relaxing time with a bit of frustration

You said you'd never hurt me

-whew- you wiped the little bit of sweat off your forehead "almost done packing"

** two days before

"hey ___ do you want to go on a mini vacation?" Kris looked at him surprised "uh sure yeah that would be great." you answered

"where are we going?" you asked..."Well you know my brother Lay, he and his wife asked if I wanted to to their beach house to relax and I wanted to know if you'd like to come?" he smiled...You thought about and quickly answered "yes I'd love to."

**back to present

You were putting a week worth of clothes in your suitcase right beside Kris...."haha doesn't it look like newlyweds." Kris made a silly joke..."aha yes I suppose it does" ...It never occur to you, but you became really comfortable around Kris-

-ring ring ...Your phone went off

"hmm an unknown number is calling me." you mumbled and then picked up...."hello this is ____ speaking, who is this?" you answered....."h-hello"... you heard her voice and immediately your heart dropped.."why are you calling me? what do you want?"you said in a dark tone ..It was none other than your ex friend Taeyeon

"c-can we meet, like right now I just want to talk?".."if you can't then it's okay, maybe another time..right?" she asked... sigh you wanted to be mean but the little bit of goodness kept you sane..."fine, lets meet in 10 at penguin park." both hung up and you left for the park..."Kris I'll be back in a few." 

You arrived at the park to see Taeyeon on the swing you walked up and plopped a seat on the swing right next to her...her eyes brightened up when she saw you. "I'm glad you came, for a second there I thought you wouldn't come." she said... You cut through the chase "so what is it that you want?" you asked..."a-ah uhm well since that incident I haven't been able to see you or hang out o-or well that is I was wondering....please please will you forgive me! I'm so sorry!" She got on the floor and bowed... "Taeyeon please get up from the ground, have you lost your mind. People will think I'm bullying you." you said in a stern voice.

You turned around so that your back is facing her..."You know that really hurt me, when I saw the sight of you and Kai felt like someone ripped my heart and stomped all over it.".."Taeyeon you're my best friend w-well you were...I trusted you with everything, we've been friends since we were little and to actually think you'd go for my guy, i didn't think you were like that. That never crossed my mind to actually think that a best friend would steal your man." ....Tears came down Taeyeon face .."I'Im so sorry I don't know what to do to change this!" she gave you a back hug and held you tight.."can't we forget about this and move on, just pretend this never happened! please I'm begging you. You're my best friend I don't want to lose you!." you can feel the back of your shirt becoming damped from her tears.. your eyes became watery, you took hold of her arms that wrapped around you and pulled them apart from your body.. you took a deep breath in and exhale to speak "Taeyeon I do miss-  .."you miss me." Taeyeon interrupted... "I miss the good times we had together, but I don't miss would I know you wouldn't do this to me again, m-my trust for you diminished on that night." ..."b-bbut, please" she said.... you walked forward and faced her in tears.."in the future maybe when I'm truely happy we could then be friends." you said your last sentence and walked away...but she grabbed your right hand pulled you back and then cupped your face with her left hand to peck a kiss on your lips... your eyes got wide and you slapped her which was your first reaction. You wiped your lips with the back of your left hand. 

You looked at her in shocked as she sat on the floor .."What was that!." you yelled ...her hands covered her eyes she started crying "I- I lo-love you ___ so much me than you would ever know!." she confessed....You were confused "wait are you telling me that y-you're gay." you bluntly said ...She looked at you in an intense gaze from the ground."Yes! I'm ing gay! I love you! Why haven't you noticed already!" she yelled back ..."But you and Kai ?!" ..."I don't like him, he was blackmailing me... -sob- he found out I liked you and used it against me." she kept crying... you were in awe "I-I can't believe this..I need to go right now." you ran away from her 

Your thoughts went crazy *what the , she's kidding right*...*what's going on*

You came to the apartment and shut the door behind you...."Ah that was quick." Kris said with a smile..."mm yeah it was." you walked right pass him with your head down trying to cover your face with your hair. You went to the kitchen table and put your head were getting a headache from thinking to much...a hand touched your shoulders.."are you okay?" kris asked...You got up "I-im fine I ran into a poll and gave myself a headache" you thought *that was bull he's not going to buy that* .."ah really, well I'll get some advil for you, please go lie down on the couch and I'll bring it out." listened to him *whoa he bought that lie*.. he came out with a glass of water and two pills..."here you go take this and maybe you should take a nap." he smiled.."oh okay thank you.".."I'll wake you up before the bus gets  here"

**an hour passed and you finally woke up

"mmnn" got up and walked in the bedroom, you saw Kris's back. His broad shoulders were really attractive to you, you went close and gave him a back hug.."I'm up"you said... he turned around and gave you a pat on the head "Are you feeling better?" he ask with his infamous smile.."yes much better thanks to dr.Kris" you said..."You're quite welcome..but oh the bus will be here in 30 minutes, is there anything you're forgetting?" he ask .."nope nothing I'm ready to go when you are." amd with that you arrived at the bus station... "I'm so excited!" you said.... "me too and even more since you're coming with" he put his arm around your shoulder.. and led you inside the bus, you walked passed many people but one person strucked your looke down..."C-chen is that you?" ..the guy looked up and took his sunglasses off .."___, Kris hey how are you two, what a coincedence." he said happily.."what brings you two here." he waved his hands to tell us to sit next to him... "are you two on a date trip?" he blushed .."a-ah um we're visiting my brother's beach house for a week." Kris answered.."Oh I see." chen said..."mm what about you where are you off too?"... "I'm actually going to peach bliss island to do some artwork." he said smiling... you and Kris looked at each other and laughed .."That's where we're heading.".... "here's a good idea why don't you come along do your artwork and stay at my brothers beachhouse..I'm sure he won't mind there's a bunch of rooms." Kris offered.." oh my you sure that I won't a burden, it sounds very wonderful."he smiled..."not at all, please come. I insist." Kris said... "mm well okay this will be fun." he smiled..... it was set the three of you were on the wat to peach bliss island for a week of relaxation.... In the three hour bus ride you three played games, joked and saw a bunch of beautiful sights on the way to arrival.

"mmmmnnmm yes!." you stretched your entire body as you got off the bus..."here I'll carry your bags."Kris insist.."oh um thank you Kris." ...Kris walked ahead and led while you and chen were inches behind chit chattin.... "So ___ are you two an item? or what?" Chen were flaberghasted ..."oh no we're just friends.".."are you sure, because two don't seem that way. I think you like him amd he likes you." he said..."nah we're just friends and nothing more." you said straightforward..."is that right, so you wouldn't mind if I take him off your hand?" chen asked... "w-wait what chen" ..he leaned in to whisper "gay, yes I am" he smiled.." but I'm very proud to be, so really you wouldn't mind." ..without thinking you answered..."no no go ahead, if any I'll help." you gave a nervous laugh and Chen skipped to Kris side to help him with the can here them from far away "here let me help." Chen offered... "oh why thank you." kris said.... you were in the back in deep thoughts watching them 

*but I didn't mean to say yes* ...* they really do look like the best couple though* *Chen's really beautiful whil Kris is handsome* ..-sigh- what am I going to do? you mumbled to yourself

"are you coming slowpoke." Chen yelled ... you looked  up and speed walk "yyes I'm coming!" you answered


Lay ran out the house to give Kris a brotherly hug... "look at you, you're even taller than me." Lay said .... Lay peeked to see who was behind Kris "and who do we have here?" he smiled ... "we'll do you remember ___ I brought her and we ran into our friend Chen on the way, I hope it's not a bother." Kris said... Lay walked towards Chen "its a pleasure to meet you I'm Lay, Kris's older brother." he smiled.. and he looked at you up and down .." ___ is that you..really how long has i been, you've grown into a beautiful beautiful women."..."Kris you sly dog you." You and Kris blushed... "well everyone please enjoy your stay and relaxed my wife Victoria should be home in a few hours to cook us a feast as she said." he smiled..... Lay left us in Kris care, thus Kris led to us to our rooms...

"okay __ this will be your room and Chen yours in across while mines is right next to yours." he smiled.... "great." Chen smiled 

you looked at the room, it was decked out in beautiful sunflowers with a feminine feel to heard chen speaking in the hallways "hey Kris want to go to the hot springs?".."ha sure, we should get washed up anyways before supper." Kris answered .. You fell down *is he really making a play for him* your heart sunk *but wait Kris isn't even like that* you started thinking dirty guy on guy thoughts of them and shooked your head vigourously *no no stupid ___ don't think that." Just then you heard a knock on your door.

you opened it and it was Victoria "hello sweetie long time no speak." she smiled.. you gave her a hug "yes it has been awhile." you grazed you hand over her stomach and realize something.."v-victoria are you.." "yes I'm having a baby." she smiled extra happy "I-im so happy for you!do you know the of the baby yet?" .."mmm not until next month, but I'm hoping for a girl haha *she put her index finger over her lips* shh don't tell Lay because he wants a boy." she laughed ... "say do you want to go for a dip in the hot springs  ?" she asked .."sure" you said

You two walked out the small room in a towel before entering the steamy water ... you can feel Victoria eyes, eyeing you... "is something the matter?" you asked ..."mm none at all, I was admiring your body,your figure is really nice, super curvy. What size cup are you?" she d your s ..."ahh V-victoria please refrain from touching me." you asked .. "nope I appreciate beauty, so Im admiring your body." she smiled..."dont worry Im not gay I just love seeing a womans body." she smiled... you blushed "thats a weird hobby, but are you going to let go of my chest." she moved from your s to your , you let out a little moan.."haha you're funny ___" victoria said... you turned around "jeez I can't believe I fondled by a woman!" you said ... just then you heard laughing "pfffttt hahaha" ..."oh my god that was funny hahaha"... it was on the other side of the boulders.. it turned out to be Chen and Kris laughing

"I'-im going to kill you guys" you grabbed a towel wrapped it around and went over, Victoria went also. instead of soaking in the water the four of you guys ended up splashing in the hot water like little kids until you all turned into raisins.

an hour passed and went wandering around the mansion beach house, you heard Kris voice from his room and decided to scare  him so you went to his door and slowly opened it leaving a small peep hole crack. You quietly gasped *what in the world..chen?* you evesdropped on the two of them....

"Don't tell ___ about this." Chen asked.. he was on top of Kris pinning his hand down... "what are you serious? i  mean I won't" Kris said... "good good."chen said as he leaned down to Kris face and that's when you lightly shut the door and ran to youroom

*oh my god! Kris is gay he's so gay!* ...* what am i going to do?* ...*Chen is more suave so I mean yeah anyone would fall for him* you kept hitting your head

"___, Lay, Kris, Chen! dinner is ready so come on down." weren't in a good mood but went down anyways. You sat across Kris, lay beside him, Chen next to you and Victoria across of him. Kris was eyeing you but you couldn't look him in the eyes because all you could see was Chen and him making love.. Soon you gave into your imagination and a nosebleed came flowing. 

"oh my __ are you okay?" victoria quickly got a napkin and wiped up your nose.."a-ah uhm thank you I  must be getting the hot springs after affect" you said ... "Victoria want to help me to restroom?" you asked.. "sure I would hun." she answered and you two walked away from the table leaving Lay, Kris and Chen with worried expressions.



Chapter 4 will be up soon, I'm writing it now.

anyways are you guys bored with this? be honest? should I just stop? or keep writing?chapter 4 is the last chapter :) i shouldn't write anymore confusing angst and keep to now should i?

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Ashcollector #1
Chapter 5: So pretty but seriously half the time I was plotting Kai's death.
Chapter 5: Awwwhh, that was a cute story.. x) heehee..
XXXTroublemakerXXX #3
Awww. :3
Yulhoe #5
LOL SEQUEL! where Kai try ruining u guys again and then taeyeon and chen fall for each other lalalala xD
OhMyKrisus #6
kkk taeyeon is gayyyy chen is gayyy
OhMyKrisus #7
you kai
OhMyKrisus #8
FireflyShy #9
Whoa, my head's spinning from all the unexpected stuff. Is M. Night Shyamalan your co-author? LOL
So Kai really did cheat wirh Taeyeon for a year, or was that a lie? @.@ cause I don't get how he'd blackmail her by making her have with him for finding out she's lezzy for you.
If I was the main character, I would've married all of them lololol 8D
Keep writing! Update soon ^u^