A (boring) day in the life of a lawyer

When the law is slightly...compromised.


It was dead silent in the office that very morning. Sunggyu's head slightly pounded within his subconscious as he lacked an intense amount of sleep from playing with Jina before she fell asleep.

He yawned and his eyes drooped heavily as he continued reading through his documents for his new case.

If not for the pen gliding along the page, producing the tiniest hint of a scratch as it swept the paper; one could almost hear a pin drop.

A loud laugh was heard from outside the office, to which the man who sat at the desk, working studiously, flinched, hearing the familiar voice.

He counted to three in his head:

At one second, footsteps were heard approaching the door.
At two seconds, the golden brass knob turned slightly. Sunggyu stared at the door opening slowly.
At three a loud shout rang out across the office, disturbing the peaceful silence.


Said man continued to write across the lined paper, head down and evidently ignoring the oblivious man standing in front of him.

"Well done on your case, Mr Choi was greatly impressed."

Sunggyu hummed in reply, not caring less about the previous case he handled.

"Now, you know I-"


"You don't even kno-"

"No, Changmin."

"Sunggyu you don't even know what I'm about to ask you."

"Oh really? You want me to take on another case because apparently I owe you so much for you being the best boss in the world. What is it this time, another pro bono?"

Changmin opened his mouth, ready to reply to the cold, expressionless man.

"I said no, Changmin."

"It's not a pro bono case. Kim Jonghyun filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment."

"That's even worse than a pro bono."

“I have no interest in mere entertainment issues. I’m a lawyer, not a tabloid magazine.”

Silence resumed in the office as Shim Changmin, the senior partner of the firm fumed at the calm and collected man in front of him continued to scribble notes upon pages of printed evidence and application forms.

“Really? So nothing will make you take this case?” Changmin spoke firmly, a hint of mischief and a smirk apparent on his handsome face.

Sunggyu sighed and looked up at his boss, preparing himself for the worst of the blackmail that he knew was to come.

“What now, Changmin. What did you do, sleep with my sister?” Sunggyu muttered irritably as he took a long sip from his mug of steaming coffee.

“No. Damn, now that makes me wish I thought of that before I did this.” Changmin cocked his head to the side as he made a mental note to himself.

“But… I may or may not have given your case with the Chung Mineral Companies to…” Changmin paused for dramatic effect, knowing full well that Sunggyu was pissed off enough with just the fact that his favourite case had been given to someone else.

“ …Sungyeol.”


Silence once again resumed and the sound of a pen dropped loudly onto the desk, rolling off the pile of paper onto the carpeted floor with a loud thud.

Changmin closed his eyes slightly as he waited for the man in front of him to register the words spoken to him. one. two….

“You gave my case away to a mere assistant? What the hell is wrong with you, I could’ve won that case in five minutes.” Sunggyu stood up and said angrily, annoyance clear in his tone and his chest rising furiously as he struggled to keep his temper under control.

There was no other boy that annoyed Sunggyu more than Lee Sungyeol. Lee Sungyeol was a different case altogether, he was happy, bubbly, would not close his mouth even if he lost his voice, and had logic so simple that Sunggyu wondered nearly every second of being in the same room as him, how exactly the boy got a law degree.

“Changmin. I am so annoyed right now I can’t even begin to express it enough in words.” Sunggyu narrowed his eyes as he continued to look up at Changmin with a cold stare. Damn Shim Changmin for being blessed with an ungodly height as Sunggyu had to pathetically look up at the man he so very much despised this very moment.

“And I’m telling you now, you need to take this case.” Changmin simply stated, his calm face not betraying the fear he secretly felt inside him as he forced himself not to flinch under his firm partner’s stare.

“Fine.” Sunggyu muttered as he sat down in his chair, resuming his hunched position and picking up the pen that had rolled onto the floor during their heated discussion.

“Fine what?” Changmin gave a small sigh of relief as he placed his arms down on either side of the wooden desk in front of him.

“Fine, I’ll take your bloody case. Now get out before I change my mind and debut in a boy band.”

Changmin’s face immediately lit up in delight and placed the manilla folder down on the desk,

“Thank you, I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of this one. If you’re really that annoyed I’ll give you a pay rise. Wait, you don’t need it. Goodbye Sunggyu, I hope you spill your coffee on your shoes.”

He turned swiftly and walked towards the wooden door, before turning to look at the unamused man sitting in his private office,

“Oh, Dongwoo and Sungyeol will be there to assist you.” Sunggyu scoffed in reply as he wrinkled his nose in annoyance, not bothering to look up at the man who was halfway out the door.

“And for the record, you’re too old to be in the kpop industry. No one wants a grandpa as an idol.”

Changmin quickly slammed the door before the metal pen hit him straight in the eye, aimed perfectly by its perpetrator who sat stiffly in his perfectly done up suit, with narrowed eyes.




“Alright, it’s been two hours and this is way too long for a trespassing case. Kid, please don’t tread on Mr Lee’s grass again, okay? Get out of here.” The judge sighed and declared the case closed as he swept up his papers in a pile.

“Could I have a moment, Mr Kim?” The aged man sitting at the front of the courtroom projected his voice as he gave Sunggyu a look of pity.

Sunggyu gave a small smile and patted his client on the shoulder before stepping aside to walk up to the long wooden bench, not before giving a small wink at the clerk who gave a shy smile, tapping her pen anxiously on the hard surface.

“Yes? Uncle Jung?” Sunggyu whispered under his breath as he looked up at the man with his rounded glasses barely staying on the tip of his nose.

“What have you done now that old brat is making you take all these pro bono cases?”

“He’s doing what he does best, Uncle.”

“And that would be?”

“Blackmailing me.” Sunggyu scoffed and turned promptly on his heels before walking back to the bench and gathering his briefcase, a deep chuckle resounding from his uncle behind him.

“Dinner on Friday. Don’t forget. Tell your sister too.” Came the slightly croaky voice as Sunggyu gave a small wave of the back of his hand, not bothering to turn around to give a glance of acknowledgment as the wooden doors slammed shut behind him.

“Yah, that brat.” The old man muttered under his breath as he chuckled lightly before stepping down from his seat.



The blue sky was clear without the sight of a single puff of white anywhere and Sunggyu took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air as he pulled his tie down slightly, getting rid of the tension in his back as he straightened up. He squinted his eyes to look at a group of students on their yearly excursion to the court room and gave a small nod of acknowledgement at the first year college kids who excitedly waved at him.

Sunggyu stepped down from the top stairs and was met with a familiar leather jacket and a tuff of dark brown hair.

"Kid, are you a fan or something?"

"Wouldn't exactly call it that." he said with a sly smirk, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"What university you from?"

“In a couple of months I'd be a fresh graduate from Harvard law."


"Yeah just as impressive as your graduation photo hung up in the Headmaster’s office." Sunggyu chuckled as he gave the younger male an almost daring glance.

"Let's just say I was his favorite."

"To say the least." The boy laughed, his gaze straight ahead as he walked with Sunggyu down the stairs, their footsteps matching each others as they landed on the cement.

"Don't you have anything better to do than sit around watching my cases?" Sunggyu questioned, giving a check of his wrist watch before turning his head to look for his driver.

"Oh yes I do, but you know what they say, sometimes you gotta sit through the boring part of your work before you get to the fun part." The boy replied as he rolled his shoulders backwards and forth, the tight leather jacket slightly squeaking as it overstretched.

"So you're working right now?"

"Exactly right." The boy simply stated, beginning his path in the opposite direction of Sunggyu.

"W-what?" The older male stumbled on his words as he was caught by surprise. He tried to follow the younger male but halted in his steps as the familiar black Mercedes sounded the car horn.

"Have a pleasant morning Mr Kim." The boy smiled his mischievous grin before walking briskly down the road, immersing himself in the group of other college students and suited up men of the sort.

"Wait, yah- kid." Sunggyu attempted to call him back but to no avail as he stood there, pondering over the conversation he had just seconds ago.


"B-boring part? Am I boring? Yah!"



Hellooo readers!

i'm so sorry i've been inactive, and i hope most of you got the message that i had finals in november and then i went to India for 2 weeks to volunteer with the street kids, anyway i might blog post more often so add me as a friend if you want to keep up to date! :D

i'm finally done with high school! and i got my results this morning like quite literally an hour ago and im a bit numb but i am happy, it ticks all the right boxes for the course i want so hopefully it'll all go to plan!

anyway i've missed you all, but here's a new chapter, hopefully i'll be updating more often but no promises! i'll try for at least once chapter a week :)

thank you for reading/subscribing, as per usual, do shout me a comment to let me know what you think!


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Woah guys, it's nearly the first anniversary of this fic!?!!


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: Been putting this offto read since it’s unfinished but i started reading it now ☺️
Chapter 9: Nice nice..
Good story authornim, looking forward for the rest <3
Piou0102 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this story and read it all in one go... It's really great, I love it! :D I'm really looking forward to knowing what more secrets are buried there... :3
Please, do finish this author-nim! Fighting! ^^
I just found this story and i love it!!
faith3_13 #5
Chapter 9: Great update. A lawyer's job is hard.
Chapter 9: Thank u for your update! I luv it (as expected) hehehe
Chapter 9: It always amazes me how a person can defend a murderer or child abuser when he knows what did. You eventually become a monster yourself.
Kpopcorn37 #8
Chapter 8: Ahh. Just started reading and subscribed to this. This is such a good fic. please finish it up ^^
Chapter 8: The story seems reaaaaaly promising and it's written in just the way i like! So please don't discontinue it ok??? I start loving it alreadyyyy. Waiting for ya authornim :x
Chapter 8: Please, don't stop writing it. I like it so much ^^