What are you?

Vampire Hunter

Early in the morning,
Shina opened her eyes and looked at her ankle, the red patch is gone... *Did it recover overnight? Or was it just a dream...* she thought.
She packed her stuff and got ready for school...
"OPEN UP!" she hear them... The ones who caused her parents death... Shina walked to the door and opened it. They are at the door waiting, the debt collectors....
"When are you gonna pay the debts?" One of them asked.
"Why did you kill my parents?!" Shina shouted.
"Your family didn't pay for their debts..." he said. "I gave them a condition that I would take you away if they didn't pay up, but they are willing to sacrifice their lives to make sure you are safe..."
"What?! And you killed them?!" Shina was shocked.
"Well, I won't rest... Now, pay up those debts now..." the debt collector demanded.
Shina slowly backed off into the house and she quickly ran into the house to hide. But the debt collector was smart, so he quickly found Shina in no time.
"Let me go! Stop!" Shina struggled as the debt collector grabbed Shina's wrist.
"You're hurting me! Stop it!" Shina cried.
Immediately, the debt collector took out his gun and pointed it at Shina.
"Stop struggling before I shoot you to death!" The debt collector shouted.

"Hey you!" Someone shouted.
Shina and the debt collector turned and saw Sungkyu.
Sungkyu ran and gave the debt collector a huge punch in the face, thus the debt collector lost his grip of Shina's wrist.
"Sungkyu!" Shina shouted.
As Sungkyu was fighting the debt collector, he manage to disarm him and his gun fell beside Shina.
The debt collector threw Sungkyu another punch.
"No! Stop!" Shina shouted.

And the next moment,
The debt collector pinned Sungkyu on the floor.
"Gah!" Sungkyu struggled.
"You are so going down..." The debt collector said and he took out a small dagger from his pocket.
"No!" Shina shouted. She quickly took the gun from the floor and pulled the trigger. It then shot the debt collector on the forehead and he collapsed onto the floor.
Sungkyu manage to break free and he ran to Shina.
"Shina! You alright?" Sungkyu asked.
"I'm alright..." Shina cried as she look down on the wrist which the debt collector gripped tightly, it was badly bruised.
"Hold still..." Sungkyu said and he placed his hand on the wrist. Within seconds, the bruises were gone.
"*gasp* Sungkyu...." Shina was amazed.
"Let me help the debt collector with his injuries and erase his memory..." Sungkyu said. "Go to school first, I will handle it..."
"Sungkyu..." Shina said. "What are you?"

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myungsoojen #1
Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
Omg this is getting very interesting <br />
Please don't stop!!<br />
What will they do to her??!!
WAHHHH, what will they do to her?! <br />
What will Shina do?! <br />
What about SungGyu?! Do they love each other?!<br />
Thanks for the update though!
Shina is too cool! <3<br />
Update soon,this story is cool!
Update soon,this story is cool!
hehe new reader. <br />
sunggyu is in love with shina? <br />
oh i love vamp fics hehe, update soon!<3
SungGyu is STILL in love with Shina? <br />
And WooHyun was such a dumb-*ss for killing her father, he's so dumb. <br />
Poor Shina, what will Gyu leader do now?<br />
T-T Thanks for updating! <3
SungGyu ehhh?! What's going to happen next?<br />
What will happen to SungGyu? xD<br />
Thanks for updating! <3
Woah, this is cool! ^^ :D <br />
Thanks for updating!