Birthday Present [Short]

The Rest is up to You

This was something I wrote for my Creative Writing class, so I thought that I might share it with you guys. 


(My friends complained that it was too sad.....)



Birthday Present

The day of my beloved's birthday was nearing.

Which meant that I had to buy her a present, so to save myself some time, I just asked her what she wanted this year.

I told her that it had to be something meaningful and thoughtful.

Her reply was short. "Anything that holds sentimental value would do just fine" she said with a smile.

I nodded in response and accepted the answer that did not seem to help at all.

Walking back home, I began to brainstorm a list of possible gift ideas, however I encountered a major problem that stopped me in my tracks.



I realized that I was no longer of this world. 



So yea....thats all......the criteria for my creative writing class was that the story had to be less than 200 words....

This story was 113 words.

Tell me what you think :)

P.S if you didnt know, i have another story called "The Double Sided Life I Live" starring you and snsd Check it out when you have the time!!


P.P.S this story was changed a bit before I put it here

Anyways, until next time!!


-ShadowKnight Out-

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Chapter 7: Okay I love the bulletproof chapter
Chapter 4: I crai every chapter because there's no continuation and I'm lazy to think however I won't unsub this dont worry lol
acinorev #3
Chapter 5: Lol Ty,, I love it.. <3
Chapter 3: OMG~ Ty! You are awesome!!! :D
Terima kasih banyak-banyak! ^^
I really appreciate it!
EMT0304 #5
I read and read, then think seem each chap is different.
Thats one y poster LOL XDDD

Lol sorry ><
I'm proud of this even though I messed up like 10 times x3
cliff hangers.....
Dunnie!!!!! I howpe u can update!!!
Claire bear wiww be waiting :3

Bye bye ^^