Luhan Is...Gay

Just Moments


 Luhan Is...Gay.

Absently, she gathered her long honey-brown hair and plucked the white scrunchie from in between her lips and slowly tied her wavy hair. It was drying and tickling her . As her ponytail was held high, her milky white neck was exposed. She made her way slowly into the kitchen, yawning slightly in the process. 
Luhan was calm that fine morning. He even thought that since he was a girl now, there was absolutely no reason he was  not going to enjoy just a moment. He was tired. Tired of worrying too much. If he knew how light he would feel after just accepting things, he would've have done it sooner instead of fretting his hair off. 
For now, Luhan the girl was going to just enjoy her morning with her coffee. With lots and lots of milk. She could even enjoy the green scenery through the kitchen's wide window, a soft smile playing on her lips. 
"Good morning, beautiful."
Luhan froze. Her doe eyes widened. The green mug in her hands suspended in the air instead of meeting her lips. The steam rose slowly, unlike Luhan who was very still with her shoulders tense. 
She knew that voice without even looking at the face. 
Kai rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. It was early in the morning but for some unknown reason he was awake. So he descended the stairs silently finding his way in this house. He managed to glance at the huddled bodies in Yifan's big bedroom, watching their sleeping faces. 
He didn't even plan to sleep over at his Chinese friend's house yet somehow in all their howling and yelling at the football match last night, they lost track of time and the very nice Mrs Wu had brought warm blankets for all of them - asking them to stay over instead. It was already too late. And, oh well. 
Just then Kai heard some voices, a squeal then some laughters. It originated just around the corner.
He was about to enter the kitchen when he caught sight of a giggling petite girl (whom he recognised) flinging herself to an equally laughing dark-haired man. He watched as they embraced warmly. They looked happy...Luhan looked happy.
Suddenly, there was something throbbing in Kai's chest. It wasn't the throb of his heartbeat, no. He didn't like the happy face Luhan was sporting. Not one bit. Silently, Kai stepped away from the kitchen's archway. 
"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" Kai heard Luhan said. He saw the twinkle in her eyes as she cupped the man's face. They weren't embracing but the stranger's hands were still on Luhan's small waist. Kai had the urge to rip the guy's hands off. 
"I missed you too, Xiao Lu," the stranger said as he kissed Luhan's pink unblemished cheek. Kai frowned. Mwo? Xiao Lu?
Something dropped in Kai's stomach. He felt queasy. With something akin to a heavy feeling, Kai left still confused with his own emotions.
"Good morning, beautiful."
Luhan shrieked as she turned, running the short distance and threw herself at the prepared man.
"Zitao!" Luhan squealed, her happiness muffled by Zitao's dark shirt. Zitao chuckled, feeling joyous too. 
Luhan unfurled her arms from around the man's neck and cupped Zitao's face, staring at the man's eyes wondering how he had grown so tall and handsome in such short time.
"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!"
Zitao smiled before he pecked Luhan's cheek, returning the older one's affectional sentiment. The peck was a greeting of his, a habit that was uncurbed and brought along from their childhood days.
"Aigoo, look how much you've grown," Luhan gushed, feeling a sort of motherly affection for Huang Zitao. 
Huang Zitao was their neighbour. The only son of the family that moved at the same time as the Wu. Zitao was their playmate and Luhan's confidant and Luhan was, in return Zitao's confidant (or at some times, confidante). Even at the age of 16, Zitao already towered Luhan. All traces of the skinny child gone. He went to a boarding school so far away from where they lived and on only long holidays would the other came home. Luhan completely forgot that it was already the summer break.
Zitao chuckled. "How've you been Luhan hyung? Found...'the one' yet?"
Luhan pouted before pulling Zitao into the living room and they sat on the blue couch with their heads huddled together. Luhan slipped her hands around Zitao's torso before resting her head onto her best friend's broad shoulder. Zitao automatically pulled Luhan's closer. In a sense, Zitao was Luhan's oversized human teddy bear. She rested her shorter legs onto Zitao's propped up ones. Any outsider who would see the intimate position they were in would've mistaken them for a couple. But Luhan as well as Zitao knew their love for each other would never cross over the platonic level. Besides, Zitao was crushing on Sehun, her 15-year-old youngest brother.
Luhan let out a troubled sigh. 
"Spill, Lulu," Zitao said soothingly.
"I found the one..." Luhan whispered. The sudden movement under Luhan's head alerted him that Zitao was turning his head so quickly. Zitao was the first person Luhan sought when he first turned into a female.
"You did? Congrats hyung! Who's the lucky girl?" Zitao asked excitedly. 
"That's the problem, Zitao."
"Eh, what do you mean, hyung?" 
Luhan could hear the confusion in the younger one's tone. She glanced at the wall clock. Well, they got time. Luhan then launched into her story, not missing anything and Zitao listened intently. 
When he opened the door, Kai was surprised to see Chanyeol sitting on floor, face looking dazed with his blanket pooling on his lap. He didn't think the tall guy was awake yet. 
"Morning, Kai," a voice startled him. It was then he realised that Suho was already awake and was folding his borrowed blankets neatly. Lay was helping the older one, piling the blankets onto Yifan's small sofa.
"Oh, good morning, Suho hyung..."
Suddenly he was reminded by the scene he saw earlier and clenched his fists. What was wrong with him? 
"You okay there, Kai?" Chen who was exiting the adjoined bathroom called out to Kai. Chanyeol was clumsily shuffling his way towards the now vacant toilet. He hit his shoulder against the doorframe and hissed before the door closed behind him with a soft thud. 
"Yeah, I'm fine," Kai replied neutrally. He walked across the dim-lighted room towards his makeshift bed and began cleaning them up. 
There was only one bundle left. Judging from the long and large mountain on top of the bed with one foot peeking out, Kai assumed it was their oh so welcoming host, Wu Yifan. The other did warn them that he was a late riser. 
When all of them were up, including the reluctant Yifan who Chanyeol forced to wake up by drawing the curtains and pulling at Yifan's duvet, they sat in front of Yifan's flat screen watching the recorded match from the night before. Kai was uncharacteristically quiet. But he was quiet to begin with and the only person who seemed to notice his lack of participation was Suho. Kai waved it off with a smile and a shake of his head. 
It was sometime later when Yifan's bedroom door was knocked and Luhan's head peeked in. Kai's heart did an uneven dance at the sight of her.
"Yifan?" she called out, opening the door wider. Kai watched in fascination as his friend's sister was bathed in the soft morning glow, creating a halo on top of her head. She looked...angelic. With her blonde hair tied high, her loose shirt exposing her small shoulders and her three-quarter pants displaying her smooth legs - a dancer's legs, Kai noticed, she really looked beautiful. Kai's breath stuttered. 
"Breakfast is ready. Boys, come downstairs," she informed with that sweet smile of hers.
At the mention of food, almost immediately all of them were rushing past Luhan. The older female avoided the hoard of boys bigger than her. He watched Suho bowed down apologetically as he chased after the other boys. He heard some hooting that faded with the distance. Only Kai was the only one rooted at his spot. He blinked in surprise. What was he still doing here?
He jolted in surprise. He didn't notice the girl until she was a few feet in front of him. 
"Aren't you going?" Luhan asked timidly. Kai widened his eyes but he couldn't talk. He watched as she fussed over Yifan's room, her back to him. 
She instantly turned the television off and the only noises in the room vanished. When she turned, her face showed surprise.
"Oh, I thought you're already gone. I'm sorry, are you staying here instead?" she asked fretting over trying to switch the device back on.
Still Kai didn't answer her. That made Luhan turned worriedly as Kai stood up. Kai saw her expression fuddled with curiosity and confusion. Heck, he didn't even know what he was trying to do. 
"Miss Luhan..."
He stood in front of her. Kai marveled at how small she looked. She looked like she would fit perfectly in his arms. Fueled by his discontent as the images of Luhan embracing the unknown man came into his mind, Kai grabbed onto Luhan's skinny arms. Not roughly, but gently almost afraid of hurting her. Luhan looked up, her brown eyes wide and expressive, startled she was.
"What have you done to me, Luhan?" He cut her off. 
Before he himself realised it, he was already kissing Luhan's pink pouty lips. And before he could stop realising what he was doing, Luhan was pulling his neck closer and kissed him back. 
And that morning, Kai had completely forgotten about breakfast or hunger as he continued kissing the lovely and bashful Luhan, hugging her as if not wanting to let her go. 
Zitao crept into Sehun's room, noticing that the boy was still fast asleep. Stealthily, he climbed under Sehun's sheets and with his elbow supporting himself, he stared at the sleeping face. Smirking, he poked at Sehun's still chubby cheek and chuckled when Sehun wrinkled his nose, swatting at his face. Zitao saw that the younger one was slowly waking up.
Sehun tiredly opened one eye then the other before opening them both and frowning as his eyes focused onto black...something. That same morning, the whole house was shaken with Sehun's loud scream.
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Chapter 12: I just finished reading this. All of your one shots are amazing. I love this especially Krisyeol but Kailu is cute. Hahaha. I like it when you make Luhan, Kris and Sehun as siblings since Sehun looks like Kris and Luhan looks like Sehun. You should continue this. This is really amazing. Please write more Krisyeol.
Chapter 11: Reasons why Kris is staring to Chanyeol... :-D
1- Chanyeol have beautiful eyes
2- Chanyeol have a really beautiful smile...
Chapter 6: Cheongryong's Dragon Prince and Bonghwang's Phoenix... LOL...:-P
Chapter 4: So cute... :-)
Chapter 1: Your wish is granted...Chanyeol... :-D
Chapter 12: Please update huhuhu I just saw this now whilst searching for taohun tag and I'm sooo on edge
321hahaha #7
Aww.. I love the Kailu >.<
Chapter 12: i'm loving this >.<
Chapter 11: Kyaaa! Why so cute, huhu