How You Ended Up Here.... {Part 1}

100% Mommy + 10% Daddies= Absolutely Bad {Editing}


Truthfully you don’t know how you got here, One minute you were trying to calm down niel by singing to him. Then the next thing, you were sleeping with him & mason in the middle. You couldn’t tell if this bothered you or Made you feel happy but you knew that this wasn’t going to work. Cause you don’t fall for bad boys.


~Earlier This Afternoon~


Teen Top left with laughter when you came home, Mason was pretty excited with all the cloths & toys you brought him so he was fine. The only thing that wasn’t fine was that you were hungry & exhausted. It seemed as when you were gone L.Joe was feeding mason with things that you didn’t even know you had but they were safe for him to eat. You walked into your kitchen happily looking through the fridge. You didn’t even feel like making anything so you took out some left-overs of the food you made mason one time.

“Mason are you hungry?” you shouted

“Yesss Umma” he shouted back

You put the left-overs in the microwave & sat on the counter waiting.

Mason came walking into the kitchen with a toy car in his hand happily making car noises as he moved.

“Boom” he dropped the car & laughed “it died”

You laughed as well jumping off of the counter & ruffled mason hair.

“Is he going to come back to life?” you asked

He shook his head ‘no’ picking up the car then ran back into the living room. You sighed again not sure what the hell to do with mason on your free times.

“I’ll look something up in the meantime” you nodded to yourself at the idea.


Niel’s P.O.V


Niel walked into his house quietly, making sure not to make any noise. He wasn’t supposed to be out at night nor was he allowed to be hanging out with Teen Top. He slipped off his shoes placing them next to the door; He never showed Teen Top where he lived because he was afraid of what they might have thought of him. Niel was rich & he hated it, Teen Top always joked around or made fun of rich kids & niel didn’t want that to happen to him.

“Ha got you” Niel’s stepmother came walking out from behind the living room wall turning on the lights.

Shocked, Niel was going to run straight upstairs but his stepmother grabbed his shoulders roughly & spun him around.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” She hissed

His stepmother hated him since he always seemed to get in the way with his father. This didn’t bother him since he hated her just as much, since she was a real .

“Upstairs” niel answered with a poker face

“Where were you?” she asked with a smirk

“I went to the par-“

“Bull, Tell me where you went” she snapped

Niel looked away from her gaze pushing her hand off of him.

“No where” he snapped

His stepmother grabbed him again & frowned. Her face was red with anger; Neil didn’t know why this bothered her so much that he had friends; that meant more time away from her.
”You Bratty child, just because you think you’re rich you could do whatever you please?” She shouted

“No, Am I not allowed to go outside now?” Neil was getting annoyed at her shouting.

He pushed her off again giving her a glare. His step-mother laughed at the sight & shook her head.

“You Stupid little boy, No wonder your mother left you; You’re rude” She laughed happily to herself.

She went to go grab Neil again by the shoulder but ended up tripping on her long dress. Just at that perfect moment in time, Niel’s father came walking in through the front door. Niel’s eye’s widened as he saw his step mom start to cry.

“Rose!” His father shouted, he quickly ran over to her wiping away her tears.

“What happened?” he asked in a concern tone

“I was worrying about your son & told him that such a sweet child like himself shouldn’t stay out late. So He pushed me to the ground for no reason” She started to cry again.

His anger toward this woman was showing as he clenched his fist tightly. *That excuse is so stupid* he thought in his head.

“Are You Crazy? Say you’re sorry” His father shouted

“I’m not going to say sorry for something I didn’t commit” He snapped

Without any hesitation, His father slapped him across the face leaving a red mark on his cheek.

“Why can’t you just accept that I have fallen in love with someone else?” His father shouted even louder then before causing his step mom to smile at the sight.

“Why can’t you accept that this lady over here is a ?”

Without looking either of them in the eye, Neil left grabbing his shoes & running out to the streets. Tears blurred his vision as he tried his hardest not to fall onto the hard ground. He truthfully had no idea where he was going or where he was headed but he just let his feet drag him wherever they pleased.


You’re P.O.V


“Aghhhhhh” You grunted as you tried to study in front of the T.V

This wasn’t working out as well as you planned. You have this whole plan on what you were going to do & that was to sit and put the T.V volume low, so you wouldn’t get distracted, while you studied for you history test on Friday. Mason was happily playing with his car toys in the corner & eating his food.

“Come on Hye you can do this” you said trying to give yourself motivation.

You opened your history book & started to read but soon got distracted again by a food commercial. Snapping out of your thoughts, you let out a small cry.

“God please give me something to do other then study” you pleased as you looked up at the ceiling.

Just when you thought life couldn’t get any boring, the door bell rang.

“Eh?” You grew excited as you mouthed thank you.

You quickly got up from the couch as your fixed your clothes & pushed up your glasses.

“Who is it?” you asked when you walked over to the door.

There was no answer except someone’s very loud breathing & little weeps from a cry. *The Heck?!* You opened the door to see Niel standing there with tears streaming down his face & his cheek a very bright red.

“Oh My God, are you ok?” you asked as you pulled him inside.

Wanting to see what all the noise was about, Mason got up from the floor & walked over to the door.

“Umma?” he said in a questioned tone

You looked at him & smiled.

“Don’t worry, Go back & play with your toys”

Mason shook his head frowning. He looked at niel with wide eyes & took a hold of his hand.

“Come on” You said softly as you shut the door behind him

You didn’t bother to ask why he came to your house or what he was crying for. The only thing you did was sit him down on the couch & hand him a bag of ice for his cheek. You sat next to him very closely as Mason was sitting on your lap. *What do I do?* you asked yourself. Then the perfect idea came to mind, you rested your head on Niel’s shoulder. You cleared your throat as you began to sing softly. With your soft voice, Niel started to calm down resting his head on top of yours. He had no idea what he was doing but it just felt…..right to him. 


Authors Note:
AGHHHHHH I'm back^^ did you miss me? lol just kidding
I would have wroten more just the chapter was already too long to begin with -_-
so this will be Part 1. I'm sorry for the very very very long wait. 

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32 Subscriber lol Thats So Cool, Thank you for Liking this story. Oh And Someone Pointed Out I spelled Niel's Name Wrong lol I feel all embarrassed I'll Fix it


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BTW i upvoted this story.This story needs to be shared
Chapter 10: NEW READER.I love your story very much.Its unique and cool.
Please update soon.
Fanficluph #4
Update soon ;)
nice fic ^^
I like changjo in this story, even though he doesn't interact with mason. Can't wait for the next update >.<
shiro123 #8
Unnie the spelling of niel's name is wrong >< hope you cam fix that ^^ update soon

u could put this details in ur story if u want .....
Aaah so cute update sooon~!