this is bull

You said you'd never hurt me

You were walking home from a friends house, you're coming home two days early since you didn't want to leave Kai home alone. As you were near you noticed that your house was dark, not even the porch lights were on. You took out your keys, unloked the door and walked up

You yelled out his name to see if he was home "Kai honey are you home!" but no response, you yelled three more times and walked around the kitchen, living room and went upstairs to your bedroom

Turning on the lights you saw him in bed. "ah ___ babe you're back early I thought you were staying at Jessicas for two days?" his eyes were adjusting to the light since you woke him up. "I'm sorry for waking you up, but I thought you'd be lonely without me so I came back" You smiled at him and walked towards to put your jacket away

"ah- you heard him yell before you opened the door

you looked in and saw Taeyeon in her bra and and quickly looked back at Kai 

"w-what the is going on!" you yelled at him

"And you what are you doing here!?" you yelled at Taeyeon

They were both speechless

"So who's the that's going to speak first!"you crossed your arms

"Look" he grabbed your hand but you snatched it away "No don't touch me after you guys just ed! actually how long has this been going on!" you yelled once again

"dammit listen! ____ I want a divorce. Taeyeon and I have been seeing each other for a whole year now-- you didn't bother listening, you ran out the house with tears coming down

You kept running, it was like you were running from that scene that kept replaying in your mind. You slowed down but the tears could not stop eventually you found yourself roaming all around Seoul city just lost in thoughts. So many hours has passed your head was getting clouded and just when things couldn't get better. It started to drizzled and grew in a down pour of rain, you were soaked, cold and tired. But where can you turn to burden Jessica after you told her you wouldn't stay since you missed your husband or go home and get mad again. Your eyes were getting heavy you kept fading in and out just holding onto the brick wall for support but fell on your knees.

You saw a blurry blob figure in front of you, but you couldn't figure out who it was? "Oh my __ is that you" who is this person " are you okay" why is it his voice.his voice it sounds familiar"hey hey! wake up" " don't worry I'll get help"

"h-hey you're so warm." and with that last sentence you fell asleep

The person felt your forehead  "ah damn you have a fever." The person picked you up and carried you bridal style to his apartment

You soon woke up from him shaking your shoulders "hey ____ hey! wake up, you need to eat."

your eyes were making its way to adjusting to the lights in his room "mnnnmm" you muttered something

"how long was I out?" you finally put a sentence together... he spoked "about a day and a half, sorry I couldn't let you sleep longer but you should really eat so that the fever would go away." he said

You took a good look at him and your mind was putting faces and names together, after a few second "Ah! Kris! what am I doing here?!" You got up quick and tried to bow and say sorry but your knees gave as you were still feverish. He caught you "Jeez ___ don't move too much you need to get well first" He layed you in his bed, tucked you in and continued to talk.

"Good thing you still remembered me." he smiled .... "Oh my how could I forget, we were desk mates for 4 years, but really how long has it been since I've last seen you?" you asked with a smile.. "aha actually it's only been a year and a half." he laughed a bit.... "that short" you were in disbelief .." yep! it hasn't been too long, but the real question is why were you in the rain with a fever?" he asked

"honestly if you hadn't woke me up I would of slept forever actually I'd hoped to just live in dreamland forever." you started speaking

'huh? are you crazy" he said.... "I don't know I just- my heart feels like its breaking" you sat up and covered your face your hands, tears were forming "it hurts so much, my hearts feels like its been picked up and thrown around" Kris put his arms around you and hugged you "go ahead you can vent it all out I'm here to listen"

"How would you feel if you caught your wife and bestfriend sleeping with each other, not even that but for a whole year and that you've been married for a year and half" 

"I'd feel like , i'd want to leave the world.." he started speaking "but look ___ even if its tough times you should always smile brightly and let the wound heal over time." he half heartedly smiled

you looked at him and punched his shoulder "y-you were always like this so nice to me." you continued to cry in his arms and yelled out jibberish in saddness and anger until you passed out.

-sigh- "what am I going to do with you" Kris looked at you while you were asleep 


Morning came and you finally woke up, You got out of bed and looked around. 

"oh yeah Kris found me." you came to realize

a knock on the door came "hey are you up? if you are I left clothes in the bathroom just wash up and come down for breakfast okay." you can tell he had a big smile on his face. you did as he said and went to the rest room to shower. "he's such a sweetheart, i almost forgot how much I missed that big ol lug of a teddy bear." you came out and put on the oversized button up on and looked in the mirror "jeez louis was he always this damn big or did I get smaller, the freaking shirt is almost to my knees."

You went downstairs to see Kris in the kitchen setting down pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries "whoa they look absolutely amazing" ... "why thank you ,please have a seat and eat." he smiled "okie dokie" you said

he looked at you up and down "sorry I couldn't find anything smaller." .."it's okay"

"oh and don't forget to take your last bit of medicine" he said... you looked at the pills and then looked at him "hey Kris how did you make me take the medicine" he was speechless " K-kris are you okay?" you walked to see him do dishes but he kept looking the other direction. You finally grabbed his face to see him beet red. "I-I sorry I mouth to mouth" .. You blushed but turned around fast so he wouldn't see " sheesh Kris you're so bashful you could've just said it, but thank you." you smiled at his as soon as your face were back to it's color.

an hour has passed you had all your things ready to leave "So where will you be staying?" he smiled..."uhm good question." you never even thought about it "I'll figure it out as im walking." you smiled...."uh no, you know what just stay with me until you're settled with everything." I don't want to hear anything but a yes

"no, no I couldn't I'd burdened you so --

"nope you're staying until you get everything sorted out. deal okay deal." he smiled ..."mmm well okay." you responded ..."good girl" he patted your head

Everything was settled, you were to stay with Kris until you felt better, with that conversation said you and Kris went out for a day of fun

"So what have you been up to since I've last seen you oh and by the way how is Lay doing nowadays?" you asked...."mmm just work and wandering around and Lay is fine, he finally got married a couple months ago." he answered ... "no way! him! settled down...with who?" you asked.."Victoria noona, you know they've been dating since college.".. "ah her, i remembered..almost forgot that they were still together." you answered half heartedly

You and Kris are college buddies but one day Kris introduced you to his brother Lay and truth be told you fell hard for him. On one rainy afternoon you asked Lay out and he said yes, you two were a normal happy couple until Victoria came into the picture, you'd often seen them hanging out and whatnot. A year into dating he broke it off and went for Victoria, but you really couldn't be mad he was the best guy you've ever had, a sweetheart and such a gentleman. Sure you were hurt but Kris comforted you just like how he did for you when you found out Kai had been cheating on you.

You and Kris walked into an arcade

"hey hey try this punching bag game, let some steam out." he said iwth a smile .. you were hesitant but did it anyways "ha okay I will"

You gave it a good punch, three or four punches then got really into the game and threw an uppercut, after awhile you saw Taeyeons face and then Kais face on the punching bag 

"You !".."Some friend you are!"..."Y-you damn homewrecker! I'll kill you!.."and for you Kai! you lying! cheating no good bastard of an ex husband!".."The wasn't even good!" .... Kris suddenly grabbed your arms and ran out the arcade

"Jeez! you've lost your mind, dude I think you got way too in the game. Freaking kids and the manager were looking at you!" his eyes widened

"a-ah I'm sorry I just lost my train of thought." you apologized .." But man Kris it felt good!" you also added .."Just remind me to not get you mad haha I don't want to get punched by you." he joked .."aish" and you looked at him

You two walked on the sidewalk, Kris was babbling on about some silly joke you joked along with him but noticed a familar face walking towards you and Kris. It was Kai and Taeyeon holding hands.

*lovey dovey bastards* You quickly grabbed Kris's face and pressed your lips on him, you parted his lips with your tongue so you could enter, tilting your head so that they could see you then you gave them the meanest glare. You could see the shock on their faces they just quickly walked passed.

You lightly pushed Kris off "sorry about that" Kris had a dumbfounded expression on his face "w-whoa.." his face turned beet red

You two sat down in a cafe ..."well I just saw him and well her and I didn't really think much so I-   ....."it's okay, I was just shocked." he smiled ..."But there's one thing I want to know, how did you guys meet or that is when?" he asked... you were shocked but answered anyways "hmm it was about a month after graduation we met at a carnival and from then on I was heads over heels for him, he even proposed a month after. Sure I was a bit hesitant but I was positive that I would spend my life with him...but.." you smiled..."but what?"he asked..."I introduced my friend Taeyeon to him a couple months after, and you know how the story goes, they've been sleeping together behind my back for a year ." Your tone of voice went down but Kris put his hands on yours "I'm here for you, from now on if anything happens I'll be your only ally." he smiled

You looked at him and nodded, his smile was that of an angel everytime he did it you knew everything was going to be alright, you felt comfortable with him.


two weeks has passed and you've been living day to day normal and feeling good, you don't know why you've been feeling so upright and lifiting all of a sudden but you think  maybe Kris had to with the smile that's permanent on your face. It was a normal Sunday evening and you thought of the idea for a friendly date with Kris 

"Hey Kris tonight I'm going to take you on a friendly date tonight." you said with a smile ..."Oh whoa me, hmm whats the catch haha." he laughed .."no catch just to thank you for everything.. deal okay deal" you smiled .."hey you're using my line against me." he pouted.."hah now go get dressed." you laughed

You dressed yourself up really fancy, smokey eye make up, curled your side swept bangs out so that the honey red peek a boos could be seen and then made the rest of your hair wavey. Topping it off with 5 inch black pumps and a skin tight leopard print mini dress. You had a very curvy body and didn't mind showing it off. When you were done you walked out to see Kris "so how do I look" you asked.. he looked at you from top to bottom in amazement .."my date is the most beautiful woman I've laid my eyes on... you giggled" oh thank you for the compliment, you look quite amazing as well." you told him, but honestly your heart was pounding fast he had on a white button up with black slacks and his hair lightly messy. You thought he was the iest guy in the world.

you two got in the car and drove to 'Club Dynamite' *is that even real lol* and arrived there in ten minutes top. The club was bumpin with the hottest music, you could feel the adrenaline heating in you "c'mon lets go dance" before you entered the dance floor you took 5 shots on patron and Kris did about 6-7. You two could really hold your liquior. You heard Beast and Apink skimmy baby come out and quickly led kris to the dance floor. You pushed him to the wall, holding on to his knees you started grinding on him. You could his hard member poking your ... "someone is " you smirked .." is it the alcohol talking or you." he smiled... You swayed your body to the beat of the music with Kris and kept on taking more drinks. At one point Kris walked away and you were dancing with some guy. You looked around to see him with a large glass on straight vodka.."ha you're serious arent you.".."yeah I sure am" he smirked He drank half of it whole and the other half he drank but cuffed your face and gave it to you mouth to mouth.

He put his hands on your hips and brought you closer to his face, you bit his bottom lip, you could hear him moan

You two danced and drank for hours and hours, you let loose and had fun, a fun day is what you really needed


The sun beaming directly towards your eyes to wake you up... you got up but quickly squeezed your temples "mmhnnm my heads like hell" you mumbled to yourself. "Maybe I drank too much" you got up but noticed you were completely , so many thoughts ran into your head. You came to one conclusion so you slowly turned your head to the bed.."oh god please, please I did not sleep with Kris" You turned around and saw noone in bed "whew thank goodness" You started walking and tripped over what felt like a boulder."Ah damn!" you looked down and your eyes grew so wide, Kris was on the floor . You face palmed yourself "! I did sleep with him!"

"h-hey Kris wake up. it's morning." you moved his shoulder

"mnnmm.. two more minutes." he grumbled



chapter two will be update in a couple hours! :) oh my goodness this was the longest chapter I've ever done but okay poll time... How many of you guys vote for her(reader) to be with Kris... or with a new guy I can just make up :)???

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Ashcollector #1
Chapter 5: So pretty but seriously half the time I was plotting Kai's death.
Chapter 5: Awwwhh, that was a cute story.. x) heehee..
XXXTroublemakerXXX #3
Awww. :3
Yulhoe #5
LOL SEQUEL! where Kai try ruining u guys again and then taeyeon and chen fall for each other lalalala xD
OhMyKrisus #6
kkk taeyeon is gayyyy chen is gayyy
OhMyKrisus #7
you kai
OhMyKrisus #8
FireflyShy #9
Whoa, my head's spinning from all the unexpected stuff. Is M. Night Shyamalan your co-author? LOL
So Kai really did cheat wirh Taeyeon for a year, or was that a lie? @.@ cause I don't get how he'd blackmail her by making her have with him for finding out she's lezzy for you.
If I was the main character, I would've married all of them lololol 8D
Keep writing! Update soon ^u^