Blame the alcohol

When the law is slightly...compromised.

“What’s your relationship with Kim Kibum?”

The lawyer and his client had resumed their positions once again in the silent office, both seated in their leather chairs with Sungyeol poised at the ready with a pen in hand and a serious look on his face. Dongwoo sat with his eyes casted downwards, however as the question was asked by Sunggyu, his eyebrows raised slightly as he leaned closer to hear the famous love story of the most popular and perhaps accepted homoual couple in the music industry.

“Um, we met about two years ago. He was already a trainee and I had only just gotten accepted into the company. A couple of stylists saw us at night when we were drunk at a club. When they found out about us they threatened to kick us out of the company immediately, but they had already invested so much money in us. It was a loss for them to do that- “

Kim Jonghyun gave a sad smile before continuing with his fist tightly clenched together.

“So they separated us, but we fought back until they had no choice but to put us together again. We worked the best together, we produced the best songs, and we choreographed every move and every note in perfect synchronisation. We were their greatest asset that they couldn't afford to lose.”

Sunggyu nodded, his feelings not fazed at all by the crushed singer’s dreams, but gave a brief look of empathy to urge the man in front of him to continue.
“He threatened my family that if I didn't break up with Kibum that they would sue and bankrupt them. I mean, that’s ridiculous, my parents own a small café, if they got sued they wouldn’t be able to stand a chance. I had no choice. We had no choice.”

“So you broke up?”

“For a while, yes.”

“I assume that didn’t work out very well?”

“Mr Kim, have you ever loved someone before?”

“I- Um.” Dongwoo looked up at the slightly flustered man who was caught off guard by the daring question. However, Sunggyu’s strict façade once again resumed as he averted his eyes and cleared his throat.

“No. I can’t say I have, Jonghyun.”

“A-ah. It’s troublesome and it’s as if everything is put on the line, but it’s the most amazing feeling that one can feel. I would give up singing, all the fame, everything; I would give up everything for Kibum.”

“I sincerely hope you won’t have to, Jonghyun.” Sunggyu looked straight into the singer’s eyes as he gave a brief nod.

A loud alarm rang through the room as the clock showed that their appointment was over.

“Until next week then, Jonghyun.”

“Thank you, Sunggyu.”



“Boss, are you warming up to this case?”

“No of course not, why?”

“I see the look in your eyes, boss.”

“Shut up about this cliché crap- He’s the same as any other client.”

“You don’t show that much interest in any other client…” Dongwoo mumbled as he looked down at his pile of papers, the matter unresolved as Sunggyu gave a light flick of his hand in disregard.



Courtroom number four, 3:43pm

"Did you or did you not commit the murder of In Minsoo?"
"No, I did not."
"Where were you on the night of her murder?"
"At home, working on my music assignment."
"Were you really?" Sunggyu stood up with a stern look on his face, his eyebrows furrowed together in irritation. 
"Your honor, this is ridiculous. My client has answered no already. Isn't it clear it's a no?"
The judge slightly nodded and raised his hand, giving a slight warning to the questioning lawyer.
"Fine. No further questions." The opposing lawyer narrowed his eyes and sat down with a slight puff of irritation in being unable to break through the client’s obviously well trained persona.

Well then again, of course he wouldn’t have.

Kim Sunggyu trained his clients well, and if they correctly followed his instructions, they would win. Because prior to the case, Sunggyu asked every god damn question that could ever be asked to ensure that his client wouldn't crack under pressure. Even if it meant breaking down first in his office a month before the trial even took place.

“-Chung Leena”

“Yes, Mr Kim.”

“On the 26th of February 2011, where were you?”

“At h-home.”


The nervous late thirties woman cleared and fumbled with her thumbs as she averted her eyes from the expressionless lawyer.

“I was at home-”

“Look at me.” Sunggyu spoke, quickly and curtly.

“-writing my composition for my university assignment.”

“Aren’t you a bit old for university?”

“When I was younger I did not have the opportunity to-“

“And why is that?”

“I was with my first child.”

“You were a teen mother?”

“A-y-yes. But-“

“I see. No further questions.”

The trembling woman looked up at Sunggyu with tears in her eyes,

“Mr Kim, I never got to say-“

“Leena-shi, the opposition will not care if you were , they only want to jury to see you as an irresponsible child who was into adulthood without any warning. Let alone a right mindset that would defend against any accusations of violence, or in this case, murder.”

Chung Leena shook her head as she looked down in her lap, a single tear brushed angrily away as she whispered just loud enough for her lawyer to hear,

“P-please help me, Sunggyu-shi.”

Sunggyu gave a soft sigh before kneeling down next to his client’s chair, his strict and expressionless persona gone. He gently patted his client’s hand before giving her a soft smile,

“I will, Leena-shi.”

He cleared his throat and handed her a glass of water,

“Let’s do that again.”



Kim Sunggyu's office, 5:29 pm

“Gyu, did I ever tell you how much I love you?”

“What do you want, noona?” Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he held his mobile between his ear and shoulder whilst continuing to read the legal documents of his murder case. It shouldn’t be too difficult to win at their resumed trial next week with Sunggyu’s newly found vital evidence that would throw the whole case. He circled the blocks of writing a couple of times with a smile at his success before giving his noona his full attention, the mobile now in the grip of his right hand.

“Why do you always assume-“

“I’m a lawyer, I assume, I scrutinize, I observe, and I know when someone is trying to blackmail me. I know you. Now, what do you want?”

“Aish, is that any way to talk to your sister. Fine, I need a favour.” Kim Minah’s voice was heard loudly through the device as she failed to outsmart her brother.




“Damn it, Sunggyu I need your help. The hospital in Daejeon needs me to transfer there for a week or so, I can’t leave the kids.”

“Can’t they get a nurse of a lower rank or something?” Sunggyu unconsciously frowned as he asked in an annoyed tone. He had a couple of big cases this week, and taking care of the kids would be a hassle.

“They need me, Sunggyu. Please, I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.”

There were a few seconds of silence before the auburn haired lawyer sighed and nodded his head, resignation clear in his voice as he agreed to his sister’s request.

“Fine, noona you owe me that red Ferrari-“

“Fine, I’ll ask Appa-“

“Actually, nevermind.”

“Sunggyu, he’s your father too-“

“Drop them off whenever.”


“Goodbye, noona.” Sunggyu muttered loudly before pressing the button to hang up.

“Thank you, Gyu.” His sister’s voice resounded through the mobile before a silence resumed in the office. Sunggyu stared at the papers on his table as his thoughts were carried away with the reminder of his bastard of a father and the extra responsibility of looking after his niece and nephews for the week.


 “God I need a drink.”



Larson Hotel, 10:34pm

"No girl caught your interest tonight, Mr Kim?"
"Are you stalking me or something?" The familiar sight of a tuff of dark brown hair and a leather jacket immediately made Sunggyu frown.
"Oh no, a restraining order won't be needed, not against me anyway." The young man gave a slight smirk as he called over the bartender and ordered a Scotch.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sunggyu asked as he looked at the younger who gave a daring smile.
"It wouldn’t do much, that's all."
"Look, I'm tired and I don't have the time let alone the energy to argue with a 20 year old."
"23. Actually."
"Last year already? You're graduating fast."
"So did you."
"Right." Sunggyu smirked as he his glass of Scotch lightly, wiping the condensed cool water on his fingertips.
"What’s got you all grumpy today?"
"I’d rather not share about my personal life with a mere adolescent."
"Give it a try, you'd never know."

 Sunggyu blamed the alcohol for his light scoff before giving a resigned smile and looked down as his wet fingers. It’s the alcohol, the alcohol…
"My sister's going away for a couple of weeks and I have to take care of her two kids."
"That's not too bad, I mea-"
"My boss wants me to take this bloody media case which I have no care for."
"My mother is sick in hospital."
"My boss is an ."
"And I haven’t gotten laid in so long I think I’m gay."
"With you there." The stranger laughed before looking into Sunggyu’s eyes with a small wink.

A comfortable silence washed over as both men took a sip from their respective glasses, their throats burning and a slight flinch in their eyes. Sunggyu turned to the young man next to him with his eyebrows raised, his gaze longing for a little too long before he turned away, giving his head a slight shake.
"Well this is a first."
"I don't even tell reporters let alone my own sister anything of the sort, this is definitely a first."
"Oh, we'll I'm flattered Mr Kim."
The mysterious leather coated man leaned forward slightly, placing his glass of Bourbon down on the bench with a small clink of the glass.
"Isn’t there a first for everything?"
"You're too smug for your own good, kid."
"I’d say the same arrogance runs in your veins too, Mr Kim."
"You sure you're legal?"
"I can defend my own cases regardless."
"-and what might you be having to defend, Mr Kim?" The younger whispered, his eyes darkening with lust and his lips upturned in a smirk, challenging the elder.
"This." Sunggyu found himself leaning closer as the bittersweet taste of Bourbon mixed with his.
"Shall we take this upstairs, Mr Kim?" The young man smirked as he shifted his position off his chair, holding his hand out to Sunggyu.

Sunggyu flared at his submissiveness but nonetheless held the hand, a shy smile but daring eyes giving him away as the alcohol and desire clouded his thoughts.

"Was this what you were aiming for when you first started stalking me?"

Sunggyu whispered as the mysterious man clutched at Sunggyu’s hair lightly before kicking off his shoes and meeting the lawyer’s slightly swollen lips.

"Ah-h no this is much better than expected.” He smirked as he leaned deeper into the kiss, his legs straddling the older man as they leaned down onto the bed.

Hushed whispers and silent moans resounded as slow fingers were slapped by the impatience of one another as buttons were broken and ties loosened in a hurry.

As the two men lay side by side, chests slightly rising and breaths out of time, the younger of the two looked towards Sunggyu whose cheeks were flushed and his hair darkened by sweat, clamped to his forehead.

"Beautiful." He whispered as he rolled onto his side and gently brought his index finger to the older man's lips, lightly tracing them in awe.

Sunggyu felt the heat rise to his cheeks but nonetheless scoffed and gave the smirking man a light push.

"Don't push it kid, this is the last time I'm bottoming." The alcohol.

"Oh Mr Kim, I'm flattered. Are you implying that there's a next time?"

"If I wasn't drunk off my face and delirious I would punch you in the face."

"It would be my honour, sir.

"Ugh I feel like , get out of my face." Sunggyu groaned before rolling away, his tired body turning away from the tease and greasiness of the other male.

However, it wasn't enough to rid the younger of the opportunity to roll closer and wrap an arm across his waist and pull gently on the doona to bring the man's back closer to his chest.

But then again, there was no resistance from the flustered almighty Kim Sunggyu as he slept with a small smile on his face, hidden, of course, from the other.

"That was definitely a first."

"okay shut up now, I'm trying to sleep." The younger groaned as he his side, facing the milky skinned man opposite him and away from the sunlight glaring through the curtains.

"Last night didn't mean anything. You're just another one." Sunggyu coughed before tightening his tie whilst looking around for his missing polished shoe, or perhaps even avoiding direct eye contact.

"Wasn't expecting to be any more. Although do you provide this service for any stranger who catches your eye?” The other smirked as he pointed his index finger towards the shoe, hidden underneath a crinkled dress shirt. Sunggyu gave a soft sigh of relief and a nod of thanks before giving himself one check in the mirror and heading out the hotel door.

"Nah, just strangers who stalk me and don’t leave me alone.”

“Well then, I’ll have to put my studies on hold and take up my job as a professional stalker then.”

Sunggyu gave a soft chuckle before rolling his eyes and turned to grab his suitcase, giving the younger a light smile as he started walking.

“Okay, I'll see you when you become a famous lawyer or something. I wouldn't be surprised if you were my next opposition."

"Well at least we started off on a better foot right?" The younger laughed as he clutched the bed sheets around him and strode confidently towards the dressed lawyer.

"Be careful of what you wish for." He whispered with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss the flustered male. Leaving behind a simple lingering peck on the lips before straightening Sunggyu’s tie with a grin and a wave of a soft vanilla scent.

"Goodbye, Mr Kim"

"Yyeah, Bye-"

“-Woohyun. Nam Woohyun.”



The office, 9:23am

 “Oh my mother of the creation of y men, you bottomed?”

“Kim Sunggyu, junior partner Shim & Kim, bottomed?”

“Shut up, Dongwoo.” Sunggyu gave the estatic man a glare before slamming his documents on the receptionist’s desk in annoyance. It was stupid to think that Sunggyu could even come close to hiding the slight limp in his walk.

“Oh my god.” Dongwoo just sat there with his mouth gapped open.

“Oh please, do go on.”


“No.” Sunggyu spoke, venom could almost be seen dripping through his gritted teeth.

“Boss, I can’t even begin to fathom-“

“Then don’t.”



“Haha , pun.”


“Alright, alright. Gotcha.” Dongwoo waved his hand as he looked back towards his computer, the storm seemingly passed over...


“Hey Boss,”

“Yeah?” Sunggyu looked up as he grabbed his coffee and new files for the day.

“Was it nice finally getting the stick out of your ?”

“Oh wait. Never mind.”






Hopefully this answered a couple of your questions, and woohyun was here all along.. i thought i hinted it enough but guess not! haha anyway, tell me what you thought about the chapter!

i'm sorry about the misleading rated chapter, i hope this wont change anything but, im not a writer and i will never have full , there will be implications but nothing more, sorry!

How was your new years? tell me your resolutions for this year! haha,

well mine are this year to;

- of course eat healthier and get fit

- stay in touch with my high school friends

- get a part time job

- study hard so i can get a high gpa to go on exchange next year :)

let me know and thank you for reading/commenting/subscribing!

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Woah guys, it's nearly the first anniversary of this fic!?!!


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: Been putting this offto read since it’s unfinished but i started reading it now ☺️
Chapter 9: Nice nice..
Good story authornim, looking forward for the rest <3
Piou0102 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this story and read it all in one go... It's really great, I love it! :D I'm really looking forward to knowing what more secrets are buried there... :3
Please, do finish this author-nim! Fighting! ^^
I just found this story and i love it!!
faith3_13 #5
Chapter 9: Great update. A lawyer's job is hard.
Chapter 9: Thank u for your update! I luv it (as expected) hehehe
Chapter 9: It always amazes me how a person can defend a murderer or child abuser when he knows what did. You eventually become a monster yourself.
Kpopcorn37 #8
Chapter 8: Ahh. Just started reading and subscribed to this. This is such a good fic. please finish it up ^^
Chapter 8: The story seems reaaaaaly promising and it's written in just the way i like! So please don't discontinue it ok??? I start loving it alreadyyyy. Waiting for ya authornim :x
Chapter 8: Please, don't stop writing it. I like it so much ^^