Bumping into lockers

Bumping into lockers

Jonghyun's life had always been the same. It wasn't easy but it wasn't difficult either. He had two parents who loved each other a lot and a big sister who he had always looked up to. He was just an average highschool student, straight A's for math but horrible in chemistry.
He wasn't particularly popular, he didn't get why people would change their look, personality and even give up good grades just to be one of those stuck up s with an ego so big it could fit twice the Empire state building.

He was just Jonghyun, with the enough amount of friends and the enough amount of talents to not feel self conscious.

He spent more time than should in the principal's office because he often had the urge to play tricks on his teachers or schoolmates, tricks that he found hilarious but others found lame, and teachers unacceptable.

But the story that is going to be told is not about how Jonghyun survives his year as a sophomore, it's about how one day he sees a boy and finds himself crushing on him, hard.

The corridors were empty except for the janitor who was sweeping the floor because everybody was in class. And yet, Jonghyun found himself not in his IT class listening to the teacher's boring lecture, but taking the all too familiar road that would lead him to -- the principal's office.

He rolled his eyes, scowling at the door that was slammed closed right in front of his nose as the words of his teacher echoed through the hollow hallways, "To the principal's office ! Now !"

It was ridiculous how low people's humor level was nowadays.

All he did was change every computer's wallpaper into a picture of their teacher. (He had checked out her Facebook and noticed he didn't have to be friends with her to be able to see her photos). And apparently she wasn't all that happy to see herself on every screen. Teachers like attention, don't they, then why isn't she happy.

It didn't matter though, all that mattered was how he was going to explain everything to the principal, he had found himself more than two times at his office this week and he wasn't sure if he was going to go easy on him.
He took small steps with the intention to prolong his trip to the old man as much as possible, the more class he missed, the better.

The janitor looked at him rather confusedly, shaking his head a little when Jonghyun just shot him a look that said "none of your business" and set his eyes on the endless corridor ahead of him. 

He decided to take different hallways so that it would take him longer to arrive at the principal's office and in the hope of the bell ringing by the time he let him go so that he could go home.
Soon the janitor was out of sight and he was somewhere at the back of the school, steps still tiny and eyes cast down to see how his sneakers were trying to avoid the outlining of the tiles.

It was dark and silent at the back of the school, the only thing that reached his ears were the resonating sound of his own footsteps. He smiled a little and put his hand on the lockers, letting it slide over them as he walked. It felt cold but familiar underneath his fingertips, a shiver going down his spine at the unusual calm and serene atmosphere, it was almost creepy.

His head shot up when he heard two other pair of footsteps walking out his way. They didn't sound even and rhytmical like his, rather clumsy. He squinted his eyes as a thin figure came into sight, he seemed to be having problems with walking properly. 
Jonghyun noticed the stack of books the figure was holding and raised his eyebrows, the person still too far away for Jonghyun to see his face. 
Well, not that you could really see his face behind all those books.

The sixteen year old decided to slow down his speed even more, patiently waiting for the person to come closer so that he could ask him if he needed any help. (anything to miss even more class, and now he had a decent excuse as to why it took him so long)
He bit back a smile when he saw a book slowly slipping out of the slightly smaller person's arms, a hand shooting out to save it from hitting the hard floor and exactly that action causing for all the other books to tumble down.

He bit down his bottom lip to prevent something like a snort or a giggle from escaping his lips. The boy who's books were now scattered all over the floor dropped to his knees without taking note of the other boy in the corridor, quickly gathering all the books back in his arms. 

The boy stood back up and flipped his brown bangs out of his eyes, the books now securely pressed against his chest. Jonghyun quickly regained his speed for it not to seem he had been watching him. The sudden sound of Jonghyun's soles patting against the tiles made the boy look up in surprise, their eyes locking.
Jonghyun pursed his lips into a thin line, the kid coming closer with every echoing step he took as their eyes were fixated on each other. Jonghyun swallowed thickly, watching how a tiny smile began to bloom on the other's face, a pretty, pretty smile directed at him.
The boy was wearing black jeans, a bit tight but not too much, and dark blue Converses. His t-shirt was blue as well with a colorful print on, but Jonghyun couldn't see what the print exactly was as the books were pressed against his chest.
His steps became less and less, slower and slower as he witnessed a light shade of pink dusting high cheekbones and the smile turning into shy lip bite.
Jonghyun shivered, closing his eyes for a second and reopening them just as fast, to see if the boy walking his way wasn't just something his mind had made up, but real.
And he was, he was as real as Jonghyun's heart that was doing little twirls in his chest.
They crossed each other and Jonghyun tried to follow his elegant body movements carefully, turning his head slightly to watch him walk away. His breath got caught in his throat when he noticed the painfully handsome boy looking back at him from out of the corner of his eyes, both of them quickly averting their gazes back to the endless corridor ahead of them. Jonghyun heard that the others footsteps were back to sounding clumsy, he turned around to see if the kid was doing alright ...
Bad idea.
The boy's head was turned to him, their eyes locking once again and Jonghyun stopped, fascinated. Who was this boy and what was he doing to him. Jonghyun held his breath when he noticed another small smile directed at him, the corners of his own lips twitching as the other turned back around and walked away. Leaving Jonghyun confused and speechless.
Jonghyun didn't see the boy after their first meeting in the hallway. He had spend a lot of his free time thinking about him, wondering what his name was and why he had looked back at him when they were both walking away from each other. Why he had blushed and bit his lip so shyly, why he had shown him not one but two pretty smiles ...
Jonghyun had no clue.  His homework was often forgotten on his desk when he would plop down on his bed after a tough day in school and think about the boy with the pink lips and nice eyes and ... 
His mind was so occupied with all sort ot thoughts (the main ones involving a certain pretty boy) that he didn't even have the time to play tricks on his school mates or teachers, which was of course a relief for them but a pang to his reputation for him. (But then again, that meant no visits to the principal and happy parents)
The bell had rung and he was wandering through the corridors to his locker, avoiding bumping into other people as the screen of his cellphone was practically stuck to his face, thumbs furiously working the keyboard of the small device.
His friend Minho was nowhere to be found (he was probably hanging out at the football field or whatever) and Jonghyun needed him. He needed him because he was failing chemistry again and he was desperately in need of someone to join him while studying for the big test tomorrow.
It took him bumping into someone else to finally look up. He muttered a quick apology to the girl and then turned back to his cellphone, not forgetting to type a sad smiley at the end of the text and pressing "send" afterwards.
He arrived at his locker, fumbling with the lock and letting a couple of cure words slip out of his mouth when he couldn't gett he code right.
"Stupid thing," He muttered when he slammed his fist against the little metal door, trying again. When it finally opened his cellphone in his pocket vibrated, indicating he had received a text and he jumped up in surprise, slamming his head against the locker door and letting out a frustrated groan. 
"ing --"
He fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked the key, grabbing a couple of books with his free hand and trying to close the locker with his shoulder. He looked up from his screen for a second so that he could properly close it, but instead getting absorbed in something much more interesting than the text, the locker or the books.
A familiar thin figure was walking out his way, wearing acid washed skinny jeans and a black v-neck. This time it weren't blue but black Converses. The boy didn't notice him at first but when he did, it was with large, brown eyes and pink cheeks.
Jonghyun blindly slammed the locker door closed, not aware of his fingers that  --
"ing hell !!" He screamed, retracting his hand with the speed of light and bringing it to his face, inspecting the hurt digits.
They were throbbing and Jonghyun had to bite his lip to prevent from nasty words slipping out, a frown appearing on his forehead as he tried to cool them off by blowing on them.
He looked up a little, noticing that the pretty kid was staring at him with a worried look on his face and Jonghyun's face instantly heated up in embarrassment.
Great. Now he think I'm a loser, Jonghyun though bitterly. 
Jonghyun saw how a couple of boys walked over to the other, taking his attention away from Jonghyun. He knew some of the guys, they were in his Math class and they were usually the ones that supported him with his pranks on their teacher. They were cool, but not really friends. More like mates.
Jonghyun felt someone tap his shoulder and he swiftly turned around, looking up a to see Minho standing behind him. He frowned and let out a groan, looking down at his hurt hand and trying to fight the urge to look back at the pretty kid. "Why are you wearing your P.E. uniform," Jonghyun questioned, blowing on his fingers some more and rolling his eyes when Minho gave him a "what do you think" look.
"Let's go, I want to buy some food on the way home," Minho said, tugging a little at the shorter boy's arm. Jonghyun nodded, scratching the back of his neck and realizing that with being so distracted by the cute boy he had put his books back into his locker.
Jonghyun re-opened it as Minho secured his arms around the basket ball he had been holding the entire time. He took out his books and stole a quick glance at the boy, who much to his surprise already had his eyes set on him.
Jonghyun blushed, all the heat from his body going up to his cheeks and quickly turning his head away, not noticing that the person next to him had just opened his locker and therefore painfully banging his head against the metal.
"Motherfu-- !!" Jonghyun shouted angrily, hands shooting up to his head where a nasty bruise was starting to form.
He heard Minho snort behind him and the owner of the open locker door frowned at him as if saying "are you blind".
Jonghyun sighed, muttering an apology for cursing at him and harshly pushing his books in Minho's hands so that he could take care of his bruise.

There was a soft giggle a few meters away and he looked up, watching how the pretty boy was looking at him, sending him a small smile.
Jonghyun shivered as brown eyes him up into a new dimension, a beautiful one, ignoring Minho who was nudging at his arm and whining about how he couldn't hold Jonghyun's books and his basketball at the same time.
Jonghyun smiled back, softly, gently, and as if saying "wow you are so beautiful"
because really;
he was.
wow guys I realised that if I'm making this into a longshot it's going to be .... endless.
so I decided to make three chapters instead of one.
are you already liking it ? I hope so.
and wow wtf I got 56 subscribers without even promoting this, damn you guys are the best.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the first chapter ! and because I first said it was going to be a oneshot, I won't leave you guys with cliffhangers,
every chapter will end up ... smth like this. so that you won't be craving for the next chapter. bc I personally hate that feeling.
this first chapter could be considered a oneshot already. with an open ending that is but ... yea. 
Hm, let me know what you think of it this far :) 
sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, my English is becoming worse and worse these days, haha.
see you next chapter ! and I'll be updating my other stories, too :)
*gives waffle*
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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 5: I love the fluff in this :)
daddy-jjong #2
hi, just wanted to tell u i recommended ur fic in my jongkey rec list. <3
fufurp #3
Chapter 5: Re-reading this for the 543567 th time. Awesome.
daddy-jjong #4
kpop_lover967 #5
pookieberrie #6
Chapter 5: pls subscribe to my story "shinee girls"
Chapter 5: Oh my goooooddddddd i just want to tale kibum home with me because he is so cutee aaaarrggghhh....
Innocent!kibum is one of my weak part i cant handle it ahschsbdjbdhjskdks this is beautifull and fluffy innocent i cant help to like it TAT this ia so cute okay i'm done. (Part of my heart want a sequel but yeah this is ok so) hahaha xDD
FreezingLove #8
Chapter 5: This was soo sweet,innocent and beautiful.
You kept referring to stomach as tummy and I don't know why,but everytime I saw the word I felt sooo fluffy? inside and this story is on of the cutest fics out there.
Thank you for writing this <<3333
Midnight_Sorrow #9
Chapter 5: It was soooo fluffy and amazing XD