Sudden Regrets

Black Diamond

What did I just do? Why did I slam the door on him? It's not U-kiss's fault that the company has to fire one of us....Soheen ran out into the hallway, and Kevin was still standing there, a smile on his face. "How about we go take a walk?" Kevin asked. Soheen grabbed a jacket, and followed Kevin out of the dorms. They walked in the cool, night air. 
"I'm sorry about earlier. I was really being dumb." Soheen said with a sigh.
"Don't worry about it. You don't think that I want one of us to get fired, do you?"
"Of course not. I just. Know I'm going to lose." Tears filled Soheen's eyes.
Kevin grabbed Soheen's arms, "You don't know that, I've seen you sing, and you are AMAZING. You have just as much of a chance as we do."
"Wow, thanks Kevin." 
"Anyways, that's not why I took you out on this walk."
"You'll see."
After about 15 minutes of walking, Soheen saw flashing lights ahead, immediately she knew why they were here. "AMUSEMENT PARK :D" She screamed and broke into a run. There was nothing she loved more than a good amusement park. When Kevin had finally caught up. Soheen was already contemplating what to ride first.
"How about that rollercoaster?" Kevin suggested. Soheen's eyes lit up and they ran over to the ride. No line, how strange. They hopped on, got buckled in, and began the slow ascent to the top of the hill. "I wasn't planning on telling you this, but I'm absolutely terrified of rollercoasters." Kevin said. 
"No worries, You'll be fine." Soheen grabbed his hand as they plunged 110 feet, screaming and laughing the whole time. After that, they rode about a billion more rides, and decided it was time to go back.
"Wow, that was SO MUCH FUN." The smile hadn't disappeared off of Soheen's face since they arrived. 
"That's not all though." Kevin smiled, and led Soheen along. They hadn't stopped holding hands since the first rollercoaster. They walked until they were right in front of a store.
"A couple store? So we're a couple now?" Soheen chuckled. 
"Hmmm...I'm not so sure, maybe?" He laughed and they linked arms and walked inside the store.
Right when they walked in the store, they discovered Soohyun and his apparent girlfriend, who introduced herself as Alice Chen. Soheen and Kevin left them alone, and continued walking through the store, looking at everything. They ended up buying animal headbands and matching phone charms. They arrived back in front of Soheen's dorm. "Thanks for everything Kevin, I had a lot of fun." 
"Me too. Hey, Soheen, I have a question for you."
"Would you like my girlfriend?"
Soheen's heart started beating a mile a minute.
                OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I can't. I have to beat him at debut!!! I can't deal with this.
Ugh. But I actually really like him......
What should I say?        

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woah nice story