2. Promise

And then, the rain cried

He looked depressed and really hopeless. Though I managed to save his body, have I managed to save his soul as well?

"Come on, we’ve got to get those cuts cleaned up and treated before it gets infected."

Rationally speaking, what I am doing right now can be easily mistaken for pure insanity but I just brought this Chanyeol boy inside my apartment.  He just tried to kill himself, almost made me commit suicide along with him, he could be crazy, like for real, and here I am taking him inside my own place.

"Wait here." I said as I ran to my bedroom and brought some clothes from my wardrobe and a towel.

"I know it’s not male clothes but it’s better than your drenched outfit."

"Why are you doing this? "He asked genuinely curious.

"I have no idea so just hurry up, I must take a shower too." I said pushing him towards the bathroom.

"You know, I could just-"

"No, no. It’s okay, don’t worry. Just go and comfortably take a shower." I shooed him inside.

Unwillingly he entered and soon I could hear the water running.

Just then a bell ringed inside my head.*What the hell SongYi? A male is taking a shower in your apartment? It’s not even yours, it’s your parent’s !* I mentally scolded myself. *The rain must have gotten into my brain. Like, for real!*

In a few minutes he was done and came out of the bathroom wearing my big, large, pink hoodie, which looked pretty tight on him and my pair of sweat pants that were 2 inches shorter than his legs.

I looked at him and held in a laughter because, really now, he looked a bit funny. I mean, that hoodie was pink, just come on!

"Well, you can take a sit. I know I’m tall, but I still can’t be a match for you. "I tried to crack a joke but he just looked at me emotionless. After taking a seat on the couch I started cleaning his face and applying some ointment.

"Sorry, this is all I have. " I said pointing at the hello kitty band aids in my hand. He still remained shut and I took that as a “no problem”. I removed the protective film of the first band aid and carefully place it on his forehead, then gently caressed it so that it will stick better.For some reason, a tingle ran down my spine, but i tried to ignore it. I took another band aid and placed it on his bruised nose, trying to be as gentle as possible when I felt that something was weird. For some reason I was feeling overly self-conscious and then I raised my eyes a bit to find him staring at me the whole time. Our eyes locked for a few seconds but too soon, he broke the contact and turned his head away.

"What?" I asked feeling my cheeks burn. But of course, he didn’t say a word. I took the last band aid ready to place it on the ugly cut on his lower lip. I looked up to meet his eyes but he was looking at the wall so I just continued my “job”. It was a bit awkward because I had to touch his lips. Wait erase the “a bit”, it was really awkward. I felt my cheeks burning and my heart acting on its own. *What the heck am I doing? Feeling this way towards a person that I just met?! Have I eaten something wrong for dinner?*

After finishing what seemed like a century, I awkwardly stood up and walked to the kitchen to place the medical box back.

*Now what? I must take a shower, but I can’t leave him alone…can i? what if he tries to do something funny again? Is he hungry? I can barely cook and it’s already this late...oh, right, late. Where is he going to sleep? He can’t go out wearing my clothes and it will take a few hours till his clothes will get dry. What should I do? Aish…why did I bring him here again? * I was desperately trying to find a solution when I heard him saying.

"I should go now."

"W-what? Go? Like that?"

"Like how?"

"Erm…you know, pink hoodie?" I said pointing my finger at him.

"It’s okay. No one will see me anyway."

"What? Why?" *what’s he talking about?*

"Well, my apartment is just next to yours." He honestly spoke.

My mouth literally fell open.

"You live nextdoor?"

"Yeah, I don’t remember seeing you before though."

"I moved in recently. But then why didn’t you told me?"

"I tried to, but someone kept pushing me inside the bathroom."

"Oh..." *OH? I just brought him here when he could have easily gone to his home. Aish, stupid SongYi!! *

"Th- Thanks." He said in a low voice that I could barely hear.

"You know, for the deep voice you have, you could talk louder." I said tilting my head a bit.

"Thanks." He said then, a bit louder.

"You’re welcome." I said happily.

"I should go now. " And he started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! You must promise me something!"

"Promise?" He looked at me confused.

"Yup, promise me you won’t try anything funny again." I said giving him my pinky finger.

He looked at it as if it was the first time seeing such a thing.

"I know I haven’t showered yet, but this is rude, you know." I said still waiting with my hand stretched out and I looked up to meet his eyes.

He was intensely gazing into my eyes and I could feel my heart beat going up along with another weird tingle. Without breaking the eye contact, he linked his pinky with mine.


"Okay, partner, you may now go and take a rest. I will check on you tomorrow morning." my words escaped my mouth without a second thought.

He slightly nodded his head and left my apartment. I was waiting on the doorway and saw him getting his keys out of his back pocket of his damped jeans and opened the door next to mine.

"Good night~ " I waved to him when he was about to get in.

He just nodded his head and got inside. I myself got inside and locked the door behind me. I took a deep breath and went to take a shower.

I took off my wet clothes and turn on the water. After a relaxing shower, I got dressed in my confortable pajamas and wiped the mirror clean of the steam. I smiled at my own reflection and made a v sign.

"Today I did well!" I smiled proudly and I was ready to go out the bathroom to take some sleep, but then something caught me eyes. It was his silver wristwatch on the  sink’s edge.

"Oh, his watch? I should return it to him tomorrow. " I took it with me and went to my room.

"You better keep your promise, partner." I smiled to myself one more time before falling asleep instantly after all the running and the adrenaline rushes.


Thank you for reading! ^^

A shoutout to my fast subscribers:

littlechoi, Maiko_chan, xDanax and alexhan41494. <3

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Chapter 1: I have read this story for a zillion times from the very first you decided to write in 2012 till now isn't it amazing I can't get enough of this story you inspired me a lot authornim (∩_∩) chanyeol is my ultimate bias in exo and I have liked him even before his debut (I started liking him when gg used him as a model for ginie Jap ver) and this story is one of the first chanyeol fic I have ever read even before I have asianfanfic acc and still now I kept reading it ... I'm a silent reader in the past but I wanna shout out for this story cause it needs more attention!!! It's like one of the very best fic of chanyeol in asfanfic!!! I sincerely hope you'll write more awesome stories like this in the future ☆\(^ω^\) fighting!!!!
Chapter 6: omfg i was expecting a happy ending what happened T_T_T_T
Chapter 6: you know what? I read this story last year and even commented on it. but I suddenly felt the urge to read it again. I have to tell you this again. your story is by far one of the best stories I have read, here, on aff. it's not too long but perfectly complete and everything is so organized. I praise you as an author, because though I don't like many fanfics, and I don't get easily impressed, this fanfic was in the list of my favorites.it was my second time reading it but it made me cry again. it made me cry so hard that now my head even hurts!
Chapter 6: WHY DID HE HAVE TO..... Gahd, you author-nim! You have no idea how much tears ran out of my eyes because of this.. this is such a beautiful story... </33333 heartbreaking, but beautiful. Aigoooo... Just so you know, I'm still crying... huhuhuhuh~
Chapter 6: awww.... I can really feel her feelings through the entire story... :((
Chapter 6: Dammit this so freakin annoying, because of this story I got my teary eyes in a public!!! Urgh...but I like this story ㅠ_ㅠ
This is so heartbreakingly beautiful. I can't believe I cried so much ;n;
Bugsbunnee #8
O my god!!! I dunno what to say. I'm not an emotional person at all and it's really hard to make me cry so I don't cry often but this story made me cry the whole night! Amazing story! The lovey dovey scenes were so cute and it was just such a TOUCHING story!!!!
AznPride6767 #9
I loved reading your storyyy ! It had sooo much emotions and I cried ;-;. Your a wonderful author. You have an amazingggg storyyyy ! <3
i cried my eyes out! Ur story is amazing!