
Vampire Hunter

"She isnt waking up if she is not getting any blood!" Niel, one of the staff member, shouted.

"There isnt anymore blood packs in the storeroom!" Changjo, another one, shouted.

"Blood...." Shina whispered as she laid on the bed. She was sturggling to keep alive and she was gasping for air.

"Someone call for help!" Niel called out.

"Let her drink my blood...." Minsoo stepped out.

"No! Are you mad?!" Niel shouted.

"Are you gonna let her die like this?!" Minsoo shouted.

"Someone is here!" Chunji, another staff member, shouted.


"Hi, call me Sungyeol..." a man in a suit came in.

He placed his bag and it was full of blood packs.

"Here. Hurry and give her the blood she needs, before she dies...." Sungyeol said.

"Okay...." Niel grabbed one of the blood pack and fed Shina with the blood.

"Hmm...." Sungyeol let out a mumble as he watched Shina drink the blood. Soon, he left and let a soft evil laughter.


He walked towards the isolation room. He pressed a few buttons on the lock and he managed to decode the password and unlock the lock. 

"Sungyeol! How did you find me? How did you get yourself here?!" Myungsoo shouted.

"Shh.... Hurry... I will explain to you later...." Sungyeol dragged Myungsoo out of the isolation room.



"YOU DID WHAT?!" Sungjong's jaw dropped.

"I gave Shina bags of blood filled with poison...." Sungyeol said with pride.

"You smartass.... Why didnt we think of that?" Dongwoo punched him lightly.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" Sungkyu reacted.

"What?" Myungsoo looked at Sungkyu.

"Shina?" Woohyun reacted as well.

"You want her to die?!" Sungkyu shouted. 

"W... Well...." Sungyeol stuttered.

"You could have just gave her blood instead and not let her die...." Sungkyu cried.

"Wait... You know this Shina girl....?" Hoya asked.

"Shina was Sungkyu's classmate in high school..... He was the one who turned Shina into a vampire...." Woohyun said.

"How did you know?" Sungjong asked.

"Well.... That is what my power does!" Woohyun said.

"Oh well.... Sungyeol... You're not that smart after all...... You just made the leader cry...." Myungsoo pouted and gave Sungyeol the "Aw... Too bad...." face.

"Oh shut up....." Sungyeol punched Myungsoo lightly.




"She's awake!" Ricky, another staff member, called.

"Ngh.... I am alive?" Shina asked.

"You were lucky that there was some guy in a suit who came to give us some blood packs." Niel said.

"Oh okay.... But..... There seemed to be something be different about the blood...." Shina said. "Could you send the blood for a test?" 

"Okay..." Niel said and he went to take a blood pack and sent it for a test.



"What on earth?!" Shina was shocked.

"The blood is poisoned.... And i heard that you.... took some of it?" Byunghyun, the forensic scientist, said.

"I didnt just take some of it.... I took ALL of it...." Shina said.

"May we do a test on you?" Byunghyun asked.

"Sure...." Shina said.

Byunghyun walked and he took a scalpel from his tools.

"What are you doing?" Shina asked as she backed off slowly.

"I dont know if i am imagining things but.... I think this is my assumption...." Byunghyun said and he sliced Shina's arm with the scapel.

"OW!" Shina yelped as she stared at the deep cut on her arm.

However, it slowly started to close.... And her wound disappeared.

"What?" Shina was even more shocked.

"Yes.... Looks like you have found what your vampire power is.... Invinsibility...." Byunghyun said.


LOL, i thought Teen Top when i wrote this fanfic. So, i added them as cameos.... :)


Well, you found about three people's powers. :)

1. Sungyeol - Super Smart

2. Woohyun - Read minds

3. Shina - Invinsibility


hope you have enjoyed this chapter! :D

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myungsoojen #1
Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
Omg this is getting very interesting <br />
Please don't stop!!<br />
What will they do to her??!!
WAHHHH, what will they do to her?! <br />
What will Shina do?! <br />
What about SungGyu?! Do they love each other?!<br />
Thanks for the update though!
Shina is too cool! <3<br />
Update soon,this story is cool!
Update soon,this story is cool!
hehe new reader. <br />
sunggyu is in love with shina? <br />
oh i love vamp fics hehe, update soon!<3
SungGyu is STILL in love with Shina? <br />
And WooHyun was such a dumb-*ss for killing her father, he's so dumb. <br />
Poor Shina, what will Gyu leader do now?<br />
T-T Thanks for updating! <3
SungGyu ehhh?! What's going to happen next?<br />
What will happen to SungGyu? xD<br />
Thanks for updating! <3
Woah, this is cool! ^^ :D <br />
Thanks for updating!