Chapter 3


A fiery feeling welled up in the back of my head as I got to my feet, the man was now looking at me his eyes locked on to my body. “What?” he said with a confused look on his face, I smiled to reveal fangs protruding from my mouth. “I’m hungry” I said, an eerie feeling befell the small alleyway. Hangeng looked at me with fear I his eyes, ‘what a wimp’ I taught to myself as the man continued to study my body with bewilderment. “What’s wrong?” I asked him sarcastically as I slowly moved in closer to the man; he stood there in fear almost as if he were paralysed. His face was full of emotion; I had a strange feeling of joy as I grabbed his neck in my slender hands. “There was never any money to begin with” I cackled lifting the man of the ground. He desperately tried to separate my hand from his neck; I smirked and grabbed his neck tighter. I threw the man at the brick wall behind him, the brick collapsed inwards and the man laid on top of the rubble. I slowly walked over and pulled the man out of the carnage and smacked him against the wall beside the hole. “Rubbish like you does not deserve to live in this world!” I said as my eyes pierced his soul. “no please” the man pleaded, with a simple flick of his head I had broken his neck killing him in the process. I leaned in towards his neck and sinked my fangs in to the veins. Blood flowed down my dry throat refilling my energy, I felt alive.

I looked over at Hangeng, he was still unharmed. “Let’s go” I said wiping the fresh blood from my lips, Hangeng walked up to me with a strange look in his eyes. Was this regret or was it disgust?  I was confused; I had never seen her look at me like this before. “Hangeng?” I asked staring in his eyes, for some reason I was unable to enter her soul. “You have changed; I don’t even know you anymore. Where did you put Heechul!” he said in a stern voice. ‘What is this’ I taught to myself “Hangeng he’s scum, he didn’t deserve to live” I explained. Hangeng began to walk off; I grabbed his hand in desperation. Hangeng pulled his hand out of my grasp “WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO DECIDE THAT!” he yelled and ran off. “HANGENG!” I yelled after him, he didn’t return. I followed after him, I stopped. I heard a loud sound from the distance. A car no... A scream, “Hangeng!” I yelled, my stomach twisted and my heart pounded. As I turned the corner I saw it, a figure on the ground and a car on the side walk. I ran over, my fears had become a reality. Megan was drenched in his own blood, I cradled him in my lap “HELP!” I yelled, but it was too late he had lost too much blood. By the time the ambulance arrived he was dead, my face was soaked in tears Hangeng’s blood. The words “WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO DECIDE THAT!” filled my mind. Why had this happen to him he was innocent, “TAKE ME INSTEAD” I yelled. People looked at me in pity; my one reason for living was now destroyed by my foolishness.




Sorry i killed Hangeng D;

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sasorrii #1
as i have parts of the story already done it shouldnt take too long for there to be more chapters :/ again sorry if its not good :D