1. I met him in the rain

And then, the rain cried

Please open this link, it'll set the atmosphere better. Thanks. ^^



I got out of the building and started to run as fast as I could. It was raining. Raining cats and dogs to be more precise, but rain did not bother me. It was something else.

My throat started burning and I felt my lungs going to explode soon, but I had to run. I had to go there and stop him. I had no idea why I was so willing to stop that unknown guy from the top of the building ready to jump and take away him life. I’ve never seen him before in my entire life, yet here I am, running from my room in order to stop him. What should I say? What if he’s actually not going to do anything and just got out to take some fresh air? What if I am only imagining things? But then again, why would he get out in the rain…at night…and why would he climb on the roof edge… I must get there before it’s too late. My thoughts washed away as soon as I got in front of the respective building. I pushed the door open and i started to climb up the stairs. My legs felt numb and before reaching the last level, I stumbled on the stairs. I was standing there, trying to catch my breath and trying to stand up, the door of the rooftop was right in front of me. With my last energy I managed to stand up and my hand reached for the doorknob. My heart was beating at an uncontrollable rate. I had to stop him. I must stop him. I will stop him. I squeezed the doorknob and pushed the door open. A cold shiver ran down my spine at the view of the damped boy wearing a white tshirt, who was ready to push himself off the edge.

"Stop!" I yelled at him. He stood there frozen at the sound of my voice.

"Please stop! You don’t have to do this. Whatever problems you have, everything will come out well in the end. Trust me. Please."  I tried to slowly get closer to him. I guess he couldn’t hear my steps since the rain was pouring. I was now right behind him.

"Please." I reached a hand out to touch his shoulder when he turned around to face me. A clap of thunder echoed right through my ears and then I saw it. I saw the worst sight in my entire life.  His face was covered with blood and cuts. He looked as if he had been in a fight. But this was nothing compared to the look in his eyes. Those deep brown eyes that now had no sparkle in them. Were deep but empty. He looked as if he was already dead and gone. His wish for life was gone. He was gone. I felt like I was trying to stop a dead man from killing himself a second time. I had no chance, but I had no reason not to try, so I reached my hand towards him again.

"Can we talk?" I said as I touched his right shoulder. He flinched at my touch and my arm fell limp beside my body.

"I…I’m sorry. I just want you to-"

"Live?" He suddenly spoke in a deep voice looking into my eyes ,and then I realized that his face was not only stained by raindrops and blood, but by tears as well.

"What’s the use? I’ll die anyway." He said and turned his head away.

"We will all die, so why hurry?" I said

"So that I won’t be a burden anymore." He said lowering his head.

*Burden? What is he talking about? Why would he be a burden?*

"It’s okay being a burden." I found myself saying. "We all are. Isn’t life all about this?"

"Look, I don’t need to hear your sweet talking so just go away."

But then a crazy idea came into my mind. I climbed on the edge right beside him and I stood there with my legs dangling above the streets and moving cars.

"Aah~~ The rain is so nice, don’t you think?" I took a deep breath and I looked at him with a sincere smile on my lips.

"What the hell are you doing? Go away already!" He growled visibly annoyed.

"Now I got it! This is why you came up here. So you could enjoy the view. I should have done this before. It’s thrilling and beautiful at the same time. An amazing memory. Don’t you think?" I finished by looking at him again.

"Look, I don’t know who the duck you are but just leave me alone. Just keep your nose out of my business."

"Then let’s be partners." I said stretching my hand towards him. "This business of yours, let me be your partner, huh? Come on, being a single boss must be boring. Let me join you, huh?"

"Partners?" He said in a mocking way. "If you wanna be my partner then jump off this building together with me." he said looking in the distance.

"Ju-jump off the building with you?" I said stuttering.

"Scared?"He said turning his head around and eyeing me.

"N-no. Is just that…you know, it’s my first time doing this." I said.

"Well, I’ve got some experience." He said eyeing me dangerously.

*He tried to commit suicide before? Is he out of his mind? What the hell am I doing here? Why did I come?*

"Ready to back off already?" He said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"No." I said not believing my own words. I must be crazy but I took his hand and held it tight.

"At three?" I asked with adrenaline rushing through my veins.

He looked at his hand in mine and then at my face raising his eyebrows.

"You count or I do it?" I said again feeling like my heart will pop open any moment.

He just looked at me surprised that I was suddenly so eager to jump.

"Well then, partner, I’ll count." I said looking below my legs, at the scenery.

"1…" I said while holding his hand tighter.

"2…" I took a deep breath and I shut my eyes close.

"3! " I said louder and pushed my body off the building using my free hand. This was going to be my end. I don’t know why I’m doing this. I’ve really gone insane. My body detached from the cold, wet edge for a second, when I felt a strong arm embracing me .

The rain was still pouring and my face was being attacked by the cold raindrops. *Am I dead? Is this how things ended up for me?*

I opened one eye trying to get a hold of my surroundings. And there he was, holding me like his life depended on it, with his own eyes shut and tears escaping them.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked surprised by the closeness. His face was just inches above mine and his body was pressed against mine. His arms were s around my waist holding so tight.

He opened his eyes and looked directly into mine.

"Are you stupid? Why did you do that? Do you really want to die for a useless unrelated person like me? Do you actually realize what you were about to do?" His voice cracked up because of the crying and he looked desperate and devastated.

"Maybe. I don’t know. Maybe. No." I answered feeling relieved that we were no longer on the edge but on the solid floor of the rooftop.

"Thank you. Partner." I said smiling." Now, if you don’t mind, you weight a lot and I can barely breath, no offence."

I swear I could see a faint shade of red creeping on his cheeks as he stood up and helped me up as well.

"Song Yi."I said holding out my hand for him to shake it.

"Chanyeol. "He said taking my hand

For the first time I could actually see a little sparkle in his eyes.

"Not that I dislike rain, but would you like to get inside? I’m afraid I’ll catch a cold." I said touching the back of  my head.

"I…I…"he looked really embarrassed and confused. Just like a little kid lost in the rain.

"Oh come on, let’s forget about what just happened and let’s get in. "I took his hand and dragged him inside along with me.



Maybe it's a bit of a long chapter, but initially it was supposed to be a oneshot. Eventually, i changed my mind. ^^ Though, it won't be a long fic.

Thank you for reading. Please comment and tell me your opinions.^^

Thank you~

 (disclaimer: Gif not mine ><)

Ade :3

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Chapter 1: I have read this story for a zillion times from the very first you decided to write in 2012 till now isn't it amazing I can't get enough of this story you inspired me a lot authornim (∩_∩) chanyeol is my ultimate bias in exo and I have liked him even before his debut (I started liking him when gg used him as a model for ginie Jap ver) and this story is one of the first chanyeol fic I have ever read even before I have asianfanfic acc and still now I kept reading it ... I'm a silent reader in the past but I wanna shout out for this story cause it needs more attention!!! It's like one of the very best fic of chanyeol in asfanfic!!! I sincerely hope you'll write more awesome stories like this in the future ☆\(^ω^\) fighting!!!!
Chapter 6: omfg i was expecting a happy ending what happened T_T_T_T
Chapter 6: you know what? I read this story last year and even commented on it. but I suddenly felt the urge to read it again. I have to tell you this again. your story is by far one of the best stories I have read, here, on aff. it's not too long but perfectly complete and everything is so organized. I praise you as an author, because though I don't like many fanfics, and I don't get easily impressed, this fanfic was in the list of my favorites.it was my second time reading it but it made me cry again. it made me cry so hard that now my head even hurts!
Chapter 6: WHY DID HE HAVE TO..... Gahd, you author-nim! You have no idea how much tears ran out of my eyes because of this.. this is such a beautiful story... </33333 heartbreaking, but beautiful. Aigoooo... Just so you know, I'm still crying... huhuhuhuh~
Chapter 6: awww.... I can really feel her feelings through the entire story... :((
Chapter 6: Dammit this so freakin annoying, because of this story I got my teary eyes in a public!!! Urgh...but I like this story ㅠ_ㅠ
This is so heartbreakingly beautiful. I can't believe I cried so much ;n;
Bugsbunnee #8
O my god!!! I dunno what to say. I'm not an emotional person at all and it's really hard to make me cry so I don't cry often but this story made me cry the whole night! Amazing story! The lovey dovey scenes were so cute and it was just such a TOUCHING story!!!!
AznPride6767 #9
I loved reading your storyyy ! It had sooo much emotions and I cried ;-;. Your a wonderful author. You have an amazingggg storyyyy ! <3
i cried my eyes out! Ur story is amazing!