

Orange bricks splatters with dark shadows surrounded the ally, rain pattered softly on the uneven concrete. The moon hid away behind darkened clouds, the smell of litter filled the area. Warm blood dripped from my mouth as the cool air chilled my body. The Punch and the cold night made my jaw go numb, pain filled my head as the man in the hoodie spoke aloud “Were did you say the money was” he said standing over my body: as if like a master to his slave. I straitened my back and glared at him, “dunno” I said spitting blood at his wet shoes. The blood soaked in to the fabric, as Hangeng Kneeled on the floor shaking in fear. His shirt was torn and dirty with blood stains, his knees were covered in scrapes made from the concrete.

I watched as the man walked over to her and raised his fist high in the air, Knowing he would hit him I instinctively flung my body in front of the punch and was sent flying into the ground, I got to my knees racked with pain. “HEECHUL!” Hangeng yelped as he backed away from the man as fast as he could. I had an uneasy feeling alongside a light headed feeling, I touched the back of my head it was unusually damp I pulled back my hand and viewed it. Crimson blood covered my shaking hands; I looked over at Hangeng as he looked at my hand with horror. I felt my felt slipping away slowly, my vision became blurred as the light made my eyes burn. The man walked over to me his trousers making a splendid noise as it slid across the ground; the man reached down and grabbed my hair yanking me upwards. Pain shot thru my already throbbing head as it felt like every strand of my hair was going to be ripped out. The man lent his head in close to mine and smirked with satisfaction, “I guess you won’t tell me” his grin became a glare, the features on his face wrinkled up in to frown lines. He shot his head towards Hangeng “What ‘bout you, tell me and I’ll let your Hyung go” he said moving me side to side controlling me with the hand he had a secure hold of my hair in his rough hand, it was moments like these I cursed myself for growing my hair out.

Hangeng looked from the man to me in confusion, as if he were unable to decide how to answer. Did he know the answer? And why didn’t I know the answer. This question had been floating in my head for a while; Hangeng broke in to a cold sweat and started shaking “um… uh… I don’t… I don’t know” Hangeng mumbled. The man trusted me in to the floor.



HAHAHA more action strait up in the story

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sasorrii #1
as i have parts of the story already done it shouldnt take too long for there to be more chapters :/ again sorry if its not good :D