In Mid Air

The Rest is up to You


Taeyeon’s POV


It was bright and sunny afternoon as Tiffany and I were in the Incheon International Airport waiting to board our plane.


We were headed to Malaysia.


It has been a long time since Tiffany and I spent a vacation together.


We worked as photographers for a landscaping business, so we usually had no time to go on vacation. We spent our days traveling to different parts of Korea to capture unique and exotic scenery for landscaping businesses to use when designing a garden.


Our job was fun, but it was very tiring. However it all paid off as we were finally able to go on our vacation together.


No distractions, no naggy bosses, just beautiful scenery and our love to enjoy~


We finally reached our destination after a few hours on the plane.


Tiffany and I walked out of the arrival hall slowly and took some time to look around us and take in the new surroundings. (even though it was only an airport)


We waited outside for our taxi to arrive and as we waited we took turns taking photos and selcas. About 10 minutes later, our taxi had finally arrived and we then packed our things into the trunk and got into the taxi.


Our hotel was in K.L. It was a 5 star hotel called Soshi Hotel. Our friends recommended it to us when we told them where we were going.


The whole ride was quiet except for the occasional "Look TaeTae!!!! Its sooo pretty~~~ the flowers are pink!"


My eyesmiling princess tapped or shook my shoulders every time she saw something pink.


I didn’t mind. Anything that made her happy, made me happy too. Her sincere personality and love was all I needed. Even hearing her voice would just make my day. Having her by my side just made me the happiest person on earth.


Arriving at the hotel, we went straight to the check in counter and got the passes to our room.


DDDIIIINNNNNGGGGGGG the door made the sound as the light turned green which signaled me to open the door.


Right after I opened the door, Tiffany rushed in.


Dropping her luggage and everything she had in her hands, she stood in awe in front of the large windows that were in front of us.


I picked up her things and put them aside.


After cleaning up her mess, I stood beside her.


I understood what she was looking at.


The view of K.L. from our hotel room was amazing. The Twin Tower and the K.L tower could be seen clearly from this glass window.


I had to admit, the view was pretty, but nothing could beat Tiffany's beauty. NOTHING in the world could ever top Tiffany's perfection.


Instead of staring out the window in amazement like Tiffany did, I diverted my attention to her instead.


I know it may have seemed creepy at the time, but I could not help myself. My eyes were just longing to have Tiffany in view.


She was just so perfect, and I was lucky to have her.


A few hours later (after unpacking and re-organizing), Tiffany decided to go to the K.L tower to get a better look at Malaysia's scenery.


"Taengoooooooooooo~~~~~~" Tiffany teased as she called my name


"Yesh? Mah Ppany Ppany Tippany?" I replied, using a deep resonating voice


"Ewww don’t use that voice, its creepy. I wanna go to the K.L tower~ I want to see more of Malaysia's landscape. Besides I wanna see if there is a good place we can go to on our honeymoon trip"


"Arraso, we shall gooooo now~~~ Kaja!" I said as we marched out of the room like a dork.






It didn’t take long for us to get there as K.L tower was just across the street.


We stopped at the bottom of this towering building.


"DAEBAK~ TaeTae~~~~ look at how tall this building is! Not even a hundred of you will reach the height of this building.." Fany said to me as she giggled.


"Yahhhhhhh~~ don’t make fun of me, I'm not short, I'm fun sized~" I said as I hit her arm playfully.


"whatever you say……dork~" Tiffany whispered as she ran away


I chased her around the building trying to catch her for revenge. I really didn’t care that all the people were looking at us funny. This was my vacation to enjoy and I will make the most of it whenever possible. After all, we are the a dorky couple.


After about half an hour of chasing her around, we both sat at a nearby bench to catch our breath.


Feeling a lot better after chasing a certain silly princess around, we decided to finally go up the K.L tower to admire the scenery of Malaysia.








Reaching the top of the tower, we quickly walked to the nearest window and glued our faces to it.


Malaysia was just so beautiful.


We both stood in awe in front of the view ahead of us.


We walked a full circle around the viewing area and took mental notes on ideas we could use for landscaping.


We may be on vacation, but our job calls for constant useable ideas. So, in a way, we can never actually get away from work.





Close by, a baby dropped his rattle and it landed near our feet. I was about to pick it up for the baby, but just then, a gunshot ran through the air.

I stood straight up and felt Fany's hand slip into mine.


I held her hand with a firm grip, I was ready to save her from any harm.


I looked at Fany's expression. the words worry and scared was plastered all over her face.


Strangely, I felt no worry…I was not scared. I was ready.



The thug walked towards our section of the view area.





Right after he stated his demand, he showed that he was not afraid of using the gun by aiming it at us and firing.


Fany and I instinctively ducked and hugged each other for dear life.


The window behind us shattered. We were frozen in fear for a few minutes.


Below, at ground level, we could hear screams and people tried to avoid the glass falling down, and we could also hear the sirens of the police gathering at the bottom of the K.L tower.


After getting over the fear of the shattered window, Fany and I slowly stood up and tried to distance ourselves from the open window.


BUT, as Fany was moving sideways, she stepped on the rattle and fell backwards into the open window.


"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Fany screamed as she hung on to the edge of the tower for dear life.


I grabbed both of her hands and tried to pull her up. It was no use, I could only hold on to her until help arrived.


I looked behind my shoulder to see if the thug was still around our area, he was gone, for now……


Then I turned my attention back to my love, I could see tears streaming out of her eyes as started to cry.


Below, I could see the bystanders pointing up at us and the police and the fire department getting the safe landing cushion set up.

My hands began sweat and I was losing my grip.


I didn’t want to let go, I couldn’t. I never will.


As our hands were slipping, I looked at Tiffany with my tears falling and landing on her face.


"Its okay TaeTae, I will be okay."

"You know I love you" Fany said calmly.


It was then, her hands slipped and she began to fall….


The safety cushion was almost totally inflated.


I hope that it would catch her in time.


But I could worry about that…….


All I remember before I out from grief were her words.


"I love you"















OKAY~~ so here is another chapter~ I am soo srorry that i have not updated in so long. Iwas busy......but i sacrificed my sleep and my aching arm to write you guys a new excuse the rush and the crappy plot.Hope you like it though.

This story is dedicated to my Malaysian friend. SK~~


-shadow out-

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Chapter 7: Okay I love the bulletproof chapter
Chapter 4: I crai every chapter because there's no continuation and I'm lazy to think however I won't unsub this dont worry lol
acinorev #3
Chapter 5: Lol Ty,, I love it.. <3
Chapter 3: OMG~ Ty! You are awesome!!! :D
Terima kasih banyak-banyak! ^^
I really appreciate it!
EMT0304 #5
I read and read, then think seem each chap is different.
Thats one y poster LOL XDDD

Lol sorry ><
I'm proud of this even though I messed up like 10 times x3
cliff hangers.....
Dunnie!!!!! I howpe u can update!!!
Claire bear wiww be waiting :3

Bye bye ^^