5. The real Chanyeol

And then, the rain cried

The next days were fun, and filled with heartwarming moments. Every day when I returned from university I would stop by his door and gently knock a rhythmical “couple knock” that we used to identify each other’s presence. He would open up the door and I would show him the bags of food I brought.

Soon, Chanyeol opened up and showed me what a foolish kid he was. 19 years old my foot, he must have been a 6 years old under cover.

Every weekend we would get out to take a walk in the park and it was impossible not to have a moment of embarrassment.

Like when I went to buy cotton candy and when I returned he was gone. I was looking around for him when I heard a kid almost screaming:

"Ajeossi, this is my ball. Give it back!"

"I’m not an ahjussi,call me hyung. I won’t give your ball back until you call me hyung!" He stomped his feet.

"But it’s my ball!"

"Now it’s mine!" He said raising his nose in the air.

"Eomm- " I clapped my hand over the kid’s mouth.

"Chanyeol, give his ball back."  I said stressing the words.



"Aish…calling me an ahjussi and still getting away with it. Just take it!" He rather pushed the ball into that kid's arms. As soon as he got his ball the kid ran away.

"Remind me, how old were you?" I said shaking my head.

"Hehe."  He grinned at me and put his arm around me. "Cotton candyy~~" he cheered by himself. People looked at us weirdly.

And these moments kept on coming. I finally understood why he was considered crazy by everyone:

He waves at every single security camera in the markets, when he sees something even the slightest bit funny, he claps his hands and laughs like a mad person and the next second he has a poker face, he counts the stars every night, continuing from where he left the previous night, he does lots of voice imitations, he shamelessly pecks my lips in public, he even climbed a tree and let me look for him for more than 5 minutes. He’s a full hand.

So, days have passed like this and I was finally understanding the reason why  I got out that night to stop him. Because we were meant to be. After all, destiny really exists.

I was watching a drama on the TV when I heard the oh, so well-known knock on my door. I stood up and went to get the door. And there he was, the foolish kid with a derp face, making me burst out laughing from the first glance.

"You’re an idiot!" I said and shut the door close in his face.

*ding dong* the doorbell rang

"Special delivery!" I heard Chanyeol saying in a strangely high voice. "Mam, special delivery here" , he continued imitating that woman’s voice; "we have a hot boyfriend ready to be served."  he said and then started laughing in his deep voice at his own joke. I opened the door and looked at him unimpressed.

"Pshh, you’re not even funny."

"Am not? Pshh..okay then, I’ll get this hot boyfriend and deliver him to someone who finds him funny and attractive." He said in that weird funny voice.

"Wait Wait! Hahaha Where do I have to sign?" I asked preparing an invisible pen.

"Here, please." He said and puckered his lips, closing his eyes.

"Aish, technology these days." I tiptoed and I pecked his full lips." Now get in." He took my hand and got inside. We sat on the couch and watched tv. I was too into the drama, that he had to disturb me like he usually does. So he started poking my shoulder.

"Chanyeol, not now. They’re going to find out the truth." I said immersed in the drama.

He stopped poking me but he put his head on my shoulder and started sniffing my hair,

"Your hair smells nice." He said repeatedly sniffing my hair.

"Yah! Stop it. It tickles!" I said pushing his face away. But of course, we’re talking about Chanyeol here.

He suddenly attacked my ear and started doing something with my piercings. Since I have 3 earrings in one ear, he started touching them and continuously asking if it hurts.

"I pierced my ears long ago Chanyeol, it doesn’t hurt anymore, now stop bugging me and watch the drama, it's really interesting."

"OH!" He suddenly exclaimed in my ear.


"Wait,wait! Don’t move!!" He said touching my ear again.

"What now?" I asked bored.

"Just don’t move." He said and gently took one of my earrings off.

"What are you doing?" I asked turning my head towards him, to see him putting on, my pink flower earring into his ear. [a/n: something like this:

"Puahahaha" I burst out laughing. He looked so silly and cute at the same time.

"What are you doing?" I asked again trying to hold my laugher.

"I’m trying to look pretty for my oppa." He said in that womanly voice from before.

"Ahahahaha, okay, now it’s official. You are insane!"

"Admit it that I look cuter than you!" He said crossing his arms.

"Ahahahah. You have no remedy!" I said laughing but then I realized the actual weight of my words and my lips turned into a firm line.

He was acting as if he didn’t sense the second possible meaning in my words and kept on smiling.

I took the remote control and turned off the TV, cuddling in his arms.

"I’m sorry." I said feeling guilty.

"You don’t have to. Weren’t you watching that?" He said pointing at the tv.

"I have a hot boyfriend here ready to be served, remember? I can’t just let him try to be cute in vain."

He held me in his arms and suddenly sighed.

"I have to go to the hospital tomorrow." He said calmly.

"Why? What’s wrong?" I asked trying to be as casual as possible, while inside I was really scared.

"Another checkup?" I asked again.

"Yup, but this time it’ll last longer. I’ll have to be hospitalized for a few days."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"But every time you went there before, you were back by the end of the day."                                         

"It’s…it’s going to be a special checkup." he said caressing my face.

His smile was so warm and gentle and his eyes were caring and calm.

"Are you going with Baekhyun again?" I asked." If you want, I can come with you." I said squeezing his hand

"It’s okay. I've talked to Baekhyun already." He said smiling.

"Oh, okay then…" *why does he never want me to go with him?*

"Can…Can you stay over tonight?" I asked trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Sorry, but I can’t tonight." He said with a shade of regret in his voice. "I must meet with Baekhyun Hyung for something." He said and pinched my cheek.

"Don’t be sad~ Uh? Come oooon~~ SongYi-ah~~~ "

"Arasseo, just dump your girlfriend and meet your best friend. Tsh."

Though I was being sarcastic, a part of me was really envious of his Hyung. He gets to spend so much time together with Chanyeol…

"Are you really mad?" He asked cupping my face.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not"

"Are too."

"Am not, you kiddo, so just stop it."

"You can’t be mad at me, okay? "He asked and I felt some insecurity in his voice.

"Oh, come on. I’m really not mad." I said and I pecked his lips. "See?"

"That’s not enough proof." He said raising one eyebrow and I knew that look in his eyes very well. In a matter of seconds he was laying on top of me.

"Let me teach you what a kiss means."

And then his lips met mine. We kissed passionately and i felt like it was the most intense kiss he’s ever given to me. We broke the kiss panting for air when I felt something wet hitting my cheek. He was still on top of me and his face was just above mine. I opened my eyes and noticed his teary eyes. His tears were dripping on my cheeks and my eyes widened at his pained expression. My own eyes got teary, and soon we were sobbing out loud for an unspoken reason that we both knew very well. We held each other close and ended up crying to sleep.

About an hour later his phone started ringing and I stirred in my sleep.

"Chanyeol, your phone." I said as I tapped his chest.

He opened his eyes and took out his phone from his pocket.

"Hello? Yes, I’ll be right there hyung. Okay. See you."

I kept my eyes shut, pretending that I’m asleep, that I didn’t hear the phone conversation, that he doesn’t have to leave.

''Song Yi-ah". He said shaking me gently.

"Mm?" I asked still not willing to open my eyes. I knew that if I opened my eyes tears would have escaped them.

"I have to go." He said in a trembling voice.

I just could not answer. My breath stopped and I could not think of an answer.

"Is this how you treat your guests? Letting them go by themselves?" He asked tickling my sides.

My lips curved upwards at the ticklish feeling by my eyes remained sad.

"Oh come on, don’t look at me like that. I’ll see you soon, okay?" He said smiling.

"Promise?" I asked

"Promise. " He said and linked his pinky with mine. He got up and helped me up as well. His hand didn’t leave mine and our fingers intertwined. We walked to the door hand in hand and then, he looked at me and spoke sincerely.

"Song Yi-ah~ "  he called my name as if he was addressing me in front of many other people.

"What, you dummy?" I asked

"Saranghae!" He said in one breath.

"Na do saranghae, babo ya! " (I love you too, you fool)

"See you later, okay?" He said and yanked me towards him. My body crashed into his and he hugged me dearly.

"Take care while I’m not here and don’t go out at night, okay?" He said while caressing my hair.


He curled a strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"I’ll be leaving now."  He said smiling.

"Okay, be safe." I said and watched him getting inside his apartment. He waved at me before closing the door and I did the same.

Once I stepped inside my apartment, I felt the ground sinking under my feet. I had a really bad feeling about this. The way he kissed and held me, it felt as if it was for the last time, as if this was the ending. I tried not to think about the worst, but I just couldn’t help it. What if something will really happen to him? He said that I became the reason he wanted to live, but he has no idea that he became the same for me.  Tears ran down my face but I harshly wiped them away.

*He promised me, so he will come back. I don’t have to worry. It’s just a checkup, he does this every week.* With this in my mind I got the courage to send him a text message before I went to bed.

I’ll be waiting.”

Chanyeol’s phone vibrated and he took it out of the pocket.

I’ll be waiting.”  From SongYi <3

"Fool! Don’t do that!" Chanyeol silently said, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked from behind him.

Chanyeol blinked his tears away and turned to his hyung.

"Yes. It’s this, or nothing. I don’t really have much to lose anyway."  

He took out the battery of the phone and placed it on the kitchen table; he took his large suitcase and the plane ticket and looked at Baekhyun with determination in his eyes.

"Let’s go."

Baekhyun accompanied him to the airport. They were now in front of the check in point.

"I should go now. My plane will take off soon." Chanyeol said squeezing the suitcase handle.

"You know, it’s not too late to change your mind." Baekhyun said with tears in his eyes. It was like his donsaeng was leaving him. Leaving forever, alone and hurt.

"Thank you hyung, for everything. You are best hyung I could ever get."

"Don’t say that, Baekhyun said wiping his tears away.Aish…" he looked away as more tears were forming.

"Say hello to your parents when you get home, and please don’t forget to... give that to SongY,if...i."

"That won't be needed."

The two males hugged brotherly and then Chanyeol took his suitcase and left to board the plane.

*There goes my brother.* Baekhyun bitterly thought while making his way out of the airport.


Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing. ^^

Thank you littlechoi and xstrawberryavalanche  for your advice/opinion. I added "-" in front of the direct dialogue lines. I put " at the beginning and the ending of the dialogue lines. I hope it helps. And, oh just in case, the text betwwen *....* represents the inner thoughts. ^^

I apologise if my poor writing skills confuse you, and please, don't feel bad and just tell me if there are things that you would like me to work harded on, i don't know. Any kind of criticism is appreciated, be it positive or negative.

I am completly aware of the fact that i am not even close to being considered a good writer, but i'm just trying to put my ideas "on a page". So just feel free to criticise me! ^^

Thank youuu~~~ <3



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Chapter 1: I have read this story for a zillion times from the very first you decided to write in 2012 till now isn't it amazing I can't get enough of this story you inspired me a lot authornim (∩_∩) chanyeol is my ultimate bias in exo and I have liked him even before his debut (I started liking him when gg used him as a model for ginie Jap ver) and this story is one of the first chanyeol fic I have ever read even before I have asianfanfic acc and still now I kept reading it ... I'm a silent reader in the past but I wanna shout out for this story cause it needs more attention!!! It's like one of the very best fic of chanyeol in asfanfic!!! I sincerely hope you'll write more awesome stories like this in the future ☆\(^ω^\) fighting!!!!
Chapter 6: omfg i was expecting a happy ending what happened T_T_T_T
Chapter 6: you know what? I read this story last year and even commented on it. but I suddenly felt the urge to read it again. I have to tell you this again. your story is by far one of the best stories I have read, here, on aff. it's not too long but perfectly complete and everything is so organized. I praise you as an author, because though I don't like many fanfics, and I don't get easily impressed, this fanfic was in the list of my favorites.it was my second time reading it but it made me cry again. it made me cry so hard that now my head even hurts!
Chapter 6: WHY DID HE HAVE TO..... Gahd, you author-nim! You have no idea how much tears ran out of my eyes because of this.. this is such a beautiful story... </33333 heartbreaking, but beautiful. Aigoooo... Just so you know, I'm still crying... huhuhuhuh~
Chapter 6: awww.... I can really feel her feelings through the entire story... :((
Chapter 6: Dammit this so freakin annoying, because of this story I got my teary eyes in a public!!! Urgh...but I like this story ㅠ_ㅠ
This is so heartbreakingly beautiful. I can't believe I cried so much ;n;
Bugsbunnee #8
O my god!!! I dunno what to say. I'm not an emotional person at all and it's really hard to make me cry so I don't cry often but this story made me cry the whole night! Amazing story! The lovey dovey scenes were so cute and it was just such a TOUCHING story!!!!
AznPride6767 #9
I loved reading your storyyy ! It had sooo much emotions and I cried ;-;. Your a wonderful author. You have an amazingggg storyyyy ! <3
i cried my eyes out! Ur story is amazing!