The dark night

Vampire Hunter

It was after Shina's dance practice, she left her homework in the classroom, so she decided to go get it after her dance practice...

It was already at night... The whole school was really dark and eerie... The howling wind blew into the classroom, making the place more eerie...

Shina entered her classroom and her homework was there, she heaved a sigh of relief. She then walked slowly towards her desk. She decided to take a look at her homework first. That was when she heard distant footsteps. She turned to the door and no one was there.

She decided to go out of the classroom, so she quickly packed her stuff into her school bag. A piece of paper accidentally cut her finger, blood slowly flowed out of the cut. Shina then heard the distant footsteps becoming louder, it coming nearer.... She wanted to hide but she was too slow... HE jumped into the classroom and pinned Shina onto the floor.

"GAH! HELP!" Shina screamed for help. She looked up and realised the person on top of her was... Sungkyu...

"Sungkyu! What are you doing?" Shina shouted.

He didnt say a word. He grabbed Shina's bleeding finger and the blood away. And in a blink of an eye, his fangs appeared. He then bit Shina on the neck.

"NO! STOP! SUNGKYU! NO!" Shina screamed for help.


"Sungkyu! Stop!" Sungkyu stopped what he was doing and he turned and saw Woohyun.

"Woohyun..." Sungkyu said.

"Stop it..." Woohyun said. "You know what you have done?" 

Sungkyu stood and he walked away.

Woohyun took a last glance at Shina who laid on the floor struggling the pain of the venom Sungkyu had passed.

"Help.... me...." Shina said. After that, she fainted and she laid motionless on the floor.

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myungsoojen #1
Update soon<3<3<3
it's so interesting!
Omg this is getting very interesting <br />
Please don't stop!!<br />
What will they do to her??!!
WAHHHH, what will they do to her?! <br />
What will Shina do?! <br />
What about SungGyu?! Do they love each other?!<br />
Thanks for the update though!
Shina is too cool! <3<br />
Update soon,this story is cool!
Update soon,this story is cool!
hehe new reader. <br />
sunggyu is in love with shina? <br />
oh i love vamp fics hehe, update soon!<3
SungGyu is STILL in love with Shina? <br />
And WooHyun was such a dumb-*ss for killing her father, he's so dumb. <br />
Poor Shina, what will Gyu leader do now?<br />
T-T Thanks for updating! <3
SungGyu ehhh?! What's going to happen next?<br />
What will happen to SungGyu? xD<br />
Thanks for updating! <3
Woah, this is cool! ^^ :D <br />
Thanks for updating!