too cold, too beautiful, too ugly, too rich, too poor or too…icky for him. Yeah, nice way to call them that.

Sighing, Luhan changed into his spare ‘emergency’ clothes (his girl clothes) which his mother had insisted him to have. His mother didn’t care that her son had turned into a girl. Since there were only the 3 of them and they were all boys, his overjoyed mother had taken the brighter side of the magic and took her beloved princess Lulu for an only-girls shopping sprees – every time.

Stomping down the stairs like the sulking kid that he was, his other brother Yifan clicked his tongue at Luhan’s behaviour.

“Live a little, hyung. The world does not revolve around you,” Yifan said. Luhan glared at him before hurrying off to find his mother.

“Oh, there you are, Luhannie dear,” their mother gleefully smiled. Sehun who was sitting on a stool by the kitchen’s island snickered at him.

“What do you want, ma?” Luhan asked, cringing mentally at the sound of his feminine voice.

“Sehun here needs some school supplies. Your baba and I had to attend your cousin’s wedding right about now. Will you accompany him, dear?”

Luhan bit his lips. The 18-year-old didn’t want to do it. “Why can’t Yifan go with him?”

“We’re taking him with us, Luhan. Come on now, you love your brother. He has to finish his project,” his mother pleaded. Sehun who was behind their mama, smirked at him.

“Yeah hyung. If I don’t get good marks for this project, I won’t get an A for my qualifying. And it’s all gonna be your fault,” the 15-year-old mock-sighed, fishing for their mother’s sympathy at the same time guilt-tripping his ‘sister’ into taking him.

“Luhan dear-”

“Alright,” Luhan flailed his arms. “Let’s just go!”

“Here’s the money! Take care~!”


“You got everything?” Luhan asked – bored of waiting.


Sehun placed all that was in his arms onto the cashier’s counter – more like he dumped them all. The girl cashier widened her eyes. She quickly scanned them all, embarrassed when Sehun his charming smile – one he learned from Yifan. And it worked every time.

Immediately paying, Luhan let Sehun gathered all the bags and his eyes founded a music store just right ahead. He was bored and in the mood to watch something good. He told Sehun to just wait for him inside the store. He said he wouldn’t be long.

Just as he opened the glass door, he was knocked off his feet and fell down. The force was too strong for the lithe Luhan to handle and obviously the person who bumped into him was in an extreme rush…and strong.

No words were uttered as the perpetrator helped him up and tried to brush the imaginary dust of his baby blue long blouse. Once Luhan was upright again, something strange inside Luhan happened.

“I’m sorry, miss. Sorry if I hurt you.”

Luhan’s body suddenly tingled with excitement.

The voice – the deep and rich velvety voice - had got to be the most perfect voice he had ever heard. The music store was long forgotten. He heard himself uttered an ‘it’s okay’ but his mind was still reeling over the fact that something had happened to him.

Something so wrong yet so right at the same time.

“I’m Luhan,” Luhan timidly said when the guy, introduced himself as Kai, extended a hand to him.

“Omo, you’re bleeding! Damn it, I shouldn’t have knocked you off your feet. Let me…uh…treat you to lunch! A-as my sorry!”

“Oh, it’s okay really. It’s just a small scratch. But since I’m hungry and I’m not going to reject free food…sure~!”

                Luhan found Kai to be a very cool guy (handsome too) and was a year younger than him. As they ate – Luhan ordered a double cheese burger and Kai the same one – Luhan couldn’t help feeling the pull towards Kai and he could see he was leaning way over the cliff and in a matter of seconds…


                Luhan realised he had fallen in love! With a guy! As a soul mate! His soul mate was a guy!

                Shocked, he gasped, “Oh no!”

                “What’s wrong?” Kai asked, concerned.

                Luhan couldn’t speak but his mental voice was screaming.

                I AM NOT GAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!



                “Aish, where did Luhan-hyung go??” Sehun muttered while patting his grumbling stomach. He was left standing in front of the bookstore for more than half an hour. Luhan had all forgotten about his little brother.    

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Chapter 12: I just finished reading this. All of your one shots are amazing. I love this especially Krisyeol but Kailu is cute. Hahaha. I like it when you make Luhan, Kris and Sehun as siblings since Sehun looks like Kris and Luhan looks like Sehun. You should continue this. This is really amazing. Please write more Krisyeol.
Chapter 11: Reasons why Kris is staring to Chanyeol... :-D
1- Chanyeol have beautiful eyes
2- Chanyeol have a really beautiful smile...
Chapter 6: Cheongryong's Dragon Prince and Bonghwang's Phoenix... LOL...:-P
Chapter 4: So cute... :-)
Chapter 1: Your wish is granted...Chanyeol... :-D
Chapter 12: Please update huhuhu I just saw this now whilst searching for taohun tag and I'm sooo on edge
321hahaha #7
Aww.. I love the Kailu >.<
Chapter 12: i'm loving this >.<
Chapter 11: Kyaaa! Why so cute, huhu