Planned or merely a coincidence?

When the law is slightly...compromised.

Entrance of SM Entertainment Office, 6:35am

“Kibum.” A loud whisper resounded the almost empty street as the said man turned around, a look of worry in his eyes.

“Jonghyun? You can’t be here. They’ll be furious if they see you here- please. Please go.” Kibum whispered back before walking quickly towards the glass entrance doors of the entertainment company.

“Kibum, stop. I need to see you.” Jonghyun grabbed his lover’s hand, preventing him from moving anymore. Kibum had a distressed look as he continued to search around madly, knowing that any second now his manager would see Jonghyun and report back to headquarters.

“Jonghyun, stop it. I can’t do this right now, I can’t risk anything even more. I have everything to lose, just give me some space.” Kibum gave a loud sigh before pushing Jonghyun’s hand off his arm and turned around again, continuing to walk briskly towards the doors.

“Why, why are you ignoring my calls? Is it SM? Did they take your phone away?” Jonghyun raised his voice as he caught up to Kibum. His concerned look slowly turned into one of hurt, as Kibum quickly took out his phone, showing the all too familiar phone of his, indicating that SM had not taken his phone and it was Kibum himself who was ignoring those calls.

“No, Jong. Please, just leave me alone.” Kibum sighed as he walked through the entryway, the glass doors closing shut behind him, leaving the desperate man outside.

“Ki-Kibum!” Jonghyun whispered before slowly turning away before being seen by anyone.



SM Entertainment Office conference room 3, 10:04am

“God Hyung, you could’ve given me some notice.” Sungjong gave a loud sigh as he rubbed his eyes, having stayed up until late to gather more evidence on the SM case.

“About what?” The older of the two questioned, barely lifting his head up from his spread up files lined up all around him.

“Kim Sunggyu.”

“Jong, I did warn you.” The elder met the younger’s eyes with a small grin.

“Yeah, but man. He’s even scarier than what they say. As soon as he walked in the whole room was silent and I felt like I was holding my breath for like hours! And his suit is so well ironed not even a speck of dust would stick on it.”

“He is what they say, Jong. But he’s got to have a soft spot somewhere.” The older gave a soft chuckle before gently patting Sungjong on the head.

“Yeah alright, mm back to work.” Sungjong gave loud sigh and a long stretch before putting his head down once again and resuming his duties.



The office, Shim & Kim. 2:38pm

“So I’m going to see if I can ask the presiding judge about an extension.” Sunggyu pondered out loud as he twirled his pen around his fingers.

They were in the conference room having their weekly meeting as Dongwoo typed up letters and requests from other firms and companies while Sungyeol searched online for precedents to use to support their case. Kim Jonghyun sat in his usual place at the end of the table, away from all the files and a coffee cup in front of him. He stared emotionlessly at the glass windows outside the building, glancing at the streets of Seoul and the light fluffy clouds in the sky.

“Um, okay.” He replied without anything registering in his thoughts.

“That should buy us more time to be able to gather more witnesses and get their testimonies.” Sunggyu continued as he circled a couple of words of importance in one of the many files he was reading.


“I’ll get my team on digging up some more dirt on SM as well.” The lawyer continued to voice out his thoughts as he looked at Dongwoo, giving him the sign which meant more late nights.

“Okay.” Jonghyun replied, a smile not quite reaching his eyes. Sungyeol looked up at the repetition of the single word and noticed the lack of emotion from their client. He tapped his pen lightly on the table and gave a smile.

“Do you need anything? Water?”

“No I’m fine, thanks.” Sungyeol’s smile faltered at the lack of reply. Instead, he gave his boss a look of concern and went back to his computer, scrolling carelessly through the cases with a single swipe of the screen.

“Jonghyun, are you okay?” Sunggyu voiced out from across the room, crossing from his chair down to where Jonghyun was sitting.

“Yeah.” Jonghyun nodded as he finally met the lawyer’s eyes.

“I’m going to be needing your side of the story about Kibum at our next meeting, do you think you’ll be alright to answer a few questions?” Sunggyu asked as he sat down on top of the table, his leg crossing over the other as he placed his hands on his lap.

“Yes, of course, Sunggyu. I’m just- just a bit nervous.” The male singer replied as he gently wiped his sweaty palms against his pants.

“It’s hard believing it’s come down to this hasn’t it?”

“I grew up in SM, they are- no, they were my family.” Jonghyun whispered lightly before shaking his head.

“Well sometimes, even family can do the unimaginable. But hey, life goes on, doesn’t it?” Sunggyu said in a low tone before giving an encouraging smile.

“Yeah. I guess it does.”

“Look at it another way, you’re fighting for your own family, right?”


“Then let me win for you, Jonghyun.” Sunggyu gave a small smile before patting Jonghyun’s shoulder a couple of times before walking back to his chair, avoiding eye contact with his assistants who each had curious looks on their faces.



A road in central, 4:07pm

“Need some help with the kids?"

"No I have everything perfectly under control." Sunggyu muttered, his teeth slightly grinding together in annoyance.

"Oh, watch it." The brown haired man leapt forward as the older dropped the handful of coins onto the floor.  The younger picked up the bronze pieces before straightening up and dropping them one by one onto Sunggyu’s open palm.

"My my, you weren't kidding about your nieces and nephew." The younger grinned as he gave the three year old a small wave and a cheeky smile.

"Uncle, who's this?" Sooyi asked curiously and she shamelessly pointed her manicured finger at the stranger.

"Uncle, can we have ice cream now?" Jina whined as she looked up at her uncle, dismissing the stranger.

"Ahjus-“ Taeyong, the youngest, jumped up excitedly at the sound of ice cream.

"Guys. Your uncle is trying to-" Sunggyu gave a desperate sound, an almost strangled noise as he tried to put each of the coins into the washing machine.

Man doing laundry is hard, he thought to himself as he shoved the last of the coins into the hole.

"Okay, I got this, do not fear Mr. Kim." The familiar stranger smirked before turning to Sunggyu’s nieces with a wide smile.

"Yah, Woohyun what are you-" Sunggyu started but paused as the machine made a weird noise. He jumped in surprised and went to check on the clothes, leaving his nieces to the younger male.

"Hey kids, my name’s Woohyun, but you can call me Hyun. What are your names?" The handsome male bent down slightly to the girls’ heights as he spoke to them.

"Kim Jina!" The youngest of the two replied happily, while the older girl replied with a shy smile and a slight blush in her cheeks, “Kim Sooyi.”

"My my, those are pretty names! How would you like to come get ice cream with me? My shout. I promise.” Woohyun gave a light chuckle before giving the horrified Sunggyu a wink.

Sunggyu gapped as his older niece wrapped her pinkie around the males so trustworthily

"Kim Sooyi! Didn't your umma teach you not to talk to strangers?!" Sunggyu exclaimed helplessly while trying to balance his nephew on his hip.

“Taeyonggie, you really need to learn to walk by yourself.” He gave a soft scolding to the three year old.

"Ahjushi won't hurt me right? He said he would buy me ice cream!" Jina exclaimed before happily accepting Woohyun’s other outstretched arm.

"Oh my god, you have so much to learn." Sunggyu sighed as he gave up and waved his hand in disregard. The clothes machine gave a loud beep, signaling its end and Sunggyu dropped to his knees before collecting their clean laundry, which was too much for his own machine to handle.

Woohyun chuckled as he gave Sunggyu a wide grin,  "Don't worry ahjusshi, I won't hurt her." Woohyun gave a small wink before steering the little girl in pigtails and the older with her long pretty hair towards the ice cream parlour, rendering the older male speechless and stunned until a small hand reached up and pull on his left cheek.

"Ah ah ahjusshhhhhhhhhiiiiiii." Sunggyu's 3 year old nephew demanded his attention.

"Y-yes .. Lets go get your ice cream now too." The man sighed before pulling his laundry along with the young boy attached to his hip.



Kim Sunggyu’s apartment, 9pm.

After a long round of ice-cream, the kids ended up dragging Woohyun back to Sunggyu’s apartment, to the elder’s dismay. The girls would not let go of the young attractive male and even Taeyong had decided Woohyun’s hip was more comfortable than his own uncle’s. However, Sunggyu certainly couldn’t complain about that aspect.

“What were you doing around central anyway?” Sunggyu gave a loud sigh of relief as the girls were safely put in bed, abiding by their bed times.

“Not much, just wondering around.” Woohyun replied as he softly touched Taeyong’s tuff of hair, his eyes not leaving the television and his legs propped comfortably on the small table in front.

“Don’t you have work to do? I don’t know, internships and stuff?” Sunggyu popped open a beer and handed the younger one as well.

“Yeah, well guess I chose the right day to go out for a walk.”

“Mm.” Sunggyu hummed in reply as his eyes slowly fluttered closed. He was dead tired from work all day and from looking after the kids. He suddenly had so much more respect for his sister whom raised them single-handed since they were young.


After a couple of hours, Sunggyu was silently roused awake by a soft tap on his hand as he snuggled into the warmth of another body. He blinked awake and starred at Woohyun, who had a smirk on his face. The older male had no idea how his head ended up on the younger’s shoulder, but he knew that Taeyong was sound asleep on the brown haired male’s lap and was in no condition to be moving away.

“I should go, Sunggyu.”

“Mm.” Sunggyu hummed as he looked up at the younger male, half asleep and not sure what he should be feeling at the moment.

“Do you want me to go?” Woohyun lowered his voice as he swept a soft finger across Sunggyu’s forehead, wiping aside a stray piece of hair.

“Mm.” Sunggyu hummed again, not giving much reply.

“Do you want me to stay?” Woohyun asked again, this time with a small grin.

“Mm.” The older hummed, not preparing to move at all but instead letting his eyes flutter shut once again and consciousness drift away from him while the familiar low chuckle of the other sent him to sleep.



The next morning, 7:50am.


“Sunggyu. Who the hell is this guy and why is my son hugging him like a tree?”




hello new and old subscribers!

I'm just going to stop promising updates...hahaha ^^

hope you enjoyed this chapter and shout me a comment to let me know what you think :)

Have a good week/month whenever i write again next, gah so sorry i've just been so busy :(


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: Been putting this offto read since it’s unfinished but i started reading it now ☺️
Chapter 9: Nice nice..
Good story authornim, looking forward for the rest <3
Piou0102 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this story and read it all in one go... It's really great, I love it! :D I'm really looking forward to knowing what more secrets are buried there... :3
Please, do finish this author-nim! Fighting! ^^
I just found this story and i love it!!
faith3_13 #5
Chapter 9: Great update. A lawyer's job is hard.
Chapter 9: Thank u for your update! I luv it (as expected) hehehe
Chapter 9: It always amazes me how a person can defend a murderer or child abuser when he knows what did. You eventually become a monster yourself.
Kpopcorn37 #8
Chapter 8: Ahh. Just started reading and subscribed to this. This is such a good fic. please finish it up ^^
Chapter 8: The story seems reaaaaaly promising and it's written in just the way i like! So please don't discontinue it ok??? I start loving it alreadyyyy. Waiting for ya authornim :x
Chapter 8: Please, don't stop writing it. I like it so much ^^