Chapter 2 - The Deal




CHAPTER 2 - The Deal


--- In Uncle’s Home—

Now, You are in Your uncle Home. You look busy to reading your small agenda book.

“According to Fans’Tactic number 1, as fans, we need to see our idol directly in front of our eyes. Well, that’s not enough to just see him on the screen. That’s why I go to Korea, to meet him. I have a good feeling that maybe I’m not just can be his fans, but also his friends. Hehe...”

“You... Why are you so happy? Who is your idol that brings you to visit Korea?” Jay Uncle asked.

“Hm.. uncle, I really want to meet Se7en. Do you know him? He is a popular singer in Korea. Please help me to meet him... I know that you will find a way for me!”

“Wow... Se7en? Yeah, I know about that singer man. It's not easy. Hm.....Oh yeah, I remember! He is from YG Entertainment, right? My best friend is working in there as an idol group manager. Let me to ask him for help. I think he can find a way to ask the schedule of Se7en, so you can meet him. I'll call him now”, Uncle Jay take his hand phone and calling.

You are happy and excited!! Your heart beat faster... You are laugh... and You imagine that your dream will come true soon. "Yeah!! I hope I can meet Se7en soon!! Please God, let me to meet him!!!!!" you said.

“Hey buddy! What’s up?”Uncle asked to his friend on the phone.

Time is ticking... It’s take 15 minutes for uncle Jay to finish his greetings on phone conversation with that manager.

“Hm.. Big Bang? How can a young guy like you can be their manager? Wow, great!! I think my nephew doesn’t really know about them. Please help us to find out about Se7en. What? So, you want to meet my nephew first? Alright, I’ll bring her to you on the day after tomorrow at our favorite cafe. Okay, bye..” Uncle Jay is put his phone.

“You.. My friend in Japan now, he’ll be come back to Korea on the day after tomorrow. He told me to bring you to meet him. Just make sure, you are free”

“Of course, uncle. I’m just arriving in Korea and I never know anything about the streets in here. I’ll be free as long as you come with me”

“Yes. My friend said that he promises to help you, but you need to agree with his request. I don’t know about that yet.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll do it. Fans'Tactic number 2, as a fans, we should now about our idol’s schedule. I think it is important to know it before I can meet him...”You look very excited.

“But You... how if his request is difficult to do?”Uncle Jay asked.

“Well uncle, Fans’Tactic number 3, Never give up until we meet our idol. I think I can do whatever his request is.”


---- the day after tomorrow (In a Cafe)—

Uncle Jay is bringing you to his favorite Cafe to meet his friend, the Manager of Big Bang. Everything is good, you start a good conversation with him and you find it is fun to spent your time in there.

“Well...I've heard so much about you from your uncle. I’ll help you to meet se7en. His manager is my friend. I will help you to arrange the time to see him, and I think you can have a dinner with him too, is that good enough?. But, I think you’re already known that I need your help too.”Big Bang Manager said.

“My pleasure, manager uncle” You look very confident.

“Just call me manager oppa. My face maybe look old, but I’m still young...hehe. I need a girl to take care of Big Bang’s house for 3 months. Their house location is near with your uncle’s home. I’ll pay for your work too. Don’t worry about room and other facilities, I’ve already prepare it for you”

“What? I must stay in there too?, my uncle has told me about that Big Bang, a world group idol, singers with great songs and many fans, right? I can help you. But.. why me? I don’t really know about them.I think you can ask anyone rather than me who also wants to help..”You asked.

“ right. Because of that, I choose you. Since you don’t know about them, you will never have any bad or good feeling with anyone of them. It’s only my personal decision, the company don't know about it yet. You can start as a friend to help them. No hard feeling, No hidden agenda and No special interest. That’s why I choose you. Please, just endure to stay there until 3 months”. The Manager’s look very persuasive.

“Piece of cake. I’ll do it. 3 months will be not a long time to see my Se7en in front of my eyes...haha”You are laughing confidently.

“Get ready for it. Bring all your belongings. I’ll pick you up on tomorrow morning”.


--- In Uncle’s Home (Your room)—

Now it's already night. You searching the data about Big Bang on the internet.

"Wow... so that is Big Bang. They are really popular. I think I'm lucky if I'm also be their fans, but unfortunately I'm not. Even, this is my first time to find the information about them. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?"

So, tomorrow is your brand new day with Big Bang. What will be happen next??



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I love the fic. :)
Chapter 8: Can you please update!!!! I love the story!!!
Chapter 8: hey ! update update update ya !
Chapter 8: update update~
Please update update update~~~ :D
Haha.. Finally, I can update the next chapters again. Please support my fanfics yaa.. Thanks for the readers... ^_^
404almighty #7
what a nice story.. XD
maybe that girl'll be with Top? They'll be a nice couple..
But, I can't imagine if she's with GD..
And I also can't imagine how cute GD become a grumpy guy >___<
Wait for the next chapter! hehe..
Sure. It will be updated soon.. =) Thanks for reading. ^^
wow i love your story! keep it up ;D
i can imagine how's GD's face when he is being called as alien! HAHA !
please update soon~~ ^-^