Chapter 5 - The Strange Dreams


GD have a strange dream. In his dream, he try to call a girl name... He is lost, alone in the dark and he try to find someone...


At the same time, you also got a bad dream. You see GD bring a knife and come after you....until you falling down.



“Waaaa!!” GD and you are yelling and wake up together at the same time.

“What a strange dream? Only just one day, that alien really can’t let me survive! Even he comes to my dream! Damn!! He is so scary until I really don’t want to remember it!” you said while pulling your hair.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor-GD’s room) ----

GD goes to the bath room, wash his face and brush his teeth. He look at to the mirror and said, “How can I get a bad dream? I’m still upset even after I wake up.. It’s feel like I’m looking for the dark....! Oh.. Terrible!”

Seung Ri knocking GD’s door, but he is not answer. Since the door is unlocked, Seung Ri just coming inside and running to find GD. “Hyuuuuuung!! Finally  you are awake!!”

GD looks very shock and drags his tooth brush fall into the trash can.

“Oh Damn! I’m scared to death. How can you are yelling to me in the morning. What’s going on?” GD looks mad.

“Our Manager hyung just call Top hyung... He said that we got 2 days for free... Let’s take it as the opportunity for a short term trip and leaving this house for awhile. Look hyung!! I got some flyers about private holiday trip to Mexico, Italy, or Nederland..haha”

Seung Ri give those flyers that he got from internet to GD.

GD takes those flyers and he just simply makes it to be a paper ball and throw it to the same target like his brush... ‘A Trash Can’

“What a bad idea! I have a lot works to do for our next album concept. So, stop to thinking about a trip!!” GD said.

Seung Ri just open his mouth widely, shacking and then showing his poor face, and leave the room. He knows exactly how GD is very strict and will never change his mind.

When Seung Ri going out, Dae Sung just passing in front of him with the mouth full of bread from the kitchen. “Let me guess, so.. You just came to his room without permission and create a mess in the morning, right?”

Seung Ri just nodded as a sign of YES..

"Nooooo.... good bye our vacation!!" Seung Ri is yell and cry like a child.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor-Your room) ----

It’s already 2 PM. you take a bath and you are realizing that it is too late to serving the breakfast for Big Bang members. you just wearing your cloth and when you open the door, you look at Seung Ri just standing with sad face in there.

“Good morning Seung...”

Seung Ri just ignoring you and walks downstairs. He looks very cute, action like a child who can’t get candy from his mom.

Dae Sung who just wearing T-shirt and short pants is looking at you with his happy face, smiling and looks very embarrassing and awkward when he realize there is a girl who living with them now.

you just look shocking and closing your eyes for a while. “Ups... I’m sorry..”

Dae Sung just sit in the sofa, turn on TV and focusing on the girl group music video on the screen.

When you want to go down, Tae Yang just come out from his room without wearing any cloth, and you look at his body with six packs and scream, “Woaaaaaaa!!”

Tae Yang is panic and he just covering your mouth with his hand and say, “Ssssstt... I know.. I know.. mianhae yo..” He goes back to his room and wearing his cloth on.

GD heard the scream and going out from his room.

“What now?? It’s annoying to heard people yelling in the morning!!”

Your eyes meet GD’s eyes and GD is realize that second screaming is not come from Seung Ri, but you.

“You...!! Aiiiiissssh....” GD goes back to his room and slams his door.

“Haha.. So he still mad at me” you are laughing slowly to Dae Sung that looking at you. Just in 1 minute after that, GD is open his door again and throwing some cloths to your face and you catch all of those things.

“You need to wash it all!! Make sure it’s clean, smell good and don’t ever thing to ask some help from laundry.” GD said with his arrogant face.

You look at to all the things that GD just gave you, and you’re realize, it is not just some casual clothes, it’s all the branded jackets and clothes, even some with special design and accessories that are blink, hairy and weight.

“Are you kidding me?” your mouth is open.

“Yeah... and... don’t use the wash machine, I’m worried my clothes will be damage.” GD said.

“So.... do you mean that I should to wash it with my hands?!!” you look very mad.

Tae Yang who just come from his room is tapping your shoulder and said, “Well, in Korea, sometimes you can also use your feets”

“Andwae!! No! No! Don’t you ever try to use your dirty feed or I will fire you, sai-lor-moon-yooja ya...”GD said.

“Whaa.. What?! Alright, I’ll do it! Huh.”, you just going down with your super angry face.

“It’s like my dream...that alien is really want to kill me. I need to be patient. Fans’Tactic number 5, “If someone tries to stop you to meet your idol, you need to face them confidently! Aza Aza Fighting... I need to work hard for meet my Se7en, I’ll be in this house for 3 months” you said to yourself.

Dae Sung come to GD, “Hyung, are you serious? I think it is not good to do that to a girl.”

GD just giving his evil smile and said, “I really want to know, how long she’ll be stay in this house.”


---- Big Bang’s Home (1st Floor – Living Room) ----

You wanna go to the to the bath room in the kitchen, and you just passing the main living room and see Seung Ri is playing online game through his ipad. Seung Ri is surprise after he see you carry a lot of GD’s clothes on your hands.

Top who just coming back from jogging in the garden, run to you and help you to carry it.

“Are you okay? What are these?” Top asked.

“That.. alien’s planet costume.. I need to wash these all with my hands” your words are trembling, you look very tired.

“What? Are you kidding me? It’s so crazy! Ji Young is over reacting! Wait here, I’ll ask him”

“Hey..Don’t! It’s alright. I can handle it.” You touch Top’s hand.


“It’s okay oppa. Thanks for your care” your face is turn red.

“Hyung... wae? Let it be... It’s her business.” Seung Ri said.


---- Big Bang’s Home (1st Floor - Kitchen) ----

Seung Ri is come to you, he just laugh like a psycho.

“Why is it so funny?” you asking.

“What are you doing here?”

“To go to the bath room and wash these trashes!” you look very serious now.

“Ups..Seung Ri say So..rry.. Seung Ri needs to use this bath room. I suggest you wash all of these on the terrace in second floor since there are so much water in there. Hahaha” Seung Ri laugh like an evil.

“Sigh...Why you don’t say it earlier. Babo maknae!!!” now, you started to be brave to fight Seung Ri.

“Babo?? You..How dare you....! Omo..omo...” Seung Ri’s trying to hit you slowly, and give you a strong gaze, he looks very cute that way.


You try to ignore him and just walk upstairs. It’s time for revenge.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –Living Room) ----

Dae Sung and Tae Yang are watching the video. Top suddenly come and asking, “Where is Ji Young?”

Tae Yang is pointing his finger to GD’s room.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –GD’s Room) ----

GD’s room is never being unlocked, since he is so scared to be trap alone. GD is busy to record some music and writing new songs.

Top just go inside and he hit GD’s table.

“Wae hyung? What do you want?” GD looks confuse.

“Why you did that to ~~~~~, she just living in our house and you just with your childish attitude“, Top said your name in front of GD.

“Relax hyung. I’m just play around for a while. I think it is good to see her a little bit stress.”

“Don’t you think it is so ridiculous? You just have fun to make her difficult.”

“I think it is not wrong since we pay her to do her job as a maid in this house.”


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –Living Room) ----

You just standing on the 2nd floor and then Dae Sung running and grab your hands.

“Please, don’t let Top and GD hyung are fighting because of you...”

You understand the situation and you give all of GD’s clothes to Dae Sung and go to GD’s room.        


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –GD’s Room) ----

“Ji Young.. I told you to apologize to her, okay?”

“I’m the leader of Big Bang...” GD said.

“I’m the older one!” Top is staring deeply to GD.

“Hey, Stop it!” you just coming and yelling to both of them.

“Top oppa, I know you are care about me, but please, let me to handle it alone. So please...don’t interfere with my business. I’m okay.”

Top is showing his worried face.

“See?? She just said that she is okay.” GD is smiling.

“But...” Top said

“Ssssttt...It’s enough! Thanks a lot for your kindness, but I’m really okay. Washing that alien’s cloths is just PIECE OF CAKE!!” You look confident.

Top just nodding and both of you leave the room.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –Living Room) ----

“Hey! What now?” Tae Yang is asking Top.

“Just let her to do that stupid job...” Top looks disappointed.

You just take all GD’s clothes from Dae Sung and walking slowly to terrace.

Dae Sung, Top and Tae Yang are just looking at you with poor expression.

“Hyung.. So, who’s going to cook...? I’m starving to death.” Dae Sung asking in soft voice.

“When are you not feeling starving? You are eating 24 hours like a walking refrigerator! haha” Tae Yang replied.

“Don’t let her to cook. I’ll ask Seung Ri to do it.” Top said.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor –Terrace) ----

It’s already 3 PM, you look very tired to wash all of GD’s clothes. Suddenly, you just think about GD’s necklace that was broken because of yesterday incident.

“Damn it! I forgot to fix that alien’s necklace! ! Now, I’m stuck in this terrace to cleaning these crazy jackets!”

You take one of GD’s jackets from a big pail that full of water. It is so weight and there is so many accessories on it that you need to take off.

“This Alien’s costume made me crazy!!! No waaaaaay!!”

Suddenly GD is come and yelling, “I can hear youuuuuuu...”

Now You are a little bit nervous, “What are you doing here? I’m not finish yet. I can’t believe it. Why are you still have a grudge with me?”

“Haha... I’m having fun. By the way, have you ever heard our new song ‘BLUE’?”

“Glue? What’s that?”

“Babo saram. It’s BLUE!”

“No way... I never think to heard your song even once in my life time.” you tried to lying, since you’ve already did some observation on the internet about Big Bang before.

“How can you..? Ugh... That’s our new song. I need your comment about it.”

“What? Why are you asking me? Are you serious? I’m not a musician!”

“Of course, I know that! I’m just asking since I need comment from amateur person.”

“‘BLUE’.... huh? What kind of title is that? Look at your hair now. It’s better to change the title with PINK!”

“You...! Aiiiisshh... this girl is making me crazy” GD want to grab your hands, but suddenly his right foot is slip while he wants to take a step because of the soap on the floor.

GD is fell on your body, then suddenly your right hand push the big box detergent until it falling to the big pail and changes the water into blue.

Both of you are staring each other and you can hear GD’s breath since it’s very close. You and GD’s face turn to red. Suddenly, your stomach is grumbling, a weird sound has coming.

You push GD’s chest and you become very shy now.

“Ha-ha-ha...” GD is laughing so weird.

“Why? It’s not strange because my stomach is empty now. I don’t eat anything since this morning..”

“Ottokajo? Is that my false?” GD’s giving his evil smile ‘again’.

You look to the big pail and you start to panic, “Wooooaaa... ottoke? Ottoke? Omoooo...”

GD is become panic too. “Noooo...My lovely clothes!! Waaaa.. Everything turn into blue!! It’s your false!”

“Me? Are you sick? It’s you! You are the one who disturbing my job, falling down and then, creating this trouble!”

“But... my... oh damn it!”GD is shaking his head.

You take one of GD’s jacket, “He-he.. so, it’s blue now.. Just like your song!”

“Wow wow wow! It’s not funny, okay? Do something!!”

“I know! I know! Calm down. We just need to clean it with water.”

“We? You mean us? Me and you?” GD asked.

“Yes! Who else? Hey, help me to connect this plastic pipe to the spigot and turn it around to open the water.

GD looks a little bit lazy since he don’t like to be governed by other person, especially from a girl. His naughty ideas come suddenly, he connect the plastic pipe to the spigot and then, splash it to your body!

You look panic and shaking your body and hands in panic. Now, GD is laughing so hard.

“Are you having fun?!!” you mad.

“Hahaha. You look like a wet chicken...”

“Is it a good time for playing?”

You try to take a towel near you to dry your face, but you unintentionally scraping the white froth on your face because of the effect from detergent on your hands.

“Fu fu..fua hahaa.. look! Your face!!” GD is laughing louder.

You just more mad and throwing that froth to GD’s face too.

 “Hey! How dare you!” GD’s splashing water to you again

Now, both of you splashing water into each other and laughing so hard.

In the garden that located under the terrace, Tae Yang who is laying on the long wood chair while reading book then look at both of you and said, “So.. a progress begin. Nice to see they can be friends”

Top who is sitting beside Tae Yang is look at to the same place too. He looks a bit upset and jealous.

“What is this? Last time I check, they are hate each other, right?” Seung Ri who just coming outside because of you and GD’s loud laughing is asking to Top.

“Have you ever heard that sometimes your worst enemies are your best friends?”Tae Yang asked.

“What the hell.” Top said.

“GD hyuuuuuuung!! What are you doing with that girl?” Seung Ri is yelling.

You and GD look at to the bottom and get surprising to see everyone in there, except Dae Sung.

“I... I....” you can’t say anything since the one you see in your eyes is only Top.

You just feeling bad after you see Top is standing there and see you in a strong gaze.

“No.. Nothing...” GD is yelling back and then leaving the terrace.


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor – Your Room) ----

It’s already 5 PM, you just finish to washing and drying GD’s cloths. Now, you go to your room.

“Oh My God... I’m tired and starving.”

When you go inside, you just surprise to see a bowl of soup and some fruits on your table.

“What is this?” you take the pink notes in the table. You read the notes,

“This is for you. Make sure to eat it before getting cold. I just cut some fruits for you. Hehe, I hope you like it. P.S. The food was made by Seung Ri. I’m not sure with the taste. But, I think it is not bad. Please eat. From: ‘T’”

“T? Who is this? Top oppa? Tae Yang oppa? Oh My God, it’s already cold! I wonder how long this food has been bring to here. That alien made me cannot back to my room earlier.” You just upset.

You just want to bring that food to the kitchen and make it warm, but suddenly you just remember with Top’s hand phone that you have been found in his jacket last night.

“Oh..ottoke? I forgot to returning it.”. You are bring that food and hand phone and running to the downstairs.


---- Big Bang’s Home (1st Floor – Leaving Room) ----

All Big Bang members in the living room now. Seung Ri is busy with playing game. Top and Tae Yang are playing table chest. GD is busy to hear music from head phone and Dae sung is sleeping on the sofa.

You put the food in the microwave, and then you go to Big Bang members. “ the way, Thanks for the food!!”

All of Big Bang members are looking at you. There is no one answer your gratitude.

“Hm... why there is no response? who is giving me that food? Tae Yang oppa? Top oppa? Or..someone  just put that letter T as a prank?” deeply in your heart, you just curious.

While you eating on the kitchen. GD is coming to you and then take a knife who just taking on the table. You look scared because you remember your bad dream last night.

“Woaaaa!” you are yelling and panic.

“Why?” Everyone in the living room is running to the kitchen and found you and GD.

GD just holds the knife in his hand in front of your face.

“Woa Woa..hyung...hyung...stop! stop! relax! What are you doing?” Dae Sung who just awake is panic too since GD is holding the knife.

“Hyung, I’m also don’t like this girl...but I never think about killing her!” Seung Ri looks trembling.

“Ji Young!!!” Top said.

“Aiiiiish. It’s so crazy! Who is going to kill her? I’m just take the knife to paring some apples for all of you. This girl is over reacting!” GD said.

“Are you serious? I’m just thinking that you want to...” you said.

“What? Killing you? That’s what I mean but not now!” GD looks mad now.

“Damn! That dream makes me paranoid. I’m just scared to death when see that alien’s hold the knife.”

“It’s okay now. It is just a misunderstanding. You can continue your eat” Top is taping your shoulder.

“Hey.. By the way, Top oppa. I have something for you...” you said softly.

“What?” Top replied.

Now, everyone is looking at you and Top. They seem curious.

“Hehe.. maybe later.” You keep eating.

“How can I give this hand phone in front of everyone? They will misunderstand” you said in your heart.

“No problem. Please eat.” Top said

“Woah.. That word. Same like what is said on the notes. Is that Top oppa who gave me the food?” you blush

“Hey.. how is the soup? Is that delicious?” Dae Sung siting beside you and blink his eyes.

“Well, it’s very delicious!”you said.

“Hm...Why Dae sung oppa is asking me about the food? Is that Dae Sung oppa who gave me the food? But what is his relation with ‘T’ letter?”

“Haha.. of course it is delicious, it was made by Seung Ri!” Tae Yang continued.

Seung Ri just look at you with a mad face. You just give your bitter smile.

“Okay, it’s definitely not from Seung Ri..Since the notes wrote about him and he is so hate me”

“Hey, I found your room is unlocked that afternoon. I think it is better to lock it for your privacy” Tae Yang suddenly said to you.

“Ooo.. Alright. I understand.” You said.

“How Tae Yang oppa knows about my room is unlocked? Is he going inside my room? Hah? Is he the one with that ‘T’ letter? It’s also make sense if that food is from him. Ottoke? I cannot figure out who is the one who gave me the food?”

Now you are confused. Who is the one from Big Bang members who is brought the food into your room?

You look at to GD that was sit in the sofa and watch movies. “Well, that alien. He is the one who knows that I’m not eating since the morning, but it’s impossible the food is from him!”

When GD is looking at you, you just look down and continue to eat.

From the far, GD is smiling and from the deep in his heart he feel relieve, “So, she is like that kind of food.”


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor – Your Room) ----

Now, it’s 9 PM. You already finish your job to cleaning the house. You take Top’s hand phone from your pocket, “I need to return it to Top oppa.”

When you leave your room, there is no one in the living room.

“I think.. Everyone has already slept in their own room.” You try to turning back into your room, but suddenly you heard someone coughing from the downstairs.

You are going down and found the lamp in the music room is turning on. You see GD is playing guitar in there.


---- Big Bang’s Home (1st Floor –Music Room) ----

You are knocking the door, “May I’m in?”

“What do you want?” GD asked.

“Well, I just come to said sorry and offering peace. Your music is nice to hear. I think you are not a bad person, so how about to be friend in 3 months?” you are smiling.

“Friend? Are you sick?” GD is laughing.

“I’m sorry for all the bad things that were happened between us. Not at all as my false, okay? From the first time we met, I really don’t know that you are a super star because you just covering your face, so I don’t trust your words.”

“Yeah.. and you are hurting my pride. I’ll think about it. But, it’s better to keeping the distance. We are living in a different world. I don’t like if a stranger try to be close with me...”GD said.

“Did you mean.. a stranger or an ordinary people like me? Yeah, I know that. We are very different, since you are alien and I’m human. You live on the outer space and I’m in this earth.” you said.

“Hey! You start again. I just heard someone just offering peace to me. Am I wrong?”

“Well, I’ll just leaving here for 3 months, remember? I’m also have my own privacy. I won’t trouble you and I hope you can accept me too.” You walk to leave the room.

“Hey, wait! I think...You’re wrong, maybe I’m not an alien. I’m worse, a monster. If you make me angry, I’m strong enough to kick you from this house”GD said.

“But still.. for me, you just a freak alien.. but...hey! Monster is a great idea. I heard that you are a famous composer, right? Maybe you can create a song with a title ‘MONSTER’ too. Haha..” you just walking to leave the room.

GD is thinking, “Well.. That’s unique. I think it can be a great idea for the next Big Bang’s album.”


---- Big Bang’s Home (2nd Floor – Your Room) ----

It’s already 1 AM and you are still cannot sleep since you are busy to guess who is the one who give you the food.

“From the initial ‘T’, it can be Tae Yang or Top oppa...but, everyone is having the possibility to do that. Well, I think I need to get milk to make me sleep”

You are going to the kitchen.


---- Big Bang’s Home (1st Floor – Music Room) ----

When you want to go to the kitchen, you still look the Music Room’s lamp turning on. You open the door and find GD is sleeping on the sofa there. He is hearing the music through head set. His eyes are completely close while the music is still playing.

“Is he really slept?” You are shaking your hands in front of his eyes. You touch his face, but there is no reaction from him.

You turn off the music on GD’s MP4 and bring a blanket for GD. Suddenly, GD is sleep talking.

“No... No... Don’t leave me alone! Somebody, please... help me!!” GD holds your hands. You look panic. GD is starting to cry.

Is he talking in the sleep’? Hey! What’s going on? Wake up!” you are shaking GD’s body.

GD is quickly open his eyes and he is really shock after he find his self is holding your hands.

“Bad dreaming, huh?” you asked.

“Why? What are you doing here? What time is it?” GD looks into his watch.

You just smiling after see GD’s pulling his hair.

“Damn! 1.30 AM. How can I sleep here? Oh God, I’m not done yet with my new song” GD is yawning and try to taking his song’s papers.

“I think you are working too hard. Just take some rest, okay? What happen to yoy? You look sweating. Got a bad dream?” you asked.

“I don’t know. I am.. just too scared to be leaving alone in the dark and I’m dreaming about that strange dream again. It has been twice!” GD look confuse.

“Woaaa! Is that a ghost dream?” you start to goose bump,

“I don’t think so. I’m just running in the dark, I try to find something, yelling someone’s name, and totally scared and sad. I’m still upset even after I wake up”

“Well.. Its just a dream, okay? Relax! You are G-Dragon. How can you be alone? Your fans even always send their messages and present in front this house door in everyday. Everyone care about you.” You are touching GD’s shoulder.

“That’s not what I... well, sometimes I’m just...huh! Forget it” GD is leaving the room and take cold drink from the kitchen. You just follow him.

“Hey, sometimes.. I’m also scared to be alone. Anyway, I’m also got a strange dream last night..”you said.

GD is looking at you seriously.

“Well.. My dream is so strange than you. I dream about you come after me with a knife and I’m trying so hard to running until I’m falling down and see your scary face that want to kill me!!”

“hahaha.. I hope so, if I have a chance for that” GD is laughing.

“What?!! Are you serious? Oh God! There’s no benefit to kill me. If I die, the police will come. You go to the jail, your family sad, your boss will fire you, your friends will be leaving you, your fans turn to anti fans, your carrier meet the dead end. I become ghost, haunting you in every night too, you just starving and scared! lonely in the jail, feel regret, cry, crazy and finally you are killing yourself!! The End.”

GD looks surprise after hear your long words.

“Wah! Daebak!! You said all of those words in just 8 seconds. I think you can be a rapper like me! Haha”

“Wow..Seriously? okay, how about...if you teach me? haha” you are laughing.

“I won’t do that for free. I am Korean number one rapper! You need to pay in large amount of money..” GD is teasing you again.

Both of you are laughing and looking each other. 5 minutes after that, Top’s hand phone is ringing.

“What’s that?” GD asked.

You grab that hand phone from your pocket.

“It’s a girl name on the screen. Is it a call from a girl???” You said.

“Hey, is that Top hyung’s hand phone? How can you have it?” GD confused.

“What should I do? Should I answer this call?”, you look panic.

“Hey! What are you doing, give it to me!” GD said.

“No! It's not yours neither! I need to return it to Top oppa..right now!” you are holding that hand phone tightly.

“Are you a thief?! Just give me that hand phone!!”GD is try to take it from you.

Both of you are panic and trying to grab that hand phone until you and GD is falling down and both of yoy are hug each other while lay down on the floor.

Top is suddenly going down and look at both of you are lay down in there. You are on the top of GD's body!!

“What are you doing?!!” Top is yelling.

“O ow.... trouble is coming again...” GD said while holding his breath.


-To be continued-



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I love the fic. :)
Chapter 8: Can you please update!!!! I love the story!!!
Chapter 8: hey ! update update update ya !
Chapter 8: update update~
Please update update update~~~ :D
Haha.. Finally, I can update the next chapters again. Please support my fanfics yaa.. Thanks for the readers... ^_^
404almighty #7
what a nice story.. XD
maybe that girl'll be with Top? They'll be a nice couple..
But, I can't imagine if she's with GD..
And I also can't imagine how cute GD become a grumpy guy >___<
Wait for the next chapter! hehe..
Sure. It will be updated soon.. =) Thanks for reading. ^^
wow i love your story! keep it up ;D
i can imagine how's GD's face when he is being called as alien! HAHA !
please update soon~~ ^-^