
Black Diamond

Days until debut: 3
Soheen and Alice got up and got ready for the final rehearsal day, Soheen was ready first of course [eyes], Alice took forever. Finally, after about 30 minutes of waiting, Alice finally came out. [uh7] "I'm ready!" She chirped. 
                "It's about time." Soheen sighed. 
                        "What's up with you today?" Alice asked.
                        "Well I'm sorry that I'm not looking forward to spending the day with my terrible band mates."
                        "JUST CALM DOWN." 
                        "Ok(?) Anyways, we have to go, we'll be late." They arrived at the stage they'd be performing on and they were super excited. "Where are Chan-sook and Byung-hoon?" Soheen asked.
                        "I don't know, let's just wait for them."
-30 minutes pass-
                "We might as well just start rehearsing, it doesn't really matter, we sing most of the lines in the song anyways. We can just improv their parts."
                        "Sounds good." Soheen smiled and they began practicing. After practicing the song a few times, Soheen was surprised at how good the song sounded with just the two of them, maybe even better than when the whole group was together. They both put so much energy into the song, that when they watched their performance, they were very pleased. 
                "I'm sort of worried about Chan-sook and Byung-hoon." Soheen said.
                        "WELL I'M NOT. WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT SUCH TERRIBLE PEOPLE." Alice said. Soheen fought back a smile and they went to lunch, still no sign of Chan-sook or Byung-hoon.....or U-kiss. Soheen took her phone out of her purse. 15 new voicemail messages. Well someone wanted to get a hold of me. She listened to the first one, from Byung-hoon. "WHERE ARE YOU? Didn't you hear? Dongho broke his ankle, and you guys SHOULD be at the hospital, well bye!" Wait, go back, what did Soheen hear at the end of the message? She replayed it, and at the end, very faintly, she could hear Chan-sook, laughing, but wait, there was something else. Very VERY faintly, Soheen could hear Man Man Ha Ni playing, and a lot of commotion. What was that? Without even having time to eat lunch, Alice and Soheen hurried to catch a bus to the hospital. By the time they arrived, Kevin was out front waiting. 
                        "Where were you guys?" Kevin asked.
                        "We were practicing!" Soheen replied. 
                        "Ugh, come on, let's go see Dongho." Kevin led the two girls along.
                        "Well what happened?" Alice asked.
                        "We were practicing our dance, when Dongho slipped and broke his ankle." Kevin said.
                        "Why was the stage slippery?" Soheen asked.
                        "That's what were trying to find out. Eli could have sworn that after Dongho fell, he saw two girls, resembling Chan-sook and Byung-hoon, walking out the back door, laughing."
                        "WHAT." Alice yelled. 
                        "Yeah, and then they left, and no one knows where they went." Kevin said. Soheen allowed Kevin to listen to the message, and Kevin was shocked. "THOSE TERRIBLE FREAKING PEOPLE. WHO WOULD DO THAT TO US?" 
                        "Well, they obviously felt threatened, I mean, you guys would have beaten us in the debut stage." Alice defended her band mates. How loyal.
                        "YOU'RE TAKING THEIR SIDE?" Kevin yelled, barely able to contain himself.
                        "No, that's not what I meant, but I can see where they are coming from. U-kiss would have beaten Sparkling Lightning by a land slide." 
                        "WOULD HAVE? WE STILL ARE GOING TOO." Kevin yelled and walked out of the hospital. 

                        Oh lordie, this is getting intense. Soheen thought as she walked into Dongho's hospital room.

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woah nice story