are you serious?

You said you'd never hurt me

You watched Kris as he woke up 

"oh g-good morning ___ ... ugh my head is throbbing" He covered his eyes... "Uh Kris" you said.. he looked at you and noticed you were wrapped in a blanket. "___ were you hot last night? Did you sleep haha?" he laughed ... "uh no, take a look at yourself and then look at me and figure out the puzzle." you said... He did as you said and blushed quick  trying to cover himself "Ah! wait why am I ! Did we... you and I- 

"had ." you bluntly said.."yes we did, I think we had one too many to drink last night." ....sigh "I'm sorry I didn't think clubbing would lead us to this situation- .... "look Kris haha it's okay I didn't remember much but I had fun last night so how about we get our dat started." you said with loads of confidence... "I-uh yeah I guess we should." he agreed

You left first since you had work .... "goodbye see you when I'm off." you waved with a smile .."Have a great day." he flashed one of his infamous smile ... You walked down the street crouched down to hug your knees *sigh* what am I going to do! why did I act so bold and cool, I'm freaking out! My heart won't calm down* you were screaming in your head. You were in deep thoughts while walking into the building you bumped into a person...

"Ah I'm sorry." you bowed ... he turned around and looked at you, to much of your surprise it was none other than Kai "Y-you" ..."What are you doing here?" you asked .."I-I came to look for you, can we talk?" he asked ... you were confused, so many mixed emotions were overflowing you and you bluntly answered "sure lets talk outside"... you led him to a bench right outside the building.

"So whats up?" you asked "Lets cut through the chase, I want the divorce papers filed out right now if not sooner." .. "fine I can do that." you answered ..he had a shocked expression on his face as if he wanted you to feel like crap. "How are you and Taeyeon going? You asked .."We're pretty good, I'm surprised you're asking me that." ... "actually I don't want to know, I'm happy right now, so if you have anything else to say then say it if not I'm done" you walked away from him and your building for work. You called off and wander around a park until it was time go home.

"hmm what am I going to do" you mumbled to yourself as you were walking home but you noticed a guy underneath the street light he seems to be struggling with something so you go over to see.

"sir are you okay?" you crouched down to ask. You noticed his grocery bags were ripped..."uhm sir can I help you?" you asked.. He turned around and looked at you, he opened his mouth and spoke "a-ah yes, I'm sorry for being a burden but I would love some help" ..You grabbed some stuff and he as well. You two were walking down the street, "my house is right around the corner so you won't have to carry them for any longer haha." he laughed.. "by the way my name Chen, what is your name?" he asked.. "I'm ___ nice to meet you Chen" you smiled..."So grocery shopping this late?" you asked.."mm just little but what are you doing walking around this late?" he smiled.."Just clearing my mind a bit" you answered....... You and your new friend Chen made small talk until you reached his house

"Thank you once again ____." he smiled ..." oh no problem, you're very welcome." you smiled. you noticed chen looking at the floor and then you looked up since it was too dark to tell.. "well I'll be off now,I hope to see you around." you waved farewell and made your way home to Kris place...before you entered you really thought about Kris alot and found yourself having a mini crush on him. *friends with benefits* you mumbled *why not*

he welcomed you home "so __what do you want to eat for dinner?"he asked you. You looked at him and then his body and then face again and finally answered. "you" ... he blushed "ah uhm wow __ you're very blunt haha." he laughed. "I'm not kidding" you pushed him to the wall and kissed him. "c'mon don't you want to." you smirked... "I mean I do it's just, isn't it too soon." you could see the worried in his eyes

 You released him from the wall and walked away *way to ruin the fun* you went to the living room and laid yourself on the couch with your right arm covering your eyes. you heard Kris footsteps drawing near you.."Look Kris I'm sorry I'm just having mixed emotions here"..he sat down next to you and lifted your head so that you would lay on his lap. He your hair " Don't worry about it, I want to wait until your heart is only filled with me." opened your eyes quick and got up "w-wait what? Kris I'm confused..d-do you like me?" you asked

His eyes became serious "Did it really take you this long to realize after all this time."he smiled .."b-but since when?" you were flowing out with questions..."Since we met in college".."why didn't you ever say anything" you felt anxious.."Because you were captivated with my brother and besides I could tell you only saw me as a friend" ..."b-bu- 

"Don't worry about it just yet, I mean I'm glad I'm finally confessing after all this time but I'm not trying to take advantage of you since you're feeling weak I want to win you over on my own accord." he smiled were in shock, you're heart was fast you didn't know if it was because you were happy, sad, or just anxious. He held you "I'm sure you're feeling overwhelm"... "I'm a bit shocked but I'm thankful that you're telling me" you smiled

after the whole confessing facade you both ate dinner, it was a bit awkward not for Kris but for you. You went to take a shower while you were in there you heard the doorbell ring. And then a knock at the bathroom door. "____ sorry to bug you but you have a guest" Kris said ... You were wondering who it could be at this hour so you stepped out and grabbed a robe to put on.

"___ hello there, sorry to interrupt but you dropped this so I came to return it." 

"C-chen oh my thank you, you're a nice person'" you bowed, you were quite shock to see him... you stepped out and closed the door behind you so that you and Chen would talk.... "it's almost midnight, sorry for being a burden." you said..."It's not a problem haha but it was hard to find this place." he laughed.."yeah it is sorta, since it's a bit hidden." .."Oh by the way do you want to grab coffee tomorrow? Since I helped you and you helped." you smiled, you thought it'd be great that fate through a new friend your way.."Wow that'd be fantastic how about 12 at Starblocks." he smiled... "Sure it'd be nice, I'll bring Kris he's a roomate of mine I'm sure you guys would get along." .."That's not a problem, I look forward to meeting him." he waved goodbye 

You came inside the apartment once again but you ran to Kris .."Hey hey Kris you want to get coffee with a new friend of mines tomorrow." you smiled..."sure why not."


You and Kris arrived at Starblocks to meet Chen for coffee, you saw Chen from a distance he was making a phonecall

*yeah yeah I got this in the bag* chen mumbled in his phone

"Hello there!" he smiled.. "nice to meet you I'm chen you must be Kris.".." Yes and you're chen it's nice meeting you." Kris said.... the two of them hitted of pretty well. 

The three of you went in and grabbed a seat near the window, you guys chatted and drank your coffees. Everything was great since everyone was laughing and telling jokes, you turned you head to see Kai walking towards your direction. *what the is he doing here?* you thought. He came closer and stopped at your table, his hands was in his pockets so nonchalant. "what are you doing here?" you glared at him... "oh my my fiesty are we, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to say hello.".."you said hello now get out of my face" you said... "w-who is this guy" chen asked. "ah i see this must be him" kris mumbled before taking a sip of his coffee

You could see Kai's face analyzing everyone at the table, you followed his eyes..."two guys, hmm well aren't you a little , you know I think you were better off staying with a cheater than being with ugly dogs" he scoffed... you shot up and flipped the table causing everyone in the place to look at you."excuse me! who the are you to come  to say and say rude ! Get out of my face you bitter no good worthless bastard!" you were yelling but Chen was holding your hand "___ c-calm down please." .. Kris eyes were big as an owl .... Kai blew a kiss and walked away waving "yeah yeah whatever with you was ty anyways." with that last sentence he walked out the coffee shop

You were steaming with anger "t-that bastard I'll kill him!" you were furious... Chen was massaging your back as the three of you walked out the shop.. "___ are you okay, you're really tensed? who was he?" chen asked... "my ex husband that I will kill." straightforward you said.."pfft hahaha" Kris cracked a laugh and then progressed to a full on laugh 'you know ___ you're really funny" kris said... "But really he's missing out." Kris gave you a back hug and whispered in your ears .."he doesn't know how to treat a lady right, with you must be extraterrestrial." you blushed and put him off "j-jeez Kris you totally buzz killed the homicide I was attempting haha." you laughed

********CHEN=you POV

:::on the other side of the story lets see what Chen is doing:::

waving goodbye to Chen, you and Kris walked around roaming the city

You waved goodbye to Kris and ____ .., walking the other way you turned into a corner to an alley to meet up with someone

"You did good." the person said..."yeah yeah Kai whatever now give my my share of the cash".. "you play a hard bargained for your work." kai handed you 200$ in cash.. "by the way whats your motive for even doing this?" you asked ..."No girl should ever leave me first I always break up or leave them first." kai responded.." That's awfully childish don't you think?" you asked.."-sigh- the life of a player is quite hard, it hurts a players pride such as myself." he smiled...."You're evil you know that haha." you laughed... he patted your back and laughed along "well aren't you bad for agreeing with this plan." .."mmm nope money is money." you said and walked away "So plan c is coming up I'll do it in a bit..see you around Kai.".."oh and I expect that 300$ in three days." you smiled.."yeah yeah." kai smiled and walked the oppsite direction


end of chapter 2.. be honest are you guys feeling anxious with the story, pity, or bored? it's good to get feedback. I'm going to finish this one up in two more chapters :)


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Ashcollector #1
Chapter 5: So pretty but seriously half the time I was plotting Kai's death.
Chapter 5: Awwwhh, that was a cute story.. x) heehee..
XXXTroublemakerXXX #3
Awww. :3
Yulhoe #5
LOL SEQUEL! where Kai try ruining u guys again and then taeyeon and chen fall for each other lalalala xD
OhMyKrisus #6
kkk taeyeon is gayyyy chen is gayyy
OhMyKrisus #7
you kai
OhMyKrisus #8
FireflyShy #9
Whoa, my head's spinning from all the unexpected stuff. Is M. Night Shyamalan your co-author? LOL
So Kai really did cheat wirh Taeyeon for a year, or was that a lie? @.@ cause I don't get how he'd blackmail her by making her have with him for finding out she's lezzy for you.
If I was the main character, I would've married all of them lololol 8D
Keep writing! Update soon ^u^