
The Rest is up to You


A simple four letter word.

Yet this simple four letter word binds two people together and brings happiness to one another.


"I love you"

A simple three word sentence.

Yet it bring overwhelming joy your loved one and brings even more joy if your partner says it back.


It was the future.

But it wasn’t as we expected it to be.

The world was in complete ruins, people now spend their daily lives searching and fighting over materials needed for survival.

This all happened because a deadly virus broke out approximately 25 years ago, and it quickly consumed the world and brought destruction.

The government, military and the economy …

Everything the people worked so hard for was brought down in a matter of 5 years.

Reducing the people to mere savages… monsters that would give anything to just continue living.

"Survival of the Fittest" they say, and this applied now… the complete 100% of every word.

Taeyeon and Tiffany spend their days living in an secret underground cave, a place they now called home.

Spending the day looking for food and materials and the night enjoying one another's company.

They weren't like the others, the pair didn’t fight over materials with other people.

It was a very generous trait, but it costs them.

Sometimes they would go a day or two without supplies, but they didn’t complain because they had each other.

They lived like this for a while and it was nice.

Until one day Tiffany started to notice that her stamina was decreasing and that she would sometimes feel very sick.

She didn’t bother to tell Taeyeon.


She was afraid, she was scared that Taeyeon would overwork herself to find medication and supplies for the both of them.

Tiffany knew that if Taeyeon found out, she wouldn’t want Tiffany to participate in their daily searches and to just stay home and rest.

Tiffany didn’t want that.

She wanted to spend her time with Taeyeon and helping her as much as she could, knowing that her petite hubby couldn’t do so many things alone.

So, she kept her symptoms a secret.


And sure enough, day by day, the symptoms got worse.

Tiffany would not constantly feel feverish and sometimes, SOMETIMES, when Taeyeon wasn’t looking, she would cough up some blood.

Tiffany knew that she had caught the deadly virus and that the virus was starting to take over her body at a rapid rate.

Yet she still didn’t tell Taeyeon.

She was still worried.


"Fany?" Taeyeon said quietly


"Yes TaeTae?" Fany replied trying the best she could to sound normal


"You don’t looks so good… and I've noticed that you haven't really been yourself lately. Is everything okay?"


"Everything is okay here, no need to worry" Fany said as she gave her hubby a heartwarming eyesmile


 "Okay then, tell me if you are ever tired. Remember, we got to keep our energy up so that we will never get sick and so that we can spend our lives together" Taeyeon said as she gave Fany a thumbs up and a dorky grin.


It was always like this whenever Taeyeon asked Fany if she was alright.


That is, until one day Fany fainted nearby Taeyeon as they went scavenging through an old supermarket for supplies.


"FANY!!" Taeyeon said as she dropped everything in her arms and immediately ran over to her.


Kneeling by her side, Taeyeon began to sob quietly. Tears slowly falling down her cheek as she held Tiffany in her arms.


"TaeTae… Don't cry. I'm sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but trust me…its not as bad as it looks, so smile okay? All we have to do if find a medibox and everything will go back to normal" Fany said quietly as she rested in her lovers arms.


Mediboxes…They contain the antidote to this deadly virus that slowly eats away a person's life. Each medibox contains one syringe full of the antidote and can only be used completely for one person.

You must be wondering by now why the people did not mass produce this antidote, it was because after the virus broke out, the scientist began research for it and it took 4 years, using the last year to finally produce a limited amount before the scientists themselves had their own life taken trying to save others.


An item so rare…Where was Taeyeon going to find one?



Taeyeon and Tiffany then spent the next few days trying to find a medibox.


Correction, Taeyeon spent the next few days trying to find a medibox as Tiffany just sat around near Taeyeon keeping her company as she looked for the cure.

Taeyeon insisted that Tiffany stay at home to rest instead of coming out knowing that it must be tiring to walk around and get up every time they move to a new place to look for supplies.

However, Tiffany didn’t want to leave Taeyeon alone. She also knew that her time was coming and she wanted to spend her time with Taeyeon.

Memorizing every detail about her lover even though she knew it all already.



Finally one day, as the sun was slowly rising.

Taeyeon saw something shine in the distant.

"FANY!! LOOK!! A MEDIBOX !! YOU CAN NOW BE CURED!" Taeyeon screamed and pointed at it with a largest smile ever seen on a human's face.

"Haha TaeTae, I guess we got lucky" Fany weakly said.

Truth be told, Tiffany knew that she didn't have much longer… It was going to end today.

She watched as Taeyeon ran to the box, picked up and was running her way back.

"Tae" Fany said slowly as she struggled to talk while keeping herself sitting up "You know, I love you."

The sun slowly came up behind Tiffany.

Taeyeon smiled back when she saw the eyesmiles she has learned to love so much appearing on her lovers face.

Just then, the sun's light hit Taeyeon's eyes.

It was really bright

Taeyeon momentarily shut her eyes to wait for her eyes to adjust to the sunlight.

It only took a minute, but she still kept on running.

Then Taeyeon stopped and opened her eyes only to see a beautiful sunrise and Tiffany missing from her position.

At that moment, she saw a note neatly written on the cement with the dust that had gathered everywhere.

Beside the clean area Tiffany was last seen sitting at were the words "I love you and I'm sorry"











Sry if this update seemed crappy......I written it earlier and left the ending unwritten until just now.....

BTW if you guys didn't know, I started a new story!! So check it out when you can!!!

I'll still update this when I have good idea in mind.....just takes some time.... so yea....


hope you guys liked it!!

Dont forget to comment, subscribe and upvote (if you want)


Seeya next time!!!

-ShadowKnight Out-


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Chapter 7: Okay I love the bulletproof chapter
Chapter 4: I crai every chapter because there's no continuation and I'm lazy to think however I won't unsub this dont worry lol
acinorev #3
Chapter 5: Lol Ty,, I love it.. <3
Chapter 3: OMG~ Ty! You are awesome!!! :D
Terima kasih banyak-banyak! ^^
I really appreciate it!
EMT0304 #5
I read and read, then think seem each chap is different.
Thats one y poster LOL XDDD

Lol sorry ><
I'm proud of this even though I messed up like 10 times x3
cliff hangers.....
Dunnie!!!!! I howpe u can update!!!
Claire bear wiww be waiting :3

Bye bye ^^