A Wrong Turn

Black Diamond

   Soheen finds herself again in U-kiss's practice room, watching their choreography practice again. Sometimes I think that I spend more time watching them train then I train myself..Oh well, it was worth it, Soheen and the members had been getting so much closer, they felt like family. All of the sudden, Soheen's manager walked in and turned off the music, this was the only time Soheen had seen her not hyper or smiling. She ushered U-kiss and Soheen to sit down, and Soheen sat down next to Kevin and Dongho, her two closest friends. "Ok, well I have bad news for all of you." She said. Immediately the members started blurting out terrible possibilities. "Is our debut being postponed?" Soohyun asked. "Is our debut being CANCELLED?" Kibum asked. The atmosphere had gone from carefree to solemn. "Well, as you all know, our company needs to make money." Everyone nodded. "And two acts being debuted at the same time is a great possibility to earn money, right?" Again everyone nodded. "However, the company decided that they only wanted to focus on ONE group, so whichever group earns less money at the debut stage, will be fired immediately from the company." "WHAT. NONONONONONONONONO." Kevin yelled. Oh no, nonononononono. I knew I got to close to these boys, I have to start practicing. Soheen got up, and sprinted out of the room. Everyone calling her name, trying to get her to come back.
        Anger filled Soheen, she had never practiced her song with such passion as she did at that rehearsal. I HAVE TO BEAT THEM. I CAN'T BE KICKED OUT OF THE COMPANY. She flew through her choreography, perfectly executing every move. She worked right through lunch, and by the time dinner came around, she was completely exhausted, and hungry. She walked into the cafeteria, ignoring the shouts from Alexander trying to usher her over to their table. She grabbed her food, and sat by herself at a table across the room from U-kiss. I KNEW I SHOULDN'T GET TO CLOSE TO THEM. She stabbed into her salad. Her phone began to ring, a text from Dongho. "Is something wrong, you seem kind of mad?" The text read. She slammed her phone shut, Well OBVIOUSLY I'm mad. She got up, not even bothering to clear her plates, and stormed out of the cafeteria. She went back to her dorm, and changed into her pajamas. Right when she was about to go to sleep, there was a knock at her door. She opened it, and there stood Kevin. She had a strong urge to slam the door in his face, but she didn't.Well, it wasn't really THEIR fault, was it? She walked into the hallway and slumped against the wall. "What's wrong?" Kevin asked. "Nothing." Soheen replied stubornly, she cannot let him break her. "As if I'm going to believe that." He chuckled. "YOU THINK THAT THIS IS FUNNY? I'm obviously going to lose to you guys at the debut stage, you guys are a freaking boy band! I'd shame myself if I allowed myself to perform, thinking for a second that I'd beat U-kiss." She broke down and started crying, all her feelings of stress and anger from the past few weeks finally let out, which is especially embarrassing in front of a future K-pop Idol. Kevin patted her on the shoulder, but Soheen turned away, stood up, went back into her dorm and slammed the door.

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woah nice story