
The rain poured down adding to the depression, a small boy buried his head in his arms. Thunder rumbles and lightning struck in the distance. Chills ran down the boys shirtless back, blood soaked his pants and formed a puddle around him. A figure fell in front of him, he looked up from his knees to see his mother slashed across the chest, Blood exploded from her lungs on the boys tear stained face. “Mum…. MUM!” the boy cried out in horror, the boy jumped to his feet and ran towards the house. “DAD! DAD mums been…” the boy yelled out as he bumped in to a stern figure, the man turned and looked at the boy “RUN get out of here, Leeteuk” All of the sudden the man fell on top of the boy “dad?” the boy asked squeezing out from under the man, the boy kneeled over the body of his father “HELP!” the boys voice echoed in the distance.

A hooded man stepped out from the building and stepped over a broken vase, the boy looked up at him. He stood waiting; his knuckles were white gripping a blood splattered cleaver. The man’s face was covered in the shadows of the room; he took a step forward in to the light to reveal a grin on his face. His eyes were wide in excitement he laughed and lunged towards the boy. Leeteuk turned to run, his breath was hard and the rain fell faster. The man laughed as he slashes at Tate’s side, Tate let out a yell and flopped to the floor. Tate’s vision became blurred, he closed his eyes in pain as he heard the man’s footsteps leaving. He re-opened his eyes some time later to see another man standing over him, he wanted to run. Leeteuk went to stand up but the moment he moves pain went crashing thru his body, he yelled out in pain. “Don’t move!” the man said as he touched Leeteuk’s shoulder, Tate flinched. He watched as the man studied his back in disgust, he looked away from Leeteuk’s back with a look of sadness. “Boy what I am about to do is something I wished never to do again” the man said with a look of pity, “Hate me all you want after this I understand. But this is necessary”. The man picked Tate up and laid him on his lap, Tate shook in pain. The man lifted Leeteuk’s head and lent in, the man put his lips against the boy’s neck and Bit down. Fangs pierced the neck of the boy as blood flowed down on to his torso; Leeteuk felt a warm tingle run through his veins and became a burning sensation. Leeteuk screamed in pain, he tried to get out of the man’s hold but he seemed to be paralysed. The burning spread through his body before focusing on his back, he felt as if there was some power regrowing the skin and muscles on his back. Leeteuk passed out and darkness consumed his world.



sorry its not long :/ and not good D; no hate plz

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sasorrii #1
as i have parts of the story already done it shouldnt take too long for there to be more chapters :/ again sorry if its not good :D