
Summer Trouble

Your POV:

'Out of all the people in the world, I just had to get in trouble with you.' I shouted throwing my head back.

'Sorry hon' but you won't get anything you want in the world.'He smirked.

'You stupid bastard of a woman! This is not a good way to start my summer.' 

'Enough you two! Why don't we make a deal. If you just shut up then I'll cut your cleaning days by three quarters. Only 5 weeks instead of 15. Deal?' I looked at the teacher then looked at Kai who was looking down.

'Deal.' We said in unison. The teacher got up and head out the door while shuffling papers in his hands. I turned to Kai, 'Which dance room should we clean first?' He looked at me, 'We? I think you meant I.'

'You know...I can have the teacher give us all our time back. That's if you plan to help me.' He looked at me with hatred filling his eyes.

'One thing, babe.'

'What?' I said, getting annoyed with the babe part.

'Come closer.'

'Hell no!'

'I won't do anything to you.Who would?'

'Yah! For that I'm not coming closer.'

'I'm sorry! Just...ahh, let me tell you something.' I looked at him and this time his eyes were pleading. He looked really stressed.

'Fine. What is it?' He beckoned me to come closer. I rolled my eyes and followed his instruction. When I was at least a foot apart from him, he came closer leaning torwards my ear.

'Would you please...' 

'Get on with it! I don't like being trolled on.' I heard him sigh.

'Please...please help me get with Eunmi.' I just nodded after realizing what he said, my eyes widened.

'You like Eunmi!?' he nodded and scratched the back of his neck, looking down. Oh gawd he looked really adorable.

'PLeaaasssee don't tell anybody. I really like her and the least that I want to do is to get off her bad side.' He said. This guy is full of sincerity.

'Bad side? Who said that you're on her bad side?' I asked tilting my head to the side.

'Well...I just thought that...because you're her best friend..and you practically hate me, I thought she'd hate me also.' He was in his blushing state. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I mean he probably had this is in mind the whole time he liked her.

'Look Kai. I might hate you but that doesn't mean Eunmi does. Here as a token of appreciation- for helping me with the cleaning. I'll help you get with Eunmi...In fact, after we clean, why not stop by the park. That's if you don't have any plans.'

'I don't have any plans! Ummm...let's start cleaning.' I nodded and followed him with the bucket of cleaning supplies in my arms.


' long did you like her?' I asked.

'Ummm...Since eighth grade I liked her.'


'I don't know. I think it's just that she's really nice and merciful even if someone this something bad to her. She really responsible and always sticks to her promises and she also has a pretty singing voice.' I understood what he meant. Eunmi was the ideal type for almost any guy. I couldn't blame him if he liked her. I stopped myself from wiping the mirrors and looked at him. What I saw was not the Kai I fought with all these years but a Kai that has been a part of one-sided love for a long time already. He looks so determined to make her his. Eunmi sure is lucky to have so much people going after her like this but from all of the confessions I've heard. Kai is the only one that sounded ever so sincere.

Some guys they just leave presents with confession notes stuck to them. Others just take her and do it straight on the spot. Knowing Kai's tactics, he's not the type to do either. He's the first to come to me for help.Basically, what I'm saying is that...

' He's unique.' I spoke out of my thoughts

' Who's 'unique'?' He asked

'Oh nothing! Let's get going so we could go to the park.' I suggested


***2nd Chapter is up!!!! I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be doing a double update so please look out for it! Please subscribe and comment!!! Thank you!***

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Omg can 'I' just forget Kai and take Luhan as 'my' boyfriend???? *^*
this is cute <3
@ chanminwoo_18

I love you too. No homo.
Omg!!!!! I really love this chapter!!
Luhan is soo cuteeeee!!!
Author-nim i love you!!!hahah
fangirl4life #5
omgomgomgomgomg, luhan<3 hes so cute!
thelostwishes #7
Sbuishiusbboushuosbuoshuosoubsuih luhan
Awwww luhan is too adorable>~<
Hope you update again soon!
XXXTroublemakerXXX #9
Nice nu poster!! keep updating and u best read the msgs i sent!!
OMGEEE!!! CAN LUHAN STAY FOR THE REST OF THE STORY?! I don't know why, but I want this story to have a love SQUARE instead of a TRIANGLE~ ya know? Anyways: update soon~ ^_^