A life story to tell

When the law is slightly...compromised.


Just like any other morning, Kim Sunggyu awoke to the ear-splitting sequence of beeps that demanded his full attention before fumbling around to turn the darn alarm off. Silence once again resumed, the only noise was the soft breathing coming from the man himself. His head slightly pounding from the events of last night, he kicked his covers off of his tangled legs and a waft of overly strong perfume greeted his nose. The young man wrinkled his nose and sniffed before ignoring the flashes of last night streaming in his head.He gently weaved his hand through his hair, tousling it before giving an exhausted sigh as he sat up in his double bed.

Piles of paper lay at the foot of his bed, his feet making imprints as he walked slowly to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, efficient as always, and gave a light glance in the mirror, before putting on the same attire he had been wearing for the past five years. He ran his hand, full of wax, into his auburn colored hair, slightly adding volume to his already crimped hairstyle. A loud ring echoed throughout the suite of his central Seoul City apartment, overlooking the skyscrapers and the people of South Korea who walked around like miniature figurines, unrecognizable from the height of level thirty five.

Sunggyu gave a glance at the flashing home phone set but chose to ignore it as he grabbed a navy blue tie from inside his walk in closet. A love heart drawn in a dark red lipstick colour painted the left corner of his mirror, to which he frowned at and immediately removed with a wet tissue, shaking his head and letting out a loud sigh.He stood in front of the mirror as a long beep connected the land line communication to the answering machine.

“Brat, it’s your sister here. Don’t forget you got dinner at my place, alright? The kids want your home cooked special kimchi fried rice. I don’t even know why, considering it tastes horrid bu-“ A loud female voice, with a slight tone of irritation echoed into Sunggyu’s bedroom.

A light smile lit up Sunggyu’s face as he listened to the recorded message from his older sister. He glanced at the plain calendar that hung upon his wall directly opposite him. A red circle was drawn around the date of the present day of October the fifteenth as was a small inscribed message illustrating the words ‘Jina’s birthday’. Sunggyu pressed the red flashing button on his landline phone as he disregarded the rest of his sister’s message,

It’ll have to wait, he thought to himself as he shuffled his papers together on his desk and grabbed his briefcase, getting ready to leave his front doors.

A loud door slammed and a jingle of keys signified Sunggyu’s departure from his apartment, and thus began the same routine for the Seoul practitioner of law. Oh, but not only was he just a lawyer, he was one of the best and possibly one of the youngest to have ever landed himself a career this big at his age.


The Courtroom number six, 12:05pm.

"So how is it that an innocent man, of such a, let's say, young at heart age commit such a crime and be convicted of such a case? Ladies and gentlemen, members of the jury, there is simply no reliable evidence than can be upheld to convict this man of ual assault. So let's say, if you were walking down the street and a woman claims you harassed her, does our society believe what the woman says based purely on her role in society? Are we so caught up in a misogynistic society? We are no longer in the 20th century, so let us be reasonable. This woman is a drug addict, convicted of two crimes, an obsessive gambler and cannot even get her story straight. Who are we to believe? A man with a Harvard degree or this woman you see here today? I pray that you will consider this carefully. And please, don't we just all want to go home already?" Sunggyu ended his passionate soliloquy with a smirk, which erupted laughter from the onlookers and encouraged a faint smile on all the members of the jury. Damn, Kim Sunggyu, you’re too good at your job, he gave an arrogant smirk as he sat back down in his seat.

After a jury discussion of less than five minutes, one of the shortest to have ever gone down in history, the jury came out with the verdict of not guilty. The satisfied lawyer gave a light smile and looked at his client, who looked extremely confused and anxious to know what the verdict was.

"Wait, so like we won?" The confused client stared at his lawyer with a blank expression before breaking out into a wide smile.
Sunggyu chuckled lightly at his stupidly but proceeded to stand up, bowed respectfully towards the judge, and turned towards his client to shake his hand.
"It was a pleasure working with you, Mr Do, please remember that you will need to come in to the office again in say about a month to..."
He continued telling his client the same thing he told every client at the conclusion of a case, which, of course, he won every single time.

The lawyer grabbed his briefcase, and chucked the pile of papers which was no longer needed into the bin. Finishing his glass of water, Sunggyu placed it lightly on the table and looked around at the emptying courtroom. Some members of the jury looked at him with curious glances, amazed at how a lawyer at his age would be able to argue such a case, and they should be. He was only twenty seven, which was nothing compared to the amount of years other attorneys and even judges had spent studying for a third of their life.

Sunggyu gave a slight incline of his head towards the jury members, giving them silent thanks for their participation and for their ability to be able to come to the sensible conclusion that the client was innocent. Of course, no one would’ve known that his client did not, in fact, attend Harvard university, nor was he a sensible man of any kind. In fact, there would be no case for the married man of three kids who was cheating on his wife every night at the local club. But no one knew that, and no one needed to know that. It’s Kim Sunggyu's case, and he won every case.

No exceptions.

Now, his of a boss better not hand him any more pro bono cases, Sunggyu thought tohimself as he started walking with confidence in his stride.
“It’s just public service, Sunggyu, you need a good reputation out there, you know?” He imaged Shim Changmin, his boss, trying to reason with him.
And of course, Sunggyu would reply with a slight arrogant smirk and point him towards the exit of his office,

“I have a good enough reputation out there already, you know that, Changmin.” 

Sunggyu gave one more scan of the courtroom, and his eyes fell on a silent young man, sitting at the back of the court,  his chin, seemingly in deep thought. 
He stared at him, hoping he would drop the stare that he placed so complacently upon himself, but to no avail as the man continued to stare at him until he walked past the bench row he was seated at, near the exit of the courtroom. 
Sunggyu saw him smirk before he placed the leather jacket upon his shoulders and walked swiftly out of the courtroom, overtaking the slightly confused lawyer as he paused to say a final word to his client. 
He whispered under his breath as he passed him, but Sunggyu could hear him loud and clear,

“Harvard, my .” 


It was after noon that Sunggyu finally arrived back at the office. He sighed inwardly as the glass doors opened automatically as it sensed movement.

The building’s secretary gave the well known lawyer a big smile, as she closed her laptop in a highly suspicious way.
“G-good after noon, Mr Kim.” She mumbled as she tried to conjure a sentence together.
The man gave her a small nod of acknowledgment and continued up to his office via the elevator. 
Sunggyu's assistant, Jang Dongwoo, sat lazily at his desktop computer, typing away at some random word document. 
He sat up to give his boss a smirk before resuming his position, his legs propped up on another chair, and his left hand continuously grabbing at his cup of coffee.
Sunggyu opened his mouth to give him a warning about not spilling the cup of coffee on the keyboard, but before he could voice his opinion, Dongwoo brought up another takeaway cup of coffee from under the desk and held it up to him.
“Extra hot, extra strong black coffee. Just the way you like it, Boss.” He said, without giving the man a single look in the eye.
“Remind me why I hired you in the first place, Dongwoo?”
“Because I do your dirty work for you, and I give you coffee every day?” He laughed mischievously as he lifted his gaze to Sunggyu's.
The superior man laughed and waved his comment away before slamming the wooden doors behind him, as he entered into the office.
“Don’t forget, Mr Choi’s coming in five.” A loud voice echoed into the room before the door completely blocking out any sound from outside the walls of his spacious office.
“I’m thinking negligence or whatever you can uphold better.” The slightly overweight man said, staring into Sunggyu's eyes as he looked at the piece of paper the lawyer was currently scanning. 
Sunggyu gave a loud sigh before ripping the piece of paper in half. 
The highly unlikely potential client gave a sharp intake of breath before standing up abruptly in outrage.
He opened his mouth in retaliation, but Sunggyu waved his angry glare away as he continued, 
“Listen, Mr Choi. I understand that you are perfectly able to afford this case but there is no substantial evidence nor in fact any way that you can win this case.” He stated, simply and direct to the point. 

“I'm willing to pay you. How dare you speak to me like that?” Mr Choi spoke harshly, looking away from the other's unconcerned expression. 

“My office, my profession you require. There are plenty of other lawyers out there why don't you go bother them with you endless amount of money?”  

“B-But you're the best there is.”  

“And I’m glad you know it. With all due respect, if even I say I'm not willing to take your case, no one else out there will.” 

“Have a good day, sir.” Sunggyu said as he grabbed another file from his stack and opened it, disregarding the fuming man standing in front of him.
Mr Choi eventually got the hint and grabbed his jacket before storming out of the office doors.
A loud intercom speaker resounded around my office as Dongwoo’s croaky voice carried through the telephone,
“Bit harsh, don’t you reckon, Boss?”
“That’s what he gets for thinking he can uphold a divorce case with the defense of negligence.” Sunggyu laughed, as he picked up a pen to sign his name at the bottom of an important case.  

Kim Sunggyu, 

Junior partner of Shim & Kim.    



It was a couple of minutes before four in the afternoon that Sunggyu grabbed his brief case, and put on his suit jacket in preparation to finish up in the office.
Dongwoo was dozing off at his computer, having gone through his pile of documents for the day. 
Even though this brat was casual and annoyed the older to no end, he was one of Sunggyu's closest friends, and he was efficient in getting his work done.

Sunggyu punched Dongwoo in the arm and he groaned in pain as he rubbed at his eyes. 
“Time to go home, Dongwoo.” The older said as he laughed at his assistant's blank expression turn dramatically into a face of excitement.

He shut off his computer and packed up his bag all within a couple of seconds and met Sunggyu at the elevator. 

If there was anything more that Dongwoo could do efficiently, it was definitely, packing up to go home.
“Oh yeah, Sunggyu, I mean Boss, I mean, er you know what I mean.” He struggled to find the right name to refer to Sunggyu. 

Office hours were strictly ‘boss’, and afterwards he was free to call the older whatever he wanted. 
Sunggyu liked to keep business strictly business and to not let it meddle with any of his personal life. 
It was just easier that way. 

“The big boss wants to see you tomorrow, something about another case.” He mumbled as he looked around for his phone, slightly panicking as he could not find it for a second.

Sunggyu pointed at his suit pocket and Dongwoo felt for it immediately, sighing in relief as he looked at him with a cheeky smile.

“Oops.” He muttered, fumbling on his phone to send a text message.

“Got a date tonight?” Sunggyu asked him, as the pair entered the metal doors and reached for the ground floor button.

“Yep. This chick I met at the club.”

“I thought you were more male orientated, Dongwoo.”

“Oh I am, but it doesn’t hurt to explore my options once in a while.” He smiled mischievously at his boss.

“How about you Boss. When was the last time you got laid?” He lightly punched Sunggyu in the arm.

“For your information, last night.” Sunggyu said with a low chuckle.

“Yeah, right, of course, who wouldn’t want to have the ‘time of their lives’ with Seoul’s hottest and best lawyer of all time?” Dongwoo laughed, his contagious smile affecting the other.

“Please, you know they just want it for the thrill. There’s nothing more out of it.” Sunggyu told him with a smug smile.

“Yeah, but that’s exactly what you want right?”

“No strings attached?” Dongwoo looked at the other with a smirk.


“Yeah. No strings attached.” Sunggyu answered him, with a slight look of uncertainty.


It had been years since Sunggyu had been in a stable relationship. The last time was with a guy from studying at Harvard law, and the one before that probably went back to high school with this cheerleader whom he couldn’t even carry a sane conversation with. Relationships just got in the way of studying, Sunggyu had to travel from places, had high study contact hours, and there was just that tying down aspect which kept from having a normal social life. His ex got too clingy, and way too easily jealous, which he could not stand at all. Let alone the fact that he studied fashion. It was a joke even to begin with, Sunggyu smiled bitterly to himself, as he thought back to his previous failed relationships.


A loud ding rang throughout the metal compartment and the doors opened, revealing a large outflow of suited businessmen, who too, were going home from a hard day at work. Many Sunggyu nodded to in acknowledgement and some he smiled briefly to. He saw his boss, yeah the , come towards him, and he immediately patted Dongwoo on the shoulder before rushing into the crowd.


Having successfully shaken his boss of his tail, Sunggyu walked towards his black Maserati GranCabrio with a smirk and headed towards the direction of his sister’s house, mentally noting to himself to stop by the supermarket to grab some ingredients for dinner.

He glanced at the small red packaged box, complete with a pink ribbon, which was seated on the passenger seat. He had bought his six year old niece a little something that would make her smile for ages.


I’m sure she’ll love it, He thought to himself with a smile before pulling out of the carpark.




so sorry about the late chapter! it's a bit different from my usual fluff, gyu's older and more arrogant than we're used to huh? ;)just let me know!

hope you like the first chapter :)

i promise i'll focus much more on this after Matcha finishes :)

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Woah guys, it's nearly the first anniversary of this fic!?!!


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699 streak #1
Chapter 1: Been putting this offto read since it’s unfinished but i started reading it now ☺️
Chapter 9: Nice nice..
Good story authornim, looking forward for the rest <3
Piou0102 #3
Chapter 9: I just found this story and read it all in one go... It's really great, I love it! :D I'm really looking forward to knowing what more secrets are buried there... :3
Please, do finish this author-nim! Fighting! ^^
I just found this story and i love it!!
faith3_13 #5
Chapter 9: Great update. A lawyer's job is hard.
Chapter 9: Thank u for your update! I luv it (as expected) hehehe
Chapter 9: It always amazes me how a person can defend a murderer or child abuser when he knows what did. You eventually become a monster yourself.
Kpopcorn37 #8
Chapter 8: Ahh. Just started reading and subscribed to this. This is such a good fic. please finish it up ^^
Chapter 8: The story seems reaaaaaly promising and it's written in just the way i like! So please don't discontinue it ok??? I start loving it alreadyyyy. Waiting for ya authornim :x
Chapter 8: Please, don't stop writing it. I like it so much ^^