Taengoo has come back wearing short dresses and fake hair extensions.

Park Jungsoo is a Devil With Good Looks


I watched the love sick puppies in front me, feeding each other fruit. I swear I felt like puking. I cleared my throat to get their attention, and both dropped the pieces of fruit they were holding. For a minute we stood there in awkward silence until I cleared my throat again.

"Sooo, what are we going to do for our project?" I wasn't the smartest, but I still cared about projects and things. One thing I did not care for was the whispering going on right before my eyes. I know they're a couple, but they should at least share their ideas. Leeteuk noticed my stern glare, and finally spoke up. 

"Sora was thinking about making a volcano."

I snorted. "A volcano? That's the oldest trick in the book. I'm sure there's gonna be a table full of those, and ours is just gonna be added to that table."

"No, but it won't be just any volcano, it'll be, umm, a magical volcano!" Sora suggested. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't impressed with her idea at all, but apparently Leeteuk was because he was congratulating her with a big bear hug. The two looked at me with hopeful eyes, but I just listed ideas in my notebook. Then it went back to the fruit feeding. I sighed before standing up to leave. A hand grabbed me from behind. I turned around to see it was Leeteuk.

"Taeyeon, I'm really grateful that you're taking the whole dating thing good. Thank you." I nodded before heading out. The truth was I didn't take the dating thing good. In fact, I couldn't take it at all, but I just hid the pain. Every night, I laid in bed wondering about love. So I decided to observe it by watching the relationship between Leeteuk and Sora, and that's when the pain started. "Curiosity killed that cat" in this case it killed Taeyeon.


"Taeyeon are you really going to take this?" Jessica looked at me, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah I guess so." My cold reply made both Tiffany and Jessica shiver. "What happened to the old Taeyeon? Warrior Taeyeon? Gladiator Taeyeon? You can't just give up without a fight!" This time it was Tiffany, raising her fists, excitement flooding out of her eyes. What Jessica and Tiffany were saying was true. I had to fight for what I wanted. After all, for there to be peace there must first be war.



Everything was going great, at first. Then suddenly Taeyeon started wearing glittery dresses, and high heels again. That wasn't all, she would occassionally brush her 'bottom' against my hand. Just yesterday she was batting her fake eyelashes at me. I prefer the 'oversized shirt with patched up jeans' Taeyeon rather than the ty one. While we were researching for our project, I swear I heard Taeyeon yelling at Sora while I was getting us water. That's when I realized the timid, calm Taeyeon was no longer there, and that the old fighter Taengoo has come back and she returned wearing short dresses and fake hair extensions.


It was Friday when bad news struck me. Sora approached me with red puffy eyes, indicating that she had been crying for a while. It worried me, did something bad happen?    

"Sora, what's wrong?" I pulled her into a hug hoping that her sniffles would stop. Muffled words were coming out of , but all I could make out of it was "I've been thinking about this lately," She was uncomfortable, I could tell. "What's bothering you Sora?" I gently kissed her forehead, hoping she would calm down. Suddenly, Sora pulled out of my embrace and stared at me with looks of hurt and regret. "We need to break up." My smile faded with the hopes of cheering her up fading with it. She walked away without a single good bye, while I remained in place, I couldn't move or chase after her in my current state of shock. She was gone, forever. 


I didn't take the whole break up thing well. I just stayed home all day, not bothering to go to school. I guess this was the feeling of heartbreak. Now I know how Taeyeon felt. If Taeyeon still 'felt'. I don't know how she could feel in her current killer high heel status, because if it was me, all I would feel is physical pain.



Leeteuk and Sora broke up, huh? A tint of me felt sad, but the rest filled with joy and happiness. I know it wasn't good to feed off of other's sorrows, but I couldn't help it, everything was turning out perfect this week. I turned in my self accomplished project and got an A. Leeteuk confessed to me that he hated my ty state, which means I won't have anymore blisters. And something even greater came up for our relationship. Me and Leeteuk held hands! Yeah I know, it's not something I should get excited for compared to the face couples I see in the street often, but it's still something. And I swore there were sparks. Love is finally happening yes! After all, a small spark makes a great fire.


A/N: Double update yeaaaaaah! I tried to make this chapter better, but I couldn't ;w; /bows down/ 

But guise, thanks for the comments that I haven't been replying to! xD I promise I'll answer back tho c: Dang I promise to much D:

I don't think anyone reads this story anymore, but I just have to say to the few readers out there that YOU ARE PERFECT ;w; Thanks you for reading this terribly plotted story <333 

Oh well, gotta go for now, have like 4 other stories to update xD 

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bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i hate this story so much hahahahahaha


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Chapter 1: please update soon
soshilove5 #2
Update soon! :)
sea0horse #3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! Sooyoung daebak!
AngelCloud #4
simple chapters but i like it
that's why i become your subscriber^^
yeah sooyoung!
Wow.. Sora was evil? Didn't see that coming. ._. I see where she's coming from but that's so.. I can't find words to describe it. but aaaa sooyoung was in this chapter how great. ;; i love sooyoung
So many questions that need to be answered!!! Update soon please =)
oh i get it and I dont have a clue on wat sooyoung did but PLS UPDATE SOON!!
wahahaha...she's evil..
koutaroux #9
Sora is evil!!! I dun get the last thing Sooyoung said…