Early Morning Stress

Black Diamond

At 5:45, Soheen awakens to her alarm screaming in her ear. She dragged herself out of bed, and throws open her closet. Crap. I only have fifteen minutes to get ready for a date with a U-kiss member! She takes a huge pile of clothes and throws them on her bed, tossing them around until she finds the perfect outfit. [cute_dress_by_deepa20-d35omt5] She quickly curls her hair and sprints out the door.[307965_277385658952403_100000429131674_1047853_343924181_n]  She runs into the hallway and bumps into a tall, lean figure. "Oh, mianhae!!!!" Soheen yelled, and kept on running. 
"Umm, Soheen?" 
Soheen turns around and sees Kevin, and her face immediately turns bright red. "Oh Kevin I'm so sorry!!" 
"It's fine." Kevin chuckles. 
"So where are we going for breakfast?" Soheen asks.
"You'll see." Kevin replies mysteriously. 
Soheen and Kevin finally made it to parking lot, where a black limousine pulled up to the curb. [black-limo-outside] "We're taking this to breakfast?" Soheen asked in awe.
"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" Kevin says and you both take your seats in the back of the car. As they are driving along, Soheen discovers Kibum peering at them through the rear view mirror. So THAT's our chauffeur? Soheen giggled to herself. Soon after, they arrived at the restaurant. [fancy-restaurant-7] As Soheen gazes at the restaurant in complete shock, Kevin grabbed her hand and led her into the restaurant. They walked in and were showed to the best seats in the whole place, a table looking out onto the ocean. She looks out, and is completely amazed. 
"Kevin, this is completely beautiful." 
Kevin smiled, and the waiter walked over to their table. He was a short, fat man, with a huge grin on his face. "What can I get you two today?"  
"I'll have a blueberry waffle and a fruit salad, but hold the cantaloupe." Kevin says.
"I'll have strawberry pancakes with whipped cream please!" Soheen says with a smile. The waiter leaves and an awkward sets in. 
"I really like your outfit, it looks adorable on you ^_^" Kevin says. Soheen blushes and looks down at her napkin. 
"Thank you....ummm...I like your hair." Soheen says, immediately regretting saying it. Kevin smiles and taps Soheen's hand, she looks up
"You really are cute, you know that?" Soheen smiles, and at perfect timing, the food arrives. After indulging in their meals, Soheen and Kevin go back to the limo and joke around until they get back too the dorm area. Kevin grabs onto Soheen's hands. 
"I had a great time today, and we should definitely do it again!" Kevin says.
"Me too! I really enjoyed hanging out with you." 
"Well, I need to get down to the dance practice room, so I'll see you later." Kevin smiles and begins to walk away. 
"What?" Soheen runs over and gives Kevin a kiss on the cheek. Kevin smiles and blushes.
"See you later, Soheen." He smiles and walks away. 
What did I just do.

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woah nice story