He is my son's FATHER?!?!

When Hyunjoong came back, i tried to act normal...but it wasnt easy.

"Youre....back...~" i said welcoming

He looked at me weirdly and went into the kitchen. Something hard stood there in my heart.

something i couldnt understand. It was alright if he had a girl.... alright...wasnt it?

i breathed air in slowly and tried to hold back myself from asking him.

Following, him outside the kitchen i tried to act normal. I asked how his day was...who he was with but his answers were shor

"None of your business"


As cold as usual.. i wonder if he ever smiled warmly to a girl.




The next morning i got out of bed but felt my head aching. Touching my forehead i felt the burning and realised

i had a fever. Swearing to myself i got out of the bed and went in the kitchen.

wearily i got breakfast ready but i felt very weak and tired

"Hey! Is breakfast ready?" Hyungjoon asked as he came up from behind.

"ye..yeh" i replied as i felt my legs loosing strength.
"you ok?" he asked looking worried but remaining emotionless

I nodded but as i turned back i fell into a sudden darkness



As usual i walked the path i did everyday. I was going to Milly's house but for some reason the rain poured down like it was never going to stop. I waited for the lights to turn greed. pulling my umbrella closer to me, i heard someone run past me into the busy street. But the lights didnt change to red! i tried to stop whoever it was but too late. She ran chasing a child who was also running to catch his soccer ball, the car drove straight towards the child. Next thing i see is a lady hugging the child in protection. In horror, people whispered but no one helped. The child seemed fine. He stood up and stared at the lady in horror. He called for her "mommy......". but it was no use. The red blood stains was evident of her death. I ran for the child and covered his eyes and wept beside him...not because of the sadness but because this reminded me of someone special i also lost. I looked at the woman's face................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"AHHH!" i woke up and felt my head drumming.

"here" i heard hyungjoon say as he handed me the cup of water but i sat there dazed.



Laeyi's mother....i remembered her face.... i couldnt believe it! .....it was the girl in hyungjoon's purse,












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o: what's gonna happen next? D: update! :3
nwatanabe #2
update!<br />
OMO. so they met again >.<<br />
jeez, i wish hyunjooong saw them but instead, she saw hyunjoong with another girl which ruined her mood. hmp.<br />
Update sooN! ♥
hyomin...his wife I knew it<br />
hyorin just a twin rite?<br />
<br />
YukiMary #5
WHAT?! The H?! OmG! >.< <br />
<br />
Update sooN~~~ ^^
Gosh. They are both dating other ppl :/<br />
Update soon~! ♥
YukiMary #7
What with Hyunjoong?! He with another girl?!!! Update soon~~~ ^^
mrsb2st #8
What is up with them?!?!? Why do they hate each other so bad?
kminjii #9
ooohhh... Hyun Joog with other girl???<br />
who is that? Hyo Rin????????