
Vampire Hunter

As one of the audience raised his drink up, he felt a sharp pain at his neck. It looked like Hoya just got a sip of fresh human blood.....

"Run!!!!" one of them shouted. They had to hold the performance and run for their lives.
"Yeonmi! Come backstage now!" Shina's father informed.

"Minsoo! Ricky! Defend the crowd! I am going to help the dancers.... And my dad..." Shina said.
CAP and Ricky nodded with agreement and they ran off.

The whole hall was in total chaos and all the vampires were traveling at extreme speed, drinking on the audience's blood.
However, Sungkyu and Woohyun targeted the dancers.... So they ran to the stage.
"No! Sungkyu! Stop!" Shina ran and shouted.
She took our her phone and dialed HQ's number and called for reinforcements.

Shina kicked the two vampires' backs and they fell to the floor.
Woohyun got up immediately and ran off.
"Shina! Stop it!" Sungkyu shouted.
"I am not! I am not letting you hurt my father and my best friend!" Shina shouted.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" a bunch of people screamed.
I turned and saw a bunch of girls wailing cos they saw a terrible sight:
1. My father was attacked and he bleeding like hell!
2. Yeonmi is held hostage in Woohyun's arms.

"Woohyun! What are you doing?!" Sungkyu shouted.
"Come on! Let's go!" Woohyun said and dragged Yeonmi away.
"Ah! Let go of me! Shina! Help!" Yeonmi shouted for help.

Shina's POV
My mind blanked off as I saw my dad's body lying in blood.
"No! You can't die!" I patted his cheeks.
"Shina... It was good that I saw you for the last time before I leave.... Anyway, I had always loved you... I had never had the intention to leave you... I left and became a business organizer to earn money for you.... This concert was organized by me and I was the one who asked Yeonmi to write to you...." Dad said.
"Dad... Stop it... Whatever had happened, just forget it.... I had never blamed you for being irresponsible...." I said.
"I had always loved you.... Stay strong..." Dad said.

From there, he slowly closed his eyes and he soon left us........

Hatred towards the vampires are increasing.... I want to kill them so much! I can't let them hurt my best friend.... I have to save Yeonmi....

Sungkyu's POV
I heard Shina's wails.... "No! You can't die!" as I stood at the corner with Woohyun.
Yeonmi was knocked unconscious, I looked at Woohyun with anger.
"What?" Woohyun went.
"You idiot!" I threw Woohyun a punch, but he dodged.
"Damn! What's wrong with you?!" Woohyun asked.
"You killed Shina's father! How dare you!" I shouted at him.
"You still love her?" Woohyun asked.
"Not just that..... Shina's father.... Sent me to protect her...." I said, shakily.
Tear overwhelmed my eyes as Shina tries to wake her father up.
"I'm sorry.... Your mind is hard to read..." Woohyun said. "Your mind is immune to mind damages like my powers...."

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myungsoojen #1
Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
Omg this is getting very interesting <br />
Please don't stop!!<br />
What will they do to her??!!
WAHHHH, what will they do to her?! <br />
What will Shina do?! <br />
What about SungGyu?! Do they love each other?!<br />
Thanks for the update though!
Shina is too cool! <3<br />
Update soon,this story is cool!
Update soon,this story is cool!
hehe new reader. <br />
sunggyu is in love with shina? <br />
oh i love vamp fics hehe, update soon!<3
SungGyu is STILL in love with Shina? <br />
And WooHyun was such a dumb-*ss for killing her father, he's so dumb. <br />
Poor Shina, what will Gyu leader do now?<br />
T-T Thanks for updating! <3
SungGyu ehhh?! What's going to happen next?<br />
What will happen to SungGyu? xD<br />
Thanks for updating! <3
Woah, this is cool! ^^ :D <br />
Thanks for updating!